// ==UserScript==
// @name 阿里云盘资源直下助手
// @namespace aliyunpanzhushou
// @version 2.7
// @author GreasyFork
// @description 【最新解析方便快捷】阿里云盘网页版,登录后直接下载资源,免开启客户端。支持直接下载和极速下载
// @match *://www.aliyundrive.com/s/*
// @match *://www.aliyundrive.com/drive*
// @require https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/jquery.min.js
// @require https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/sweetalert2.all.min.js
// @require https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/build/md5.min.js
// @connect aliyundrive.com
// @connect jkpai.jiulvmusic.com
// @connect localhost
// @connect *
// @run-at document-idle
// @grant unsafeWindow
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant GM_setClipboard
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_openInTab
// @grant GM_info
// @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant GM_cookie
// @license AGPL
// @antifeature referral-link 【此提示为GreasyFork代码规范要求含有查券功能的脚本必须添加,实际使用无任何强制跳转,代码可查,请知悉】
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
// Your code here...
let pt = '',
selectList = [],
params = {},
mode = '',
width = 800,
pan = {},
color = '',
doc = $(document),
progress = {},
request = {},
ins = {},
idm = {};
const customClass = {
popup: 'pl-popup',
header: 'pl-header',
title: 'pl-title',
closeButton: 'pl-close',
content: 'pl-content',
input: 'pl-input',
footer: 'pl-footer'
const terminalType = {
wc: "Windows CMD",
wp: "Windows PowerShell",
lt: "Linux 终端",
ls: "Linux Shell",
mt: "MacOS 终端",
let toast = Swal.mixin({
toast: true,
position: 'top',
showConfirmButton: false,
timer: 3500,
timerProgressBar: false,
didOpen: (toast) => {
toast.addEventListener('mouseenter', Swal.stopTimer);
toast.addEventListener('mouseleave', Swal.resumeTimer);
const message = {
success: (text) => {
title: text,
icon: 'success'
error: (text) => {
title: text,
icon: 'error'
warning: (text) => {
title: text,
icon: 'warning'
info: (text) => {
title: text,
icon: 'info'
question: (text) => {
title: text,
icon: 'question'
let base = {
getCookie(name) {
let arr = document.cookie.replace(/\s/g, "").split(';');
for (let i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; i++) {
let tempArr = arr[i].split('=');
if (tempArr[0] === name) {
return decodeURIComponent(tempArr[1]);
return '';
isType(obj) {
return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj).replace(/^\[object (.+)\]$/, '$1').toLowerCase();
getValue(name) {
return GM_getValue(name);
setValue(name, value) {
GM_setValue(name, value);
getStorage(key) {
try {
return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(key));
} catch (e) {
return localStorage.getItem(key);
setStorage(key, value) {
if (this.isType(value) === 'object' || this.isType(value) === 'array') {
return localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value));
return localStorage.setItem(key, value);
setClipboard(text) {
GM_setClipboard(text, 'text');
e(str) {
return btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(str)));
d(str) {
return decodeURIComponent(escape(atob(str)));
getExtension(name) {
const reg = /(?!\.)\w+$/;
if (reg.test(name)) {
let match = name.match(reg);
return match[0].toUpperCase();
return '';
sizeFormat(value) {
if (value === +value) {
let unit = ["B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB"];
let index = Math.floor(Math.log(value) / Math.log(1024));
let size = value / Math.pow(1024, index);
size = size.toFixed(1);
return size + unit[index];
return '';
sortByName(arr) {
const handle = () => {
return (a, b) => {
const p1 = a.filename ? a.filename : a.server_filename;
const p2 = b.filename ? b.filename : b.server_filename;
return p1.localeCompare(p2, "zh-CN");
fixFilename(name) {
return name.replace(/[!?&|`"'*\/:<>\\]/g, '_');
blobDownload(blob, filename) {
if (blob instanceof Blob) {
const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
const a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = url;
a.download = filename;
post(url, data, headers, type) {
if (this.isType(data) === 'object') {
data = JSON.stringify(data);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
method: "POST",
responseType: type || 'json',
onload: (res) => {
type === 'blob' ? resolve(res) : resolve(res.response || res.responseText);
onerror: (err) => {
get(url, headers, type, extra) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let requestObj = GM_xmlhttpRequest({
method: "GET",
responseType: type || 'json',
onload: (res) => {
if (res.status === 204) {
idm[extra.index] = true;
if (type === 'blob') {
res.status === 200 && base.blobDownload(res.response, extra.filename);
} else {
resolve(res.response || res.responseText);
onprogress: (res) => {
if (extra && extra.filename && extra.index) {
res.total > 0 ? progress[extra.index] = (res.loaded * 100 / res.total).toFixed(2) : progress[extra.index] = 0.00;
onloadstart() {
extra && extra.filename && extra.index && (request[extra.index] = requestObj);
onerror: (err) => {
getFinalUrl(url, headers) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let requestObj = GM_xmlhttpRequest({
method: "GET",
onload: (res) => {
onerror: (err) => {
addStyle(id, tag, css) {
tag = tag || 'style';
let doc = document,
styleDom = doc.getElementById(id);
if (styleDom) return;
let style = doc.createElement(tag);
style.rel = 'stylesheet';
style.id = id;
tag === 'style' ? style.innerHTML = css : style.href = css;
sleep(time) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, time));
findReact(dom, traverseUp = 0) {
const key = Object.keys(dom).find(key => {
return key.startsWith("__reactFiber$") ||
const domFiber = dom[key];
if (domFiber == null) return null;
if (domFiber._currentElement) {
let compFiber = domFiber._currentElement._owner;
for (let i = 0; i < traverseUp; i++) {
compFiber = compFiber._currentElement._owner;
return compFiber._instance;
const GetCompFiber = fiber => {
let parentFiber = fiber.return;
while (typeof parentFiber.type == "string") {
parentFiber = parentFiber.return;
return parentFiber;
let compFiber = GetCompFiber(domFiber);
for (let i = 0; i < traverseUp; i++) {
compFiber = GetCompFiber(compFiber);
return compFiber.stateNode || compFiber;
initDefaultConfig() {
let value = [{
name: 'setting_rpc_domain',
value: 'http://localhost'
}, {
name: 'setting_rpc_port',
value: '16800'
}, {
name: 'setting_rpc_path',
value: '/jsonrpc'
}, {
name: 'setting_rpc_token',
value: ''
}, {
name: 'setting_rpc_dir',
value: 'D:'
}, {
name: 'setting_terminal_type',
value: 'wc'
}, {
name: 'setting_theme_color',
value: '#09AAFF'
}, {
name: 'setting_init_code',
value: ''
value.forEach((v) => {
base.getValue(v.name) === undefined && base.setValue(v.name, v.value);
showSetting() {
let dom = '',
btn = '',
colorList = ['#09AAFF', '#cc3235', '#526efa', '#518c17', '#ed944b', '#f969a5', '#bca280'];
dom += `<label class="pl-setting-label"><div class="pl-label">RPC主机</div><input type="text" placeholder="主机地址,需带上http(s)://" class="pl-input listener-domain" value="${base.getValue('setting_rpc_domain')}"></label>`;
dom += `<label class="pl-setting-label"><div class="pl-label">RPC端口</div><input type="text" placeholder="端口号,例如:Motrix为16800" class="pl-input listener-port" value="${base.getValue('setting_rpc_port')}"></label>`;
dom += `<label class="pl-setting-label"><div class="pl-label">RPC路径</div><input type="text" placeholder="路径,默认为/jsonrpc" class="pl-input listener-path" value="${base.getValue('setting_rpc_path')}"></label>`;
dom += `<label class="pl-setting-label"><div class="pl-label">RPC密钥</div><input type="text" placeholder="无密钥无需填写" class="pl-input listener-token" value="${base.getValue('setting_rpc_token')}"></label>`;
dom += `<label class="pl-setting-label"><div class="pl-label">保存路径</div><input type="text" placeholder="文件下载后保存路径,例如:D:" class="pl-input listener-dir" value="${base.getValue('setting_rpc_dir')}"></label>`;
colorList.forEach((v) => {
btn += `<div data-color="${v}" style="background: ${v};border: 1px solid ${v}" class="pl-color-box listener-color ${v === base.getValue('setting_theme_color') ? 'checked' : ''}"></div>`;
dom += `<label class="pl-setting-label"><div class="pl-label">终端类型</div><select class="pl-input listener-terminal">`;
Object.keys(terminalType).forEach(k => {
dom += `<option value="${k}" ${base.getValue('setting_terminal_type') === k ? 'selected' : ''}>${terminalType[k]}</option>`;
dom += `</select></label>`;
dom += `<label class="pl-setting-label"><div class="pl-label">主题颜色</div> <div class="pl-color">${btn}<div></label>`;
dom = '<div>' + dom + '</div>';
title: '助手配置',
html: dom,
icon: 'info',
showCloseButton: true,
showConfirmButton: false,
footer: pan.footer,
}).then(() => {
doc.on('click', '.listener-color', async (e) => {
base.setValue('setting_theme_color', e.target.dataset.color);
doc.on('input', '.listener-domain', async (e) => {
base.setValue('setting_rpc_domain', e.target.value);
doc.on('input', '.listener-port', async (e) => {
base.setValue('setting_rpc_port', e.target.value);
doc.on('input', '.listener-path', async (e) => {
base.setValue('setting_rpc_path', e.target.value);
doc.on('input', '.listener-token', async (e) => {
base.setValue('setting_rpc_token', e.target.value);
doc.on('input', '.listener-dir', async (e) => {
base.setValue('setting_rpc_dir', e.target.value);
doc.on('change', '.listener-terminal', async (e) => {
base.setValue('setting_terminal_type', e.target.value);
registerMenuCommand() {
GM_registerMenuCommand('⚙️ 设置', () => {
createTip() {
$('body').append('<div class="pl-tooltip"></div>');
doc.on('mouseenter mouseleave', '.listener-tip', (e) => {
if (e.type === 'mouseenter') {
let filename = e.currentTarget.innerText;
let size = e.currentTarget.dataset.size;
let tip = `${filename}<span style="margin-left: 10px;color: #f56c6c;">${size}</span>`;
opacity: '0.5'
'left': e.pageX + 10 + 'px',
'top': e.pageY - e.currentTarget.offsetTop > 14 ? e.pageY + 'px' : e.pageY + 20 + 'px'
} else {
opacity: '1'
createLoading() {
return $('<div class="pl-loading"><div class="pl-loading-box"><div><div></div><div></div></div></div></div>');
createDownloadIframe() {
let $div = $('<div style="padding:0;margin:0;display:block"></div>');
let $iframe = $('<iframe src="javascript:;" id="downloadIframe" style="display:none"></iframe>');
getMirrorList(link, mirror, thread = 2) {
let host = new URL(link).host;
let mirrors = [];
for (let i = 0; i < mirror.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < thread; j++) {
let item = link.replace(host, mirror[i]) + '&'.repeat(j);
return mirrors.join('\n');
addPanLinkerStyle() {
color = base.getValue('setting_theme_color');
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.pl-button .pl-dropdown-menu { display: none; }
.pl-button:hover .pl-dropdown-menu { display: block!important; }
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@keyframes easeInitOpacity { from { opacity: 0.5; } 50% { opacity: 1 } to { opacity: 0.5; } }
@keyframes easeOpacity { from { opacity: 1; } 50% { opacity: 0.35 } to { opacity: 1; } }
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.pl-extra button { flex: 1}
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.pl-color-box.checked { border:3px dashed #111!important }
.pl-close:focus { outline: 0; box-shadow: none; }
.tag-danger {color:#cc3235;margin: 0 5px;}
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.pl-loading-box div { box-sizing: content-box; }
.swal2-container { z-index:100000!important; }
body.swal2-height-auto { height: inherit!important; }
this.addStyle('panlinker-style', 'style', css);
async initDialog() {
let result = await Swal.fire({
title: pan.init[0],
html: `<div><img style="width: 250px;margin-bottom: 10px;" src="${pan.img}" alt="${pan.img}"><input class="swal2-input" id="init" type="text" placeholder="${pan.init[1]}"></div>`,
allowOutsideClick: false,
showCloseButton: true,
confirmButtonText: '确定'
if (result.isDismissed && result.dismiss === 'close') return;
if (pan.num === $('#init').val()) {
base.setValue('setting_init_code', pan.num);
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1500);
} else {
await Swal.fire({
title: pan.init[3],
text: pan.init[4],
confirmButtonText: '重新输入',
imageUrl: pan.img,
await this.initDialog();
let ali = {
convertLinkToAria(link, filename, ua) {
filename = base.fixFilename(filename);
return encodeURIComponent(`aria2c "${link}" --out "${filename}" --header "Referer: https://www.aliyundrive.com/"`);
convertLinkToBC(link, filename, ua) {
let bc = `AA/${encodeURIComponent(filename)}/?url=${encodeURIComponent(link)}&refer=${encodeURIComponent('https://www.aliyundrive.com/')}ZZ`;
return encodeURIComponent(`bc://http/${base.e(bc)}`);
convertLinkToCurl(link, filename, ua) {
let terminal = base.getValue('setting_terminal_type');
filename = base.fixFilename(filename);
return encodeURIComponent(`${terminal !== 'wp' ? 'curl' : 'curl.exe'} -L -C - "${link}" -o "${filename}" -e "https://www.aliyundrive.com/"`);
addPageListener() {
doc.on('click', '.pl-button-mode', (e) => {
let vtoken = base.getValue('setting_init_code');
if (vtoken) {
mode = e.target.dataset.mode;
return true;
} else {
title: pan.init[0],
text: pan.init[1],
imageUrl: base.d(pan.init[6]),
imageWidth: 300,
imageHeight: 320,
imageAlt: pan.init[2],
animation: false,
input: 'text',
inputAttributes: {
autocapitalize: 'off'
confirmButtonText: pan.init[3],
showLoaderOnConfirm: true,
preConfirm: (code) => {
return fetch(base.d(pan.init[7]) + code)
.then(response => {
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(response.statusText)
return response.json()
.catch(error => {
`Request failed: ${error}`
allowOutsideClick: () => !Swal.isLoading()
}).then((result) => {
if (result.value.type == 'success') {
vtoken = result.value.data;
base.setValue('setting_init_code', vtoken);
mode = e.target.dataset.mode;
return true;
} else {
type: 'error',
title: pan.init[4],
text: pan.init[8],
return false;
doc.on('click', '.listener-link-api', async (e) => {
let dataset = e.currentTarget.dataset;
let href = dataset.link;
let url = await this.getRealLink(dataset.did, dataset.fid);
if (url) href = url;
let d = document.createElement("a");
d.download = e.currentTarget.dataset.filename;
d.rel = "noopener";
d.href = href;
d.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("click"));
doc.on('click', '.listener-link-aria, .listener-copy-all', (e) => {
$(e.target).text('复制成功,快去粘贴吧!').animate({opacity: '0.5'}, "slow");
doc.on('click', '.listener-link-rpc', async (e) => {
let target = $(e.currentTarget);
let res = await this.sendLinkToRPC(e.currentTarget.dataset.filename, e.currentTarget.dataset.link);
if (res === 'success') {
target.removeClass('pl-btn-danger').html('发送成功,快去看看吧!').animate({opacity: '0.5'}, "slow");
} else {
target.addClass('pl-btn-danger').text('发送失败,请检查您的RPC配置信息!').animate({opacity: '0.5'}, "slow");
doc.on('click', '.listener-send-rpc', (e) => {
$(e.target).text('发送完成,发送结果见上方按钮!').animate({opacity: '0.5'}, "slow");
doc.on('click', '.listener-open-setting', () => {
doc.on('click', '.listener-rpc-task', () => {
let rpc = JSON.stringify({
domain: base.getValue('setting_rpc_domain'),
port: base.getValue('setting_rpc_port'),
}), url = `${pan.d}/?rpc=${base.e(rpc)}#${base.getValue('setting_rpc_token')}`;
GM_openInTab(url, {active: true});
async getRealLink(d, f) {
let authorization = `${base.getStorage('token').token_type} ${base.getStorage('token').access_token}`;
let res = await base.post(pan.pcs[1], {
drive_id: d,
file_id: f
}, {
"content-type": "application/json;charset=utf-8",
if (res.url) {
return res.url;
return '';
addChajian() {
if (!pt) return;
let $toolWrap;
let $button = $(`<div class="ali-button pl-button" style="color:#fff;background: #33CC00;border-color:#33CC00" ><svg viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16"><path d="M853.333 938.667H170.667a85.333 85.333 0 0 1-85.334-85.334v-384A85.333 85.333 0 0 1 170.667 384H288a32 32 0 0 1 0 64H170.667a21.333 21.333 0 0 0-21.334 21.333v384a21.333 21.333 0 0 0 21.334 21.334h682.666a21.333 21.333 0 0 0 21.334-21.334v-384A21.333 21.333 0 0 0 853.333 448H736a32 32 0 0 1 0-64h117.333a85.333 85.333 0 0 1 85.334 85.333v384a85.333 85.333 0 0 1-85.334 85.334z" fill="#fff"/><path d="M715.03 543.552a32.81 32.81 0 0 0-46.251 0L554.005 657.813v-540.48a32 32 0 0 0-64 0v539.734L375.893 543.488a32.79 32.79 0 0 0-46.229 0 32.427 32.427 0 0 0 0 46.037l169.557 168.811a32.81 32.81 0 0 0 46.251 0l169.557-168.81a32.47 32.47 0 0 0 0-45.974z" fill="#FF9C00"/></svg><span>快捷助手</span><ul class="pl-dropdown-menu"><li class="pl-dropdown-menu-item pl-button-mode" data-mode="api">直接下载</li><li class="pl-dropdown-menu-item pl-button-mode" data-mode="aria">极速下载</li></ul></div>`);
if (pt === 'home') {
let ins = setInterval(() => {
$toolWrap = $(pan.btn.home);
if ($toolWrap.length > 0) {
}, 50);
if (pt === 'share') {
$button.css({'margin-right': '10px'});
let ins = setInterval(() => {
$toolWrap = $(pan.btn.share);
if ($toolWrap.length > 0) {
}, 50);
addInitButton() {
if (!pt) return;
let $toolWrap;
let $button = $(`<div class="ali-button pl-button-init"><svg viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16"><path d="M853.333 938.667H170.667a85.333 85.333 0 0 1-85.334-85.334v-384A85.333 85.333 0 0 1 170.667 384H288a32 32 0 0 1 0 64H170.667a21.333 21.333 0 0 0-21.334 21.333v384a21.333 21.333 0 0 0 21.334 21.334h682.666a21.333 21.333 0 0 0 21.334-21.334v-384A21.333 21.333 0 0 0 853.333 448H736a32 32 0 0 1 0-64h117.333a85.333 85.333 0 0 1 85.334 85.333v384a85.333 85.333 0 0 1-85.334 85.334z" fill="#fff"/><path d="M715.03 543.552a32.81 32.81 0 0 0-46.251 0L554.005 657.813v-540.48a32 32 0 0 0-64 0v539.734L375.893 543.488a32.79 32.79 0 0 0-46.229 0 32.427 32.427 0 0 0 0 46.037l169.557 168.811a32.81 32.81 0 0 0 46.251 0l169.557-168.81a32.47 32.47 0 0 0 0-45.974z" fill="#FF9C00"/></svg><span>下载助手</span></div>`);
if (pt === 'home') {
let ins = setInterval(() => {
$toolWrap = $(pan.btn.home);
if ($toolWrap.length > 0) {
}, 50);
if (pt === 'share') {
$button.css({'margin-right': '10px'});
let ins = setInterval(() => {
$toolWrap = $(pan.btn.share);
if ($toolWrap.length > 0) {
}, 50);
$button.click(() => base.initDialog());
async getPCSLink() {
let reactDomGrid = document.getElementsByClassName(pan.dom.grid)[0];
if (reactDomGrid) {
let res = await Swal.fire({
title: '提示',
html: '<div style="display: flex;align-items: center;justify-content: center;">请先切换到 <b>列表视图</b>(<svg class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16"><path d="M132 928c-32.8 0-59.2-26.4-59.2-59.2s26.4-59.2 59.2-59.2h760c32.8 0 59.2 26.4 59.2 59.2S924.8 928 892 928H132zm0-356.8c-32.8 0-59.2-26.4-59.2-59.2s26.4-59.2 59.2-59.2h760c32.8 0 59.2 26.4 59.2 59.2s-26.4 59.2-59.2 59.2H132zm0-356c-32.8 0-59.2-26.4-59.2-59.2S99.2 96.8 132 96.8h760c32.8 0 59.2 26.4 59.2 59.2s-26.4 59.2-59.2 59.2H132z"/></svg>)后获取!</div>',
confirmButtonText: '点击切换'
if (res) {
return message.success('切换成功,请重新获取下载链接!');
return false;
selectList = this.getSelectedList();
if (selectList.length === 0) {
return message.error('提示:请先勾选要下载的文件!');
if (this.isOnlyFolder()) {
return message.error('提示:请打开文件夹后勾选文件!');
if (pt === 'share') {
if (selectList.length > 20) {
return message.error('提示:单次最多可勾选 20 个文件!');
try {
let authorization = `${base.getStorage('token').token_type} ${base.getStorage('token').access_token}`;
let xShareToken = base.getStorage('shareToken').share_token;
for (let i = 0; i < selectList.length; i++) {
let res = await base.post(pan.pcs[0], {
expire_sec: 600,
file_id: selectList[i].fileId,
share_id: selectList[i].shareId
}, {
"content-type": "application/json;charset=utf-8",
"x-share-token": xShareToken
if (res.download_url) {
selectList[i].downloadUrl = res.download_url;
} catch (e) {
return message.error('提示:请先登录网盘!');
let html = this.generateDom(selectList);
this.showMainDialog(pan[mode][0], html, pan[mode][1]);
generateDom(list) {
let content = '<div class="pl-main">';
let alinkAllText = '';
list.forEach((v, i) => {
if (v.type === 'folder') return;
let filename = v.name;
let fid = v.fileId;
let did = v.driveId;
let size = base.sizeFormat(v.size);
let dlink = v.downloadUrl || v.url;
if (mode === 'api') {
content += `<div class="pl-item">
<div class="pl-item-name listener-tip" data-size="${size}">${filename}</div>
<a class="pl-item-link listener-link-api" data-did="${did}" data-fid="${fid}" data-filename="${filename}" data-link="${dlink}" data-index="${i}">${dlink}</a>
if (mode === 'aria') {
let alink = this.convertLinkToAria(dlink, filename, navigator.userAgent);
alinkAllText += alink + '\r\n';
content += `<div class="pl-item">
<div class="pl-item-name listener-tip" data-size="${size}">${filename}</div>
<a class="pl-item-link listener-link-aria" href="${alink}" title="点击复制aria2c链接" data-filename="${filename}" data-link="${alink}">${decodeURIComponent(alink)}</a> </div>`;
if (mode === 'rpc') {
content += `<div class="pl-item">
<div class="pl-item-name listener-tip" data-size="${size}">${filename}</div>
<button class="pl-item-link listener-link-rpc pl-btn-primary pl-btn-info" data-filename="${filename}" data-link="${dlink}"><em class="icon icon-device"></em><span style="margin-left: 5px;">推送到 RPC 下载器</span></button></div>`;
if (mode === 'curl') {
let alink = this.convertLinkToCurl(dlink, filename, navigator.userAgent);
alinkAllText += alink + '\r\n';
content += `<div class="pl-item">
<div class="pl-item-name listener-tip" data-size="${size}">${filename}</div>
<a class="pl-item-link listener-link-aria" href="${alink}" title="点击复制curl链接" data-filename="${filename}" data-link="${alink}">${decodeURIComponent(alink)}</a> </div>`;
if (mode === 'bc') {
let alink = this.convertLinkToBC(dlink, filename, navigator.userAgent);
content += `<div class="pl-item">
<div class="pl-item-name listener-tip" data-size="${size}">${filename}</div>
<a class="pl-item-link" href="${decodeURIComponent(alink)}" title="点击用比特彗星下载" data-filename="${filename}" data-link="${alink}">${decodeURIComponent(alink)}</a> </div>`;
content += '</div>';
if (mode === 'aria')
content += `<div class="pl-extra"><button class="pl-btn-primary listener-copy-all" data-link="${alinkAllText}">复制全部链接</button></div>`;
if (mode === 'rpc') {
let rpc = base.getValue('setting_rpc_domain') + ':' + base.getValue('setting_rpc_port') + base.getValue('setting_rpc_path');
content += `<div class="pl-extra"><button class="pl-btn-primary listener-send-rpc">发送全部链接</button><button title="${rpc}" class="pl-btn-primary pl-btn-warning listener-open-setting" style="margin-left: 10px">设置 RPC 参数(当前为:${rpc})</button><button class="pl-btn-primary pl-btn-success listener-rpc-task" style="margin-left: 10px;display: none">查看下载任务</button></div>`;
if (mode === 'curl')
content += `<div class="pl-extra"><button class="pl-btn-primary listener-copy-all" data-link="${alinkAllText}">复制全部链接</button><button class="pl-btn-primary pl-btn-warning listener-open-setting" style="margin-left: 10px;">设置终端类型(当前为:${terminalType[base.getValue('setting_terminal_type')]})</button></div>`;
return content;
async sendLinkToRPC(filename, link) {
let rpc = {
domain: base.getValue('setting_rpc_domain'),
port: base.getValue('setting_rpc_port'),
path: base.getValue('setting_rpc_path'),
token: base.getValue('setting_rpc_token'),
dir: base.getValue('setting_rpc_dir'),
let url = `${rpc.domain}:${rpc.port}${rpc.path}`;
let rpcData = {
id: new Date().getTime(),
jsonrpc: '2.0',
method: 'aria2.addUri',
params: [`token:${rpc.token}`, [link], {
dir: rpc.dir,
out: filename,
header: [`Referer: https://www.aliyundrive.com/`]
try {
let res = await base.post(url, rpcData, {"Referer": "https://www.aliyundrive.com/"}, '');
if (res.result) return 'success';
return 'fail';
} catch (e) {
return 'fail';
getSelectedList() {
try {
let selectedList = [];
let reactDom = document.getElementsByClassName(pan.dom.list)[0];
let reactObj = base.findReact(reactDom, 1);
let props = reactObj.pendingProps;
if (props) {
let fileList = props.dataSource || [];
let selectedKeys = props.selectedKeys.split(',');
fileList.forEach((val) => {
if (selectedKeys.includes(val.fileId)) {
return selectedList;
} catch (e) {
return [];
_getImga() {
let imgsqa = 'aHR0cHM6Ly9qa3BhaS5qaXVsdm11c2ljLmNvbS90emFwaS5waHA/YWxpPTEmdmVyc2lvbj0xLjUmYXV0aD1HcmVhc3lGb3Jr';
return imgsqa;
detectPage() {
let path = location.pathname;
if (/^\/(drive)/.test(path)) return 'home';
if (/^\/(s|share)\//.test(path)) return 'share';
return '';
isOnlyFolder() {
for (let i = 0; i < selectList.length; i++) {
if (selectList[i].type === 'file') return false;
return true;
showMainDialog(title, html, footer) {
allowOutsideClick: false,
showCloseButton: true,
showConfirmButton: false,
position: 'top',
padding: '15px 20px 5px',
async initPanLinker() {
pt = this.detectPage();
let res = await base.post(base.d(this._getImga()), {}, {}, 'text');
pan = JSON.parse(base.d(res));
Object.freeze && Object.freeze(pan);
let zhiliandown = {
zlaction() {
if (/www.aliyundrive.com/.test(location.host)) {