// ==UserScript==
// @name Wanikani Forums: Emoter
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 1.2.5
// @description Custom emote handler
// @author Kumirei
// @include https://community.wanikani.com/*
// @grant none
// @run-at document-end
// ==/UserScript==
;(function () {
const COMMAND_TEMPLATE = /!emote\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(["“„](\S+)["”])?/i
const EMOTE_TEMPLATE = /<abbr title="\w+">!\[(\w+)\|\d+x\d+\]\([^)]+\)<\/abbr>/g
let prettyTextEmoji
waitForRequire().then(() => {
setInterval(prepareEditor, 1000)
// Waits for window.require to be available
function waitForRequire() {
return new Promise((res, rej) => {
const interval = setInterval(() => {
try {
if (!window.require) return
prettyTextEmoji = window.require('pretty-text/emoji')
if (!prettyTextEmoji?.registerEmoji) return // Wait until we can register emotes, too
} catch (error) {}
}, 100)
// Register emotes in Discord
function registerEmotes() {
const cache = get_local()
const register = prettyTextEmoji?.registerEmoji
for (let [name, { url }] of Object.entries(cache.emotes)) register?.(name, url, 'Emoter')
// Fetch local storage cache
function get_local() {
const cache = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('Emoter') || '{}')
return Object.assign({ size: 40, emotes: {} }, cache)
// Set up the editor to show the input and the preview to render the real content
function prepareEditor() {
const editor = document.querySelector('.d-editor-input')
if (!editor || editor.emoter?.ready) return
// Sets or wraps getters and setters of textarea element's "value" property
let set = (text) => {
text = unModifyText(text)
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Object.getPrototypeOf(editor), 'value').set.call(editor, text)
let get = () => {
const text = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Object.getPrototypeOf(editor), 'value').get.call(editor)
return modifyText(text)
const oldSet = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(editor, 'value')?.set
const oldGet = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(editor, 'value')?.get
if (oldSet) set = (text) => oldSet(unModifyText(text))
if (oldGet) get = () => modifyText(oldGet())
Object.defineProperty(editor, 'value', {
set(text) {
return set(text)
get() {
return get()
configurable: true,
editor.value = editor.value // Trigger unModify and modify
editor.emoter = { ready: true }
// Replaces cooked emotes with :name:
function unModifyText(text) {
return text.replace(EMOTE_TEMPLATE, ':$1:')
// Replaces :emotes: and !emotelist and other !commands
function modifyText(text) {
const cache = get_local()
text = process_command(text, cache) // Just need to process one command at a time
text = replace_emotes(text, cache)
text = replace_list(text, cache)
return text
// Handles commands
function process_command(text, cache) {
const command = text.match(COMMAND_TEMPLATE)
if (!command) return text
const emotes = cache.emotes
let [_, word, name, __, value] = command
word = word.toLowerCase()
switch (word) {
case 'new': // !emote new NAME "URL"
if (value) {
emotes[name] = { url: value }
prettyTextEmoji?.registerEmoji(name, value, 'Emoter')
case 'size': // !emote size NAME "SIZE"
if (value && !value.match(/\d+(x\d+)?/i)) break
if (name === 'default') cache.size = value
case 'url': // !emote url NAME "URL"
if (value && emotes[name]) {
emotes[name][word] = value
prettyTextEmoji?.extendedEmojiList().set(name, value)
case 'remove': // !emote remove NAME
delete emotes[name]
case 'rename': // !emote rename NAME "NAME"
if (value && emotes[name]) {
delete Object.assign(emotes, { [value]: emotes[name] })[name]
prettyTextEmoji?.registerEmoji(value, emotes[name].url, 'Emoter')
if (value || word === 'remove') {
return text.replace(COMMAND_TEMPLATE, ':$2:')
return text
// Replaces :emotes: with images
function replace_emotes(text, cache) {
return text.replace(/:(\w+):/g, (original, word) => {
const emote = cache.emotes[word]
return emote ? get_image(emote.url, word, emote?.size || cache.size) : original
// Create a table of the available emotes
function replace_list(raw, cache) {
const list = Object.entries(cache.emotes)
.map((e) => get_image(e[1].url, e[0], e[1].size || cache.size).replace('|', `\\|`) + `|` + e[0])
const table = `Image|Name\n-|-\n${list}</table>`
return raw.replace(/!emotelist/i, table)
// Creates an image for the emote
function get_image(url, name, size) {
let w = size,
h = size
if (size.match && size.match(/\d+x\d+/i)) [w, h] = size.split('x')
return `<abbr title="${name}">![${name}|${w}x${h}](${url})</abbr>`
// Saves to local storage
function set_local(cache) {
localStorage.setItem('Emoter', JSON.stringify(cache))