// ==UserScript==
// @name Pxer: the tool for pixiv.net
// @name:zh-CN 像素猎手: Pixiv 批量下载工具
// @name:en-US Pxer: the tool for pixiv.net
// @name:ja-JP Pxer: Pixiv に向くクローラー
// @description Maybe the best tool for pixiv.net for capture pictures
// @description:zh-CN 可能是目前最好用的P站批量抓图工具
// @description:en-US Maybe the best tool for pixiv.net for capture pictures
// @description:ja-JP Pixiv の全てのツールで一番使いやすいバッチキャプチャーソフトかもしれない
// @icon https://pxer-app.pea3nut.org/public/favicon.ico
// @version 2021.12.5
// @namespace http://pxer.pea3nut.org/sfp
// @homepageURL http://pxer.pea3nut.org/
// @supportURL https://github.com/FoXZilla/Pxer/issues/new/choose
// @author pea3nut / eternal-flame-AD
// @grant none
// @noframes
// @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/vue.min.js
// @include https://www.pixiv.net*
// @include http://www.pixiv.net**
// @include http://pxer.pea3nut.org*
// @include https://pxer.pea3nut.org*
// ==/UserScript==
javascript: void(function() {
window['PXER_URL'] = 'https://pxer-app.pea3nut.org/';
window['PXER_MODE'] = 'sfp';
window['pxer'] = window['pxer'] || {};
pxer.util = pxer.util || {};
pxer.util.afterLoad =function(fn){
if(document.readyState !== 'loading'){
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', fn);
pxer.util.compile = function (str, scope = window) {
let matchResult = null;
while (matchResult = str.match(/{{\s*([\w_]+)\s*}}/)) {
str = str.replace(matchResult[0], scope[matchResult[1]]);
return str;
pxer.util.set = function (obj, key, val) {
const keys = key.split('.');
let pointer = obj;
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
if (i === keys.length - 1) {
pointer[keys[i]] = val;
} else {
pointer[keys[i]] = pointer[keys[i]] || {};
pointer = pointer[keys[i]];
// @ref https://www.jianshu.com/p/162dad820f48
pxer.util.get = function self(data,f){
if(f.substr) f = f.split(/\.|\\|\//);
if(f.length && data){
return self(data[f.shift()],f)
}else if(!f.length && data){
return data
}else {
return "";
pxer.util.addFile = async function (url) {
const sector = url.includes('?') ? '&' : '?';
const pxerVersion = /*@auto-fill*/'2021.12.5'/*@auto-fill*/;
if (!/^(https?:)?\/\//.test(url)) url = pxer.url + url;
url = url + sector + `pxer-version=${pxerVersion}`;
const createScript = () => new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
const elt = document.createElement('script');
elt.addEventListener('error', reject);
elt.addEventListener('load', resolve);
elt.addEventListener('load', () => pxer.log('Loaded ' + url));
elt.src = url;
return elt;
const createCss = () => new Promise(function (resolve) {
const elt = document.createElement('link');
elt.rel = 'stylesheet';
elt.href = url;
const createIcon = () => new Promise(function (resolve) {
pxer.util.afterLoad(() => {
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("link[rel*='icon']")).forEach(elt => elt.href = url);
(document.head || document.documentElement).appendChild(function(){
const elt = document.createElement('link');
elt.rel = 'shortcut icon';
elt.type = 'image/x-icon';
elt.href = url;
return elt;
const fileFormat = url.match(/\.([^.]+?)(\?.+?)?$/)[1];
switch (fileFormat) {
case 'js':
return createScript();
case 'css':
return createCss();
case 'ico':
return createIcon();
case 'json':
return fetch(url).then(res => res.json());
return fetch(url).then(res => res.text());
(async function(){
window['PXER_URL'] = window['PXER_URL'] || 'https://pxer-app.pea3nut.org/';
window['PXER_MODE'] = window['PXER_MODE'] || 'native';
window['PXER_LANG'] = window['PXER_LANG'] || (document.documentElement.lang || window.navigator.language).split('-')[0];
pxer.url = PXER_URL;
pxer.mode = PXER_MODE;
pxer.lang = PXER_LANG;
pxer.log = (...msg) => console.log('[Pxer]', ...msg);
switch (PXER_MODE) {
case 'dev':
case 'master':
// old version doesn't declare "@require vuejs"
await pxer.util.addFile('https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/vue.min.js');
case 'native':
await pxer.util.addFile('native.js');
case 'local':
await pxer.util.addFile('src/local.js');
case 'sfp':
// package.json
pxer.util.set(pxer, 'package', {
"name": "pxer",
"version": "2021.12.5",
"private": true,
"scripts": {
"dev": "npm run build && ws --https --port 8125 --cors.origin=*",
"build": "node-sass src/ --output src/ && node build/build-launcher && node build/build-native && node build/build-sfp",
"test-build": "ws --directory dist/ --https --port 8125 --cors.origin *"
"dependencies": {
"request": "^2.88.0",
"vue": "^2.6.10"
"devDependencies": {
"bootstrap": "^4.3.1",
"ejs": "^2.7.1",
"local-web-server": "^3.0.7",
"node-sass": "^4.12.0"
// src/view/template.html
pxer.util.set(pxer, 'uiTemplate', `<div id="pxerApp" class="pxer-app">
<div class="pxer-nav">
<div class="pn-header">
<a href="http://pxer.pea3nut.org/" target="_blank">Pxer <small>{{ pxerVersion }}</small></a>
<div class="pn-message" v-text="errmsg" v-if="errmsg">
oops~ get some error
<div v-if="showAll || canCrawl" class="pn-buttons">
v-show="showAll || isRunning || ['ready','re-ready'].includes(state)"
<span>{{ finishCount >= 0 ? finishCount : '-' }} / {{ taskCount }}</span>
v-show="showAll || ['ready'].includes(state)"
@click="showTaskOption = !showTaskOption"
class="btn btn-outline-info"
>{{ t('button.option') }}</button>
v-if="state==='init' || showLoadingButton"
<span class="dot"></span>
<span class="dot"></span>
<span class="dot"></span>
class="btn btn-outline-primary"
>{{ t('button.crawl') }}</button>
<template v-else>
<button class="btn btn-outline-success"
>{{ t('button.load') }}</button>
<button class="btn btn-outline-primary"
v-if="state==='ready' || (state==='re-ready'&&pxer.taskList.length)"
>{{ t('button.crawl') }}</button>
<button class="btn btn-outline-danger"
>{{ t('button.stop') }}</button>
<template v-if="showAll || showFailTaskList.length">
<button class="btn btn-outline-warning"
>{{ t('button.successBut') }}</button><span class="pnb-warn-number"
<div class="pxer-fail" v-if="showAll ||(showPxerFailWindow &&showFailTaskList.length)">
<table class="table">
<thead class="pft-head"><tr>
<td>{{ t('label.pictureId') }}</td>
<td width="100">{{ t('label.reason') }}</td>
<td>{{ t('label.way') }}</td>
<td width="170" class="text-right">
<button class="btn btn-outline-secondary"
@click="checkedFailWorksList =pxer.failList">{{ t('button.selectAll') }}</button>
<button class="btn btn-outline-success" @click="tryCheckedPfi">{{ t('button.retryTheSelected') }}</button>
<tbody><tr v-for="pfi of showFailTaskList">
<td><a :href="pfi.url">{{pfi.task.id}}</a></td>
<td v-text="formatFailType(pfi.type)"></td>
<td v-html="formatFailSolution(pfi.type)"></td>
<td class="text-right"><input type="checkbox" :value="pfi" v-model="checkedFailWorksList"></td>
<div class="pxer-task-option form-inline" v-if="showAll ||(showTaskOption&&state==='ready')">
<div class="form-group">
<label class="pcf-title">{{ t('label.onlyGetTop') }}</label>
<input type="number" class="form-control" v-model="taskOption.limit" />
<div class="form-group">
<label class="pcf-title">{{ t('label.onlyGetBeforeId') }}</label>
<input type="number" class="form-control" v-model="taskOption.stopId" />
<div class="form-group ptp-buttons">
<button class="btn btn-outline-success" @click="useTaskOption">{{ t('button.apply') }}</button>
<div class="pxer-print" v-if="showAll ||['finish'].indexOf(state)!==-1">
<div class="pp-filter pxer-class-fieldset">
<div class="ppf-title pcf-title">{{ t('title.filterOptions') }}</div>
<div class="ppf-form">
<div class="form-row">
<div class="form-row">
<div class="form-group col">
<label>{{ t('label.likeCount') }} ≥</label>
<input type="number" class="form-control" v-model.number="pxer.pfConfig.rated" />
<div class="form-group col">
<label>{{ t('label.viewCount') }} ≥</label>
<input type="number" class="form-control" v-model.number="pxer.pfConfig.view" />
<div class="form-group col">
<label>{{ t('label.likeProportion') }} ≥</label>
<div class="card ppf-tag-card">
<div class="card-header">
{{ t('title.filterByTag')}}
<div class="float-right">
<span class="badge badge-secondary">{{ t('label.whatever') }}</span>
<span class="badge badge-danger ">{{ t('label.exclude') }}</span>
<span class="badge badge-success">{{ t('label.mustInclude') }}</span>
<div class="card-body" :style="tagFilterFolded ? 'height: 500px' : ''">
v-for="tagName in tagInfo.tags"
class="btn btn-sm ppf-tag"
{{ tagName }}
<span class="badge badge-light">{{ tagInfo.count[tagName] }}</span>
@click="showAllTagFilter = true"
>{{ t('button.showAll')}}</div>
<div class="pp-print pxer-class-fieldset">
<div class="ppp-title pcf-title">{{ t('title.printOptions') }}</div>
<div class="ppp-form">
<div class="form-group">
<label>{{ t('label.singleIllust') }}</label>
<select class="form-control" v-model="pxer.ppConfig.illust_single">
<option value="max">{{ t('option.max') }}</option>
<option value="600p">600p</option>
<option value="no">{{ t('option.no') }}</option>
<div class="form-group">
<label>{{ t('label.multipleIllust') }}</label>
<select class="form-control" v-model="pxer.ppConfig.illust_multiple">
<option value="max">{{ t('option.max') }}</option>
<option value="1200p">1200p</option>
<option value="cover_600p">{{ t('option.cover600p') }}</option>
<option value="no">{{ t('option.no') }}</option>
<div class="form-group">
<label>{{ t('label.singleManga') }}</label>
<select class="form-control" v-model="pxer.ppConfig.manga_single">
<option value="max">{{ t('option.max') }}</option>
<option value="600p">600p</option>
<option value="no">{{ t('option.no') }}</option>
<div class="form-group">
<label>{{ t('label.multipleManga') }}</label>
<select class="form-control" v-model="pxer.ppConfig.manga_multiple">
<option value="max">{{ t('option.max') }}</option>
<option value="1200p">1200p</option>
<option value="cover_600p">{{ t('option.cover600p') }}</option>
<option value="no">{{ t('option.no') }}</option>
<div class="form-group">
<label>{{ t('label.ugoira') }}</label>
<select class="form-control" v-model="printConfigUgoira">
<option value="max-no">{{ t('option.ugoiraMax') }}</option>
<option value="600p-no">{{ t('option.ugoira600p') }}</option>
<option value="max-yes">{{ t('option.ugoiraMax') }} + {{ t('option.ugoiraConfig') }}</option>
<option value="600p-yes">{{ t('option.ugoira600p') }} + {{ t('option.ugoiraConfig') }}</option>
<option value="no-no">{{ t('option.no') }}</option>
<div class="pppf-buttons">
<p class="pppfb-msg" v-html="taskInfo" v-if="taskInfo"></p>
<button class="btn btn-outline-info" @click="count">{{ t('button.preview') }}</button>
<button class="btn btn-outline-success" @click="printWorks">{{ t('button.print') }}</button>
// src/view/style.css
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* Bootstrap Grid v4.3.1 (https://getbootstrap.com/)
* Copyright 2011-2019 The Bootstrap Authors
* Copyright 2011-2019 Twitter, Inc.
* Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
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.pxer-app .col-sm-auto, .pxer-app .col-md-1, .pxer-app .col-md-2, .pxer-app .col-md-3, .pxer-app .col-md-4, .pxer-app .col-md-5, .pxer-app .col-md-6, .pxer-app .col-md-7, .pxer-app .col-md-8, .pxer-app .col-md-9, .pxer-app .col-md-10, .pxer-app .col-md-11, .pxer-app .col-md-12, .pxer-app .col-md,
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order: 12; }
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flex: 0 0 16.66667%;
max-width: 16.66667%; }
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flex: 0 0 25%;
max-width: 25%; }
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flex: 0 0 33.33333%;
max-width: 33.33333%; }
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flex: 0 0 41.66667%;
max-width: 41.66667%; }
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flex: 0 0 50%;
max-width: 50%; }
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flex: 0 0 58.33333%;
max-width: 58.33333%; }
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flex: 0 0 66.66667%;
max-width: 66.66667%; }
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flex: 0 0 75%;
max-width: 75%; }
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flex: 0 0 83.33333%;
max-width: 83.33333%; }
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padding-right: 5px;
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padding-left: 1.25rem; }
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position: absolute;
margin-top: 0.3rem;
margin-left: -1.25rem; }
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color: #6c757d; }
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margin-bottom: 0; }
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display: inline-flex;
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margin-right: 0.75rem; }
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padding-right: calc((1em + 0.75rem) * 3 / 4 + 1.75rem);
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box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(40, 167, 69, 0.25); }
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display: block; }
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color: #28a745; }
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border-color: #34ce57;
background-color: #34ce57; }
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box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(40, 167, 69, 0.25); }
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border-color: #28a745; }
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border-color: #28a745; }
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box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(40, 167, 69, 0.25); }
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background-position: center right calc(0.375em + 0.1875rem);
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padding-right: calc((1em + 0.75rem) * 3 / 4 + 1.75rem);
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box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(220, 53, 69, 0.25); }
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display: block; }
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display: block; }
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color: #dc3545; }
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display: block; }
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color: #dc3545; }
.was-validated .pxer-app .custom-control-input:invalid ~ .custom-control-label::before, .pxer-app .custom-control-input.is-invalid ~ .custom-control-label::before {
border-color: #dc3545; }
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border-color: #e4606d;
background-color: #e4606d; }
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box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(220, 53, 69, 0.25); }
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border-color: #dc3545; }
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border-color: #dc3545; }
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display: block; }
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// public/favicon.ico
// https://point.pea3nut.org/sdk/1.0/browser.js
"use strict";
var EventSender = /** @class */ (function () {
function EventSender(remoteUrl, userOptions) {
this.remoteUrl = remoteUrl;
this.userOptions = userOptions;
this.startTime = new Date;
this.content = {};
var that = this;
this.defaultOptions = {
sdk_version: '1.0',
get time() { return new Date; },
get duration() { return new Date().getTime() - that.startTime.getTime(); },
EventSender.prototype.setContent = function (content) {
Object.assign(this.content, content);
EventSender.prototype.send = function (eventFlag, content) {
var mergedContent = Object.assign({}, this.content, content);
var body = Object.assign({}, this.defaultOptions, this.userOptions, {
content: JSON.stringify(mergedContent),
event_flag: eventFlag,
EventSender.prototype.sendRequest = function (body) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open('POST', this.remoteUrl);
xhr.onload = function () {
if (['2', '3'].includes(xhr.status.toString()[0])) {
var res = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
if (res.errcode) {
console.error("Error in point sent! Server response " + xhr.responseText);
else {
console.error("Error in point sent! Server response HTTP code " + xhr.status);
return EventSender;
//# sourceMappingURL=browser.js.map
// src/app/util.js
'use strict';
pxer.util = pxer.util || {};
// 全局函数
pxer.util.blinkTitle =function(addMsg ,spaceMsg){
var addMsg =addMsg ||'[ OK ] ';
var spaceMsg =spaceMsg ||'[ ] ';
var timer =setInterval(()=>{
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document.title =addMsg+document.title;
window.addEventListener('mousemove' ,function _self(){
window.addEventListener('mousemove' ,_self);
document.title =document.title.replace(spaceMsg ,"").replace(addMsg ,"");
pxer.util.parseURL =function(url=document.URL){
var arr =url.match(/^(?:(https?):)?\/\/([\w_\d.:\-]+?)((?:\/[^\/?]*)*)\/?(?:\?(.+))?$/);
var data ={
if(data.query && data.query.indexOf('=')!==-1){
data.query ={};
for(let item of arr[4].split('&')){
let tmp =item.split('=');
return data;
pxer.util.createScript =function(url){
if(!/^(https?:)?\/\//.test(url))url =window['PXER_URL']+url;
var elt =document.createElement('script');
return function(resolve,reject){
if(window['PXER_MODE']==='dev') console.log('Loaded '+url);
elt.src =url;
return elt;
pxer.util.createResource =function(url){
if(!/^(https?:)?\/\//.test(url))url =window['PXER_URL']+url;
let fx =url.match(/\.([^\.]+?)$/)[1];
let elt =document.createElement('link');
case 'css':
elt.rel ='stylesheet';
case 'ico':
elt.rel ='shortcut icon';
elt.type ='image/x-icon';
throw new Error(`unknown filename extension "${fx}"`)
return function(resolve,reject){
elt.href =url;
if(window['PXER_MODE']==='dev') console.log('Linked '+url);
pxer.util.execPromise =function(taskList,call){
var promise =Promise.resolve();
for(let array of taskList){
promise =promise.then(()=>Promise.all(array.map(item=>new Promise(call(item)))));
}else if(Array.isArray(taskList)){
for(let item of taskList){
promise =promise.then(()=>new Promise(call(item)));
promise =promise.then(()=>new Promise(call(taskList)));
return promise;
* 当前页面类型。可能的值
* - bookmark_user 自己/其他人关注的用户列表
* - bookmark_works 自己/其他人收藏的作品
* - member_info 自己/其他人的主页
* - works_medium 查看某个作品
* - works_manga 查看某个多张作品的多张页
* - works_big 查看某个作品的某张图片的大图
* - member_works 自己/其他人作品列表页
* - member_works_new 自己/其他人作品列表页
* - search 检索页
* - index 首页
* - discovery 探索
* - rank 排行榜
* - bookmark_new 关注的新作品
* - unknown 未知
* @param {Document} doc
* @return {string} - 页面类型
* */
pxer.util.getPageType =function(doc = document){
const url = doc.URL;
var URLData = pxer.util.parseURL(url);
switch (true) {
case pxer.regexp.urlWorkDetail.test(URLData.path): return 'works_medium';
var type =null;
var isnew =!(Boolean(document.querySelector(".count-badge"))||Boolean(document.querySelector(".profile")));
if(URLData.domain !=='www.pixiv.net')return 'unknown';
if (pxer.regexp.isBookmarksUrl.test(URLData.path)) {
type = 'bookmark_works'
} else if (URLData.path.startsWith('/users/')) {
type = 'member_works_new'
} else if (URLData.path.startsWith('/tags/')) {
type = 'search_tag'
} else if(URLData.path==='/bookmark.php'){
if(URLData.query &&URLData.query.type){
case 'user':
type ='bookmark_user';
type ='unknown';
type ='bookmark_works';
}else if(URLData.path==='/bookmark_new_illust.php'){
type ='bookmark_new';
}else if(URLData.path==='/member.php'){
type =isnew?'member_works_new':"member_info";
}else if(URLData.path==='/ranking.php'){
type ='rank';
}else if(URLData.path==='/member_illust.php'){
case 'medium':
type ='works_medium';
case 'manga':
type ='works_manga';
case 'manga_big':
type ='works_big';
type ='unknown';
type =isnew?'member_works_new':"member_works";
}else if(URLData.path==='/search.php'){
// TODO: Not all of search is carried in SPA
// But new version seems batter?
type ='search_spa';
}else if(URLData.path==='/discovery'){
type ='discovery';
}else if(URLData.path==='/'){
type ='index';
type ='unknown';
return type;
* 查询对应页面类型每页作品数量
* @param {string} type - 作品类型
* @return {number} - 每页作品数
pxer.util.getOnePageWorkCount =function(type) {
switch (type) {
case "search_spa":return 48
case "search_tag":return 60
case "search":return 40
case "rank":return 50
case "discovery":return 3000
case "bookmark_works":return 48
case "bookmark_new":return 60
case "member_works_new": return Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
default:return 20
pxer.util.getIDfromURL =function(key='id', url=document.URL) {
const urlInfo = new URL(url, document.URL);
var query = urlInfo.search;
var params = new URLSearchParams(query);
const result = params.get(key);
if (result) return result;
// read id from url
const matchResult = url.match(/\d{4,}/);
return matchResult ? matchResult[0] : null;
pxer.util.fetchPixivApi = async function(url) {
return (
await (
await fetch(
{ credentials: 'include' },
Object.assign(window, pxer.util);
// src/app/regexp.js
pxer.regexp = pxer.regexp || {};
pxer.regexp.urlWorkDetail = /\/artworks\/(\d+)/;
pxer.regexp.parseKeyword = /\/tags\/([^\/]+?)\//;
pxer.regexp.isBookmarksUrl = /users\/\d+\/bookmarks\/artworks/;
// src/app/PxerData.js
'use strict';
* Pxer任务队列中的任务对象
* @constructor
* @abstract
* */
class PxerRequest{
constructor({url ,html}={}){
this.html =html;
this.completed =false;
* 页面任务对象
* @constructor
* @extends {PxerRequest}
* */
class PxerPageRequest extends PxerRequest{
this.type = argn[0].type;
* 作品任务对象
* @constructor
* @extends {PxerRequest}
* */
class PxerWorksRequest extends PxerRequest{
constructor({url=[] ,html={} ,type ,isMultiple ,id}={}){
super({url ,html});
this.type =type;//[manga|ugoira|illust]
this.isMultiple =isMultiple;//[true|false]
this.id =id;
* 作品任务对象
* @constructor
* @extends {PxerRequest}
* */
class PxerFailInfo{
this.url =url;
this.type =type;
this.task =task;
* 抓取到的作品对象
* @constructor
* */
class PxerWorks{
constructor({id ,type ,date ,domain ,tagList ,viewCount ,ratedCount ,fileFormat}={},strict=true){
this.id =id;
* 投稿日期,格式:Y/m/d/h/m/s
* @type {string}
* */
this.date =date;
this.type =type;//[manga|ugoira|illust]
this.domain =domain;
* 作品标签列表
* @type {Array}
* */
this.tagList =tagList;
this.viewCount =viewCount;
this.ratedCount =ratedCount;
this.fileFormat =fileFormat;
* 抓取到的多张插画/漫画作品对象
* @extends {PxerWorks}
* @constructor
* */
class PxerMultipleWorks extends PxerWorks{
this.isMultiple =true;
this.multiple =data.multiple;
* 抓取到的动图作品对象
* @extends {PxerWorks}
* @constructor
* */
class PxerUgoiraWorks extends PxerWorks{
this.type ='ugoira';
this.frames =data.frames;
// src/app/PxerEvent.js
'use strict';
class PxerEvent{
constructor(eventList=[] ,shortName =true){
this._pe_eventList =eventList;
this._pe_event ={};
this._pe_oneEvent ={};
if(!shortName||typeof Proxy==='undefined') return this
else return new Proxy(this ,{
get(target ,property){
if(property in target){
return target[property];
}else if(target._pe_eventList.indexOf(property) !==-1){
return target.dispatch.bind(target ,property);
return target[property];
on(type, listener){
if(!PxerEvent.check(this ,type ,listener))return false;
if(!this._pe_event[type]) this._pe_event[type]=[];
return true;
one(type, listener){
if(!PxerEvent.check(this ,type ,listener))return false;
if(!this._pe_oneEvent[type]) this._pe_oneEvent[type]=[];
return true;
dispatch(type ,...data){
if(this._pe_eventList.indexOf(type) ===-1) return false;
if(this._pe_event[type]) this._pe_event[type].forEach(fn=>fn(...data));
delete this._pe_oneEvent[type];
if(this._pe_event['*']) this._pe_event['*'].forEach(fn=>fn(...data));
delete this._pe_oneEvent['*'];
return true;
off(eventType, listener){
if(!PxerEvent.checkEvent(this ,eventType)) return false;
if(listener &&!PxerEvent.checkListener(listener)) return false;
if(eventType ===true){
this._pe_event ={};
this._pe_oneEvent ={};
return true;
if(listener===true || listener==='*'){
delete this._pe_event[eventType];
delete this._pe_oneEvent[eventType];
return true;
let index1 = this._pe_event[type].lastIndexOf(listener);
if (index1 !== -1) {
this._pe_event[type].splice(index1, 1);
let index2 =this._pe_oneEvent[type].lastIndexOf(listener);
if(index2 !== -1){
this._pe_oneEvent[type].splice(index2 ,1);
return true;
PxerEvent.check =function(pe ,eventType ,listener){
return PxerEvent.checkEvent(pe ,eventType)&&PxerEvent.checkListener(listener);
PxerEvent.checkEvent =function(pe ,eventType){
if(eventType !=='*' &&pe._pe_eventList.indexOf(eventType) ===-1){
console.warn(`PxerEvent : "${eventType}" is not in eventList[${pe._pe_eventList}]`);
return false;
return true;
PxerEvent.checkListener =function(listener){
if(!(listener instanceof Function || listener===true || listener==='*')){
console.warn(`PxerEvent: "${listener}" is not a function`);
return false;
return true;
// src/view/i18n.js
pxer.t = function (key) {
const defaultLang = 'en';
return (
pxer.util.get(pxer.i18nMap[pxer.lang], key)
|| pxer.util.get(pxer.i18nMap[defaultLang], key)
|| key
// public/i18n/en.json
pxer.util.set(pxer, 'i18nMap.en', {
"phrase": {
"taskInfo": "`There are ${worksNum} works and ${address} picture address.<br />The single works is ${(single/worksNum*100).toFixed(1)}%<br /> and the multiple works ${(multiple/worksNum*100).toFixed(1)}%<br />`",
"blockOpen": "Pxer:\nThe browser blocked Pup-up window. Please check the hint of browser and allow it.",
"likeProportion": "Input a number less than 1",
"pointPage": "There is a page to show url of pictures. <strong>Don't</strong> openning in the browser. You can copy them to the downloader tools for download picture.<br />Have no idea? Look at <a href=\"https://github.com/FoXZilla/Pxer/issues/166\" target=\"_blank\">there</a> for what does the senior .<br />"
"button": {
"selectAll": "Select All",
"retryTheSelected": "Retry Selected",
"preview": "Preview",
"print": "Print",
"showAll": "Show All",
"crawl": "Get",
"load": "Load",
"stop": "Stop",
"option": "Option",
"apply": "Apply",
"successBut": "Trouble"
"option": {
"ugoiraMax": "Max ZIP",
"ugoira600p": "600p ZIP",
"ugoiraConfig": "config",
"max": "MAX",
"cover600p": "Cover Only(600p)",
"no": "No"
"label": {
"pictureId": "ID",
"reason": "Reason",
"way": "Way",
"onlyGetTop": "Only get top:",
"onlyGetBeforeId": "Only get the picture before id (newer than that):",
"likeCount": "Like Count",
"viewCount": "View Count",
"singleIllust": "Single Illust",
"multipleIllust": "Multiple Illust",
"singleManga": "Single Manga",
"multipleManga": "Multiple Manga",
"ugoira": "Ugoira",
"likeProportion": "Like Proportion",
"whatever": "Whatever",
"exclude": "Exclude",
"mustInclude": "Must Include"
"title": {
"printOptions": "Print Options",
"filterByTag": "Filter by tag",
"filterOptions": "Filter Options"
"pageType": {
"member_works": "List of Works",
"member_works_new": "SPA List of Works",
"search": "Search",
"search_spa": "SPA Tag Search",
"search_tag": "Tag Search",
"bookmark_works": "List of bookmark",
"rank": "Rank",
"bookmark_new": "New Works",
"discovery": "Discovery",
"unknown": "Unknown"
"hello": "yahello"
// public/i18n/zh.json
pxer.util.set(pxer, 'i18nMap.zh', {
"phrase": {
"taskInfo": "`共计${worksNum}个作品,${address}个下载地址。<br />单张图片作品占 ${(single/worksNum*100).toFixed(1)}%<br />多张图片作品占 ${(multiple/worksNum*100).toFixed(1)}%<br />`",
"blockOpen": "Pxer:\n浏览器拦截了弹出窗口,请检查浏览器提示,设置允许此站点的弹出式窗口。",
"likeProportion": "若输入,则必须为一个小于1的数字",
"pointPage": "这个页面是抓取到的下载地址,<strong>不要</strong>直接在浏览器打开,你可以将它们复制到第三方下载工具中下载<br />不知道用什么工具?<a href=\"https://github.com/FoXZilla/Pxer/issues/8\" target=\"_blank\">访问这里</a>来看看大家都在用什么工具下载<br />"
"button": {
"selectAll": "全选",
"retryTheSelected": "重试选中",
"preview": "预览",
"print": "输出",
"showAll": "展开全部",
"crawl": "抓取",
"load": "载入",
"stop": "停止",
"option": "设置",
"apply": "保存",
"successBut": "部分成功"
"option": {
"ugoiraMax": "最大压缩包",
"ugoira600p": "600p压缩包",
"ugoiraConfig": "参数",
"max": "最大",
"cover600p": "仅封面(600p)",
"no": "不输出"
"label": {
"pictureId": "图片ID",
"reason": "失败原因",
"way": "解决方案",
"onlyGetTop": "仅抓取前x副:",
"onlyGetBeforeId": "仅抓取id为x之前的(比x更加新的):",
"likeCount": "点赞数",
"viewCount": "浏览数",
"singleIllust": "单张插画",
"multipleIllust": "多张插画",
"singleManga": "单张漫画",
"multipleManga": "多张漫画",
"ugoira": "动图",
"likeProportion": "点赞率",
"whatever": "无所谓",
"exclude": "不能包含",
"mustInclude": "必须包含"
"title": {
"printOptions": "输出选项",
"filterByTag": "按标签过滤",
"filterOptions": "过滤选项"
"pageType": {
"member_works": "作品列表页",
"member_works_new": "作品列表页_",
"search": "检索页",
"search_spa": "SPA检索页",
"search_tag": "标签搜索页",
"bookmark_works": "收藏列表页",
"rank": "排行榜",
"bookmark_new": "关注的新作品",
"discovery": "探索",
"unknown": "未知"
"hello": "你好"
// public/i18n/ja.json
pxer.util.set(pxer, 'i18nMap.ja', {
"phrase": {
"taskInfo": "`小計${worksNum}個作品,${address}個ダウンロードアドレス。<br />シングル画像作品割合 ${(single/worksNum*100).toFixed(1)}%<br />複数画像作品割合 ${(multiple/worksNum*100).toFixed(1)}%<br />`",
"blockOpen": "Pxer:\nブラウザでポップアップがブロックされています。ブラウザのプロンプトを確認して、このサイトのポップアップブロックを許可する操作を行ってください。",
"likeProportion": "1 未満の数値を入力してください。",
"pointPage": "このページはクロールされたダウンロードアドレスです。ブラウザで直接<strong>開かないで下さい</strong>。サードパーティのダウンロードツールにコピーして実行します。<br />適用ツールが分からない場合<a href=\"https://github.com/FoXZilla/Pxer/issues/8\" target=\"_blank\">こちら</a>皆さんはどんなツールが使用していますか<br />"
"button": {
"selectAll": "全て選択",
"retryTheSelected": "選択を再試行",
"preview": "プレビュー",
"print": "プリント",
"showAll": "全て表示",
"crawl": "クロール",
"load": "ロード",
"stop": "ストップ",
"option": "設定",
"apply": "適用",
"successBut": "トラブル"
"option": {
"ugoiraMax": "Max ZIP",
"ugoira600p": "600p ZIP",
"ugoiraConfig": "config",
"max": "Max",
"cover600p": "カバーのみ(600p)",
"no": "プリント不要"
"label": {
"pictureId": "画像ID",
"reason": "失敗原因",
"way": "解決方法",
"onlyGetTop": "Top X 枚のみ:",
"onlyGetBeforeId": "ID<Xの画像のみ:",
"likeCount": "いいね!数",
"viewCount": "ビュー数",
"singleIllust": "シングルイラスト",
"multipleIllust": "複数のイラスト",
"singleManga": "シングル漫画",
"multipleManga": "複数の漫画",
"ugoira": "うごイラ",
"likeProportion": "いいね!割合",
"whatever": "何でもOK",
"exclude": "含まない",
"mustInclude": "含む必要"
"title": {
"printOptions": "プリントオプション",
"filterByTag": "タグでフィルター",
"filterOptions": "フィルターオプション"
"pageType": {
"member_works": "作品リスト",
"member_works_new": "SPA 作品リスト",
"search": "検索",
"search_spa": "SPA タグ検索",
"search_tag": "タグ検索",
"bookmark_works": "お気に入りリスト",
"rank": "ランク",
"bookmark_new": "お気に入り新作品",
"discovery": "発見",
"unknown": "アンノウン"
"hello": "ようこそ"
// src/app/PxerFilter.js
'use strict';
class PxerFilter{
* @param {Object} config - 过滤参数
* @see PxerFilter.filterInfo
* @see PxerFilter.filterTag
* */
* 每次过滤后得到的累计的作品集合
* @type {PxerWorks[]}
* */
this.passWorks =[];
* 过滤的配置信息
* @see PxerFilter.filterInfo
* @see PxerFilter.filterTag
* */
this.config =Object.assign(PxerFilter.defaultConfig(),config);
* 对作品进行过滤
* @param {PxerWorks[]} worksList - 要过滤的作品数组
* @return {PxerWorks[]} - 过滤后的结果
* */
var resultSet =PxerFilter.filterInfo(PxerFilter.filterTag(worksList,this.config) ,this.config);
return resultSet;
* 返回PxerFilter的默认配置参数
* @see PxerFilter.filterInfo
* @see PxerFilter.filterTag
* */
PxerFilter.defaultConfig =function(){
"rated" :0,//赞的数量
"rated_pro" :0,//点赞率
"view" :0,//浏览数
"has_tag_every" :[], // 作品中不能含有以下任意一个标签
"has_tag_some" :[], // 作品中不能同时含有以下所有标签
"no_tag_any" :[], // 作品中必须含有以下任意一个标签
"no_tag_every" :[], // 作品中必须同时含有以下所有标签
* 根据标签作品信息过滤作品
* @param {PxerWorks[]} worksList
* @param {number} rated - 作品不小于的赞的数量
* @param {number} rated_pro - 作品不小于的点赞率,小于0的数字
* @param {number} view - 作品不小于的浏览数
* @return {PxerWorks[]}
* */
PxerFilter.filterInfo =function(worksList ,{rated=0,rated_pro=0,view=0}){
return worksList.filter(function(works){
return works.ratedCount >= rated
&& works.viewCount >= view
&& (works.ratedCount/works.viewCount) >= rated_pro
* 根据标签过滤作品
* @param {PxerWorks[]} worksList
* @param {string[]} no_tag_any - 作品中不能含有里面的任意一个标签
* @param {string[]} no_tag_every - 作品中不能同时含有里面的所有标签
* @param {string[]} has_tag_some - 作品中必须含有有里面的任意一个标签
* @param {string[]} has_tag_every - 作品中必须同时含有里面的所有标签
* @return {PxerWorks[]}
* */
PxerFilter.filterTag =function(worksList ,{has_tag_every,has_tag_some,no_tag_any,no_tag_every}){
var passWorks =worksList;
if(has_tag_every && has_tag_every.length !==0){
passWorks =passWorks.filter(function(works){
return has_tag_every.every(tag=>works.tagList.indexOf(tag)!==-1);
if(has_tag_some && has_tag_some.length !==0){
passWorks =passWorks.filter(function(works){
return has_tag_some.some(tag=>works.tagList.indexOf(tag)!==-1);
if(no_tag_any && no_tag_any.length !==0){
passWorks =passWorks.filter(function(works){
return !no_tag_any.some(tag=>works.tagList.indexOf(tag)!==-1);
if(no_tag_every && no_tag_every.length !==0){
passWorks =passWorks.filter(function(works){
return !no_tag_every.every(tag=>works.tagList.indexOf(tag)!==-1);
return passWorks;
// src/app/PxerHtmlParser.js
'use strict';
class PxerHtmlParser{
throw new Error('PxerHtmlParse could not construct');
* 解析页码任务对象
* @param {PxerPageRequest} task - 抓取后的页码任务对象
* @return {PxerWorksRequest[]|false} - 解析得到的作品任务对象
* */
PxerHtmlParser.parsePage = function (task) {
if (!(task instanceof PxerPageRequest)) {
window['PXER_ERROR'] = 'PxerHtmlParser.parsePage: task is not PxerPageRequest';
return false;
if (!task.url || !task.html) {
window['PXER_ERROR'] = 'PxerHtmlParser.parsePage: task illegal';
return false;
const parseList = function (elt) {
return JSON.parse(elt.getAttribute('data-items'))
.filter(i => !i.isAdContainer) // skip AD
var taskList = [];
switch (task.type) {
case "userprofile_manga":
case "userprofile_illust":
case "userprofile_all":
var response = JSON.parse(task.html).body
if (task.type!=="userprofile_illust") {
for (let elt in response.manga) {
let tsk = new PxerWorksRequest({
html: {},
type: null,
isMultiple: null,
id: elt,
tsk.url = PxerHtmlParser.getUrlList(tsk)
if (task.type!=="userprofile_manga") {
for (let elt in response.illusts) {
var tsk = new PxerWorksRequest({
html: {},
type: null,
isMultiple: null,
id: elt,
tsk.url = PxerHtmlParser.getUrlList(tsk)
case "bookmark_works":
var response = JSON.parse(task.html).body
for (let worki in response.works) {
let work = response.works[worki];
let tsk = new PxerWorksRequest({
html: {},
type: this.parseIllustType(work.illustType),
isMultiple: work.pageCount>1,
id: work.id,
tsk.url = PxerHtmlParser.getUrlList(tsk)
case "member_works":
var dom = PxerHtmlParser.HTMLParser(task.html);
var elts = dom.body.querySelectorAll('a.work._work');
for (let elt of elts) {
var task = new PxerWorksRequest({
html: {},
type: function(elt) {
switch (true) {
case elt.matches('.ugoku-illust'): return "ugoira";
case elt.matches('.manga'): return "manga";
default: return "illust";
isMultiple: elt.matches(".multiple"),
id: elt.getAttribute('href').match(/illust_id=(\d+)/)[1]
task.url = PxerHtmlParser.getUrlList(task);
case "rank":
var data = JSON.parse(task.html);
for (var task of data['contents']) {
var task = new PxerWorksRequest({
html: {},
type: this.parseIllustType(task['illust_type']),
isMultiple: task['illust_page_count'] > 1,
id: task['illust_id'].toString(),
task.url = PxerHtmlParser.getUrlList(task);
case "discovery":
var data =JSON.parse(task.html);
for (var id of data.recommendations) {
var task = new PxerWorksRequest({
html: {},
type: null,
isMultiple: null,
id : id.toString(),
task.url = PxerHtmlParser.getUrlList(task);
case "search":
var dom = PxerHtmlParser.HTMLParser(task.html);
var searchData = parseList(dom.body.querySelector("input#js-mount-point-search-result-list"));
for (var searchItem of searchData) {
var task = new PxerWorksRequest({
html: {},
type: this.parseIllustType(searchItem.illustType),
isMultiple: searchItem.pageCount > 1,
id: searchItem.illustId
task.url = PxerHtmlParser.getUrlList(task);
case "bookmark_new":
var data = JSON.parse(task.html);
for (var task of data.body.thumbnails.illust) {
var task = new PxerWorksRequest({
html : {},
type : this.parseIllustType(task.illustType),
isMultiple: task.pageCount > 1,
id : task.id,
task.url = PxerHtmlParser.getUrlList(task);
case "search_spa":
case "search_tag":
var response = JSON.parse(task.html).body;
for (let illust of response.illustManga.data) {
var tsk = new PxerWorksRequest({
html: {},
type: null,
isMultiple: null,
id: illust.id,
tsk.url = PxerHtmlParser.getUrlList(tsk)
const msg = `Unknown PageWorks type ${task.type}`;
throw new Error(msg);
if (taskList.length<1) {
window['PXER_ERROR'] = 'PxerHtmlParser.parsePage: result empty';
return false;
return taskList;
* 解析作品任务对象
* @param {PxerWorksRequest} task - 抓取后的页码任务对象
* @return {PxerWorks} - 解析得到的作品任务对象
* */
PxerHtmlParser.parseWorks =function(task){
if(!(task instanceof PxerWorksRequest)){
window['PXER_ERROR'] ='PxerHtmlParser.parseWorks: task is not PxerWorksRequest';
return false;
window['PXER_ERROR'] ='PxerHtmlParser.parseWorks: task illegal';
return false;
for(let url in task.html){
let data ={
dom :PxerHtmlParser.HTMLParser(task.html[url]),
task: task,
var pw= PxerHtmlParser.parseMediumHtml(data);
pxer.log(`Error in parsing task of`, task);
window['PXER_ERROR'] =`${task.id}:${e.message}`;
if(window['PXER_MODE']==='dev')console.error(task ,e);
return false;
return pw;
* @param {PxerWorksRequest} task
* @return {Array}
* */
PxerHtmlParser.getUrlList =function(task){
return ["https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id="+task.id];
PxerHtmlParser.parseMediumHtml =function({task,dom}){
var illustData = JSON.parse(task.html[pxer.URLGetter.illustInfoById(task.id)]).body;
var pw;
switch (true) {
case illustData.illustType===2: pw = new PxerUgoiraWorks(); break;
case illustData.pageCount>1: pw = new PxerMultipleWorks(); break;
default: pw = new PxerWorks(); break;
pw.id = task.id;
pw.type = this.parseIllustType(illustData.illustType);
pw.tagList = illustData.tags.tags.map(e=>e.tag);
pw.viewCount = illustData.viewCount;
pw.ratedCount = illustData.bookmarkCount;
if (pw instanceof PxerMultipleWorks) {
pw.multiple = illustData.pageCount;
if (pw.type ==="ugoira"){
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open("GET", "https://www.pixiv.net/ajax/illust/"+ task.id + "/ugoira_meta", false);
var meta = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
let src = meta['body']['originalSrc'];
let URLObj = parseURL(src);
pw.domain = URLObj.domain;
pw.date =src.match(PxerHtmlParser.REGEXP['getDate'])[1];
pw.frames ={
} else {
let src = illustData.urls.original;
let URLObj = parseURL(src);
pw.domain = URLObj.domain;
pw.date = src.match(PxerHtmlParser.REGEXP['getDate'])[1];
pw.fileFormat =src.match(/\.(jpg|gif|png)$/)[1];
return pw;
PxerHtmlParser.parseIllustType =function(type){
switch (type.toString()) {
case "0":
case "illust":
return "illust";
case "1":
case "manga":
return "manga";
case "2":
case "ugoira":
return "ugoira";
return null;
PxerHtmlParser.REGEXP ={
PxerHtmlParser.HTMLParser =function(aHTMLString){
var dom =document.implementation.createHTMLDocument('');
dom.documentElement.innerHTML =aHTMLString;
return dom;
/**@param {Element} img*/
PxerHtmlParser.getImageUrl =function(img){
return img.getAttribute('src')||img.getAttribute('data-src');
PxerHtmlParser.parseObjectLiteral = function() {
// Javascript object literal parser
// Splits an object literal string into a set of top-level key-value pairs
// (c) Michael Best (https://github.com/mbest)
// License: MIT (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)
// Version 2.1.0
// https://github.com/mbest/js-object-literal-parse
// This parser is inspired by json-sans-eval by Mike Samuel (http://code.google.com/p/json-sans-eval/)
// These two match strings, either with double quotes or single quotes
var stringDouble = '"(?:[^"\\\\]|\\\\.)*"',
stringSingle = "'(?:[^'\\\\]|\\\\.)*'",
// Matches a regular expression (text enclosed by slashes), but will also match sets of divisions
// as a regular expression (this is handled by the parsing loop below).
stringRegexp = '/(?:[^/\\\\]|\\\\.)*/\w*',
// These characters have special meaning to the parser and must not appear in the middle of a
// token, except as part of a string.
specials = ',"\'{}()/:[\\]',
// Match text (at least two characters) that does not contain any of the above special characters,
// although some of the special characters are allowed to start it (all but the colon and comma).
// The text can contain spaces, but leading or trailing spaces are skipped.
everyThingElse = '[^\\s:,/][^' + specials + ']*[^\\s' + specials + ']',
// Match any non-space character not matched already. This will match colons and commas, since they're
// not matched by "everyThingElse", but will also match any other single character that wasn't already
// matched (for example: in "a: 1, b: 2", each of the non-space characters will be matched by oneNotSpace).
oneNotSpace = '[^\\s]',
// Create the actual regular expression by or-ing the above strings. The order is important.
token = RegExp(stringDouble + '|' + stringSingle + '|' + stringRegexp + '|' + everyThingElse + '|' + oneNotSpace, 'g'),
// Match end of previous token to determine whether a slash is a division or regex.
divisionLookBehind = /[\])"'A-Za-z0-9_$]+$/,
keywordRegexLookBehind = {'in':1,'return':1,'typeof':1};
function trim(string) {
return string == null ? '' :
string.trim ?
string.trim() :
string.toString().replace(/^[\s\xa0]+|[\s\xa0]+$/g, '');
return function(objectLiteralString) {
// Trim leading and trailing spaces from the string
var str = trim(objectLiteralString);
// Trim braces '{' surrounding the whole object literal
if (str.charCodeAt(0) === 123)
str = str.slice(1, -1);
// Split into tokens
var result = [],
toks = str.match(token),
key, values = [], depth = 0;
if (toks) {
// Append a comma so that we don't need a separate code block to deal with the last item
for (var i = 0, tok; tok = toks[i]; ++i) {
var c = tok.charCodeAt(0);
// A comma signals the end of a key/value pair if depth is zero
if (c === 44) { // ","
if (depth <= 0) {
if (!key && values.length === 1) {
key = values.pop();
result.push([key, values.length ? values.join('') : undefined]);
key = undefined;
values = [];
depth = 0;
// Simply skip the colon that separates the name and value
} else if (c === 58) { // ":"
if (!depth && !key && values.length === 1) {
key = values.pop();
// A set of slashes is initially matched as a regular expression, but could be division
} else if (c === 47 && i && tok.length > 1) { // "/"
// Look at the end of the previous token to determine if the slash is actually division
var match = toks[i-1].match(divisionLookBehind);
if (match && !keywordRegexLookBehind[match[0]]) {
// The slash is actually a division punctuator; re-parse the remainder of the string (not including the slash)
str = str.substr(str.indexOf(tok) + 1);
toks = str.match(token);
i = -1;
// Continue with just the slash
tok = '/';
// Increment depth for parentheses, braces, and brackets so that interior commas are ignored
} else if (c === 40 || c === 123 || c === 91) { // '(', '{', '['
} else if (c === 41 || c === 125 || c === 93) { // ')', '}', ']'
// The key will be the first token; if it's a string, trim the quotes
} else if (!key && !values.length && (c === 34 || c === 39)) { // '"', "'"
tok = tok.slice(1, -1);
return result;
PxerHtmlParser.getKeyFromStringObjectLiteral =function(s, key) {
var resolvedpairs = this.parseObjectLiteral(s);
for (var pair of resolvedpairs) {
if (pair[0] ===key) return pair[1];
return false;
pxer.URLGetter = {
illustInfoById(id) {
return 'https://www.pixiv.net/ajax/illust/' + id;
search({ url = document.URL, page = 0 } = {}){
const defaultQueryString = 's_mode=s_tag_full';
const queryString = url.split('?')[1];
const query = new URLSearchParams(queryString);
const tagsMatch = url.match(pxer.regexp.parseKeyword);
let word = null;
if (tagsMatch) {
word = tagsMatch[1];
} else {
word = encodeURIComponent(query.get('word'));
return `https://www.pixiv.net/ajax/search/artworks/${word}?${defaultQueryString}&${queryString}&p=${page + 1}`;
bookmarkNew({ page = 0 }) {
return "https://www.pixiv.net/ajax/follow_latest/illust?mode=all&lang=zh&p=" + (page + 1)
// src/app/PxerPrinter.js
class PxerPrinter{
* 计算得到的下载地址
* @type {string[]}
* */
this.address =[];
this.taskInfo ='';
this.ugoiraFrames ={};
this.config =PxerPrinter.defaultConfig();
config &&this.setConfig(config);
* 设置配置信息
* @param {string|Object} key - 要设置的key或是一个将被遍历合并的对象
* @param {string} [value] - 要设置的value
* */
setConfig(key ,value){
if(arguments.length ===1 && typeof key ==='object'){
let obj =key;
for(let objKey in obj){
if(objKey in this.config) this.config[objKey] =obj[objKey];
else console.warn(`PxerPrinter.setConfig: skip key "${objKey}"`);
if(!(key in this.config)) throw new Error(`PxerPrinter.setConfig: ${key} is not in config`);
return this;
* 根据作品列表将下载地址填充到PxerPrinter#address
* @param {PxerWorks[]} worksList
* @return {void}
* */
PxerPrinter.prototype['fillAddress'] =function(worksList){
for(let works of worksList){
let configKey =PxerPrinter.getWorksKey(works);
if(configKey==='ugoira_zip' &&this.config['ugoira_frames']==='yes'){
this.ugoiraFrames[works.id] =works.frames
if(!(configKey in this.config)) throw new Error(`PxerPrinter.fillAddress: ${configKey} in not in config`);
if(this.config[configKey]==='no') continue;
* 根据作品将可读的下载信息填充到PxerPrinter#taskInfo
* @param {PxerWorks[]} worksList
* @return {void}
* */
PxerPrinter.prototype['fillTaskInfo'] =function(worksList){
var [manga,ugoira,illust,multiple,single,worksNum,address] =new Array(20).fill(0);
for(let works of worksList){
let configKey =PxerPrinter.getWorksKey(works);
if(this.config[configKey]==='no') continue;
case 'manga':
case 'ugoira':
case 'illust':
throw new Error(`PxerPrinter.fillTaskInfo: works.type illegal`);
address +=works.multiple;
this.taskInfo =eval(pxer.t('phrase.taskInfo'));
* 将结果输出
* 确保下载地址和任务信息已被填充
* */
PxerPrinter.prototype['print'] =function(){
if((this.config['ugoira_frames'] ==="yes")&&(Object.keys(this.ugoiraFrames).length !==0)){
let win =window.open(document.URL ,'_blank');
var scriptname="";
switch (navigator.platform) {
case "Win32":scriptname="bat批处理"; break;
default:scriptname="bash"; break;
let str =[
'<p>/** 这个页面是自动生成的使用FFmpeg自行合成动图的'+scriptname+'脚本,详细使用教程见<a href="http://pxer.pea3nut.org/md/ugoira_concat" target="_blank" >http://pxer.pea3nut.org/md/ugoira_concat</a> */</p>',
'<textarea style="height:100%; width:100%" readonly>',
let win = window.open(document.URL ,'_blank');
let str = [
'<textarea style="height:100%; width:100%" readonly>' ,
this.address.join('\n') ,
'</textarea>' ,
* 根据作品类型,生成配置信息的key
* @param {PxerWorks} works
* @return {string}
* @see PxerPrinter.defaultConfig
* */
PxerPrinter.getWorksKey =function(works){
var configKey =null;
if(works.type === 'ugoira'){
configKey ='ugoira_zip';
configKey =works.type+(
return configKey;
* 根据动图参数,生成ffmpeg脚本
* @param 动图参数
* @return {String[]} 生成的脚本行
* @see PxerPrinter.prototype['print']
PxerPrinter.prototype['generateUgoiraScript'] =function(frames) {
var lines=[];
var resstring;
var ffmpeg;
var isWindows = ['Win32', 'Win64', 'Windows', 'WinCE'].indexOf(navigator.platform)!==-1;
switch (this.config.ugoira_zip) {
case "max": resstring = "1920x1080"; break;
case "600p": resstring = "600x338"; break;
var slashstr = "";
if (isWindows) {
lines.push("@echo off");
lines.push("set /p ext=请输入输出文件扩展名(mp4/gif/...):");
} else {
lines.push("{ hash ffmpeg 2>/dev/null && ffmpeg=ffmpeg;} || { [ -x ./ffmpeg ] && ffmpeg=./ffmpeg;} || { echo >&2 \"Failed to locate ffmpeg executable. Aborting.\"; exit 1;}");
lines.push("read -p '请输入输出文件扩展名(mp4/gif/...):' ext");
for (let key in frames) {
var foldername = key + "_ugoira" + resstring;
var confpath = foldername + "/config.txt";
var height = frames[key].height;
var width = frames[key].width;
if (this.config.ugoira_zip==="600p") {
var scale = Math.max(height, width)/600;
height = parseInt(height/scale);
width = parseInt(width/scale);
lines.push(isWindows?("del "+ foldername + "\\config.txt >nul 2>nul"):("rm "+ foldername + "/config.txt &> /dev/null"));
for (let frame of frames[key].framedef) {
lines.push("echo file "+slashstr+"'" + frame['file']+ slashstr +"' >> "+confpath);
lines.push("echo duration " + frame['delay']/1000 + " >> "+ confpath);
lines.push("echo file "+ slashstr + "'" +frames[key].framedef[frames[key].framedef.length-1]['file'] + slashstr + "' >> "+confpath);
lines.push(isWindows? "if %ext%==gif (":"if [ $ext == \"gif\"]; then");
lines.push(ffmpeg+" -f concat -i "+confpath+" -vf palettegen "+foldername+"/palette.png");
lines.push(ffmpeg+" -f concat -i "+confpath+" -i "+foldername+"/palette.png -lavfi paletteuse -framerate 30 -vsync -1 -s "+width+"x"+height+" "+foldername+"/remux." + (isWindows? "%ext%":"$ext"));
lines.push(isWindows? ") else (":"else");
lines.push(ffmpeg+" -f concat -i "+confpath+" -framerate 30 -vsync -1 -s "+width+"x"+height+" "+foldername+"/remux." + (isWindows? "%ext%":"$ext"));
lines.push(isWindows? ")":"fi");
if (isWindows) {
lines.push("echo 完成 & pause");
} else {
lines.push("read -n 1 -p \"完成,按任意键退出\" m && echo");
return lines;
PxerPrinter.defaultConfig =function(){
"manga_single" :"max",//[max|600p|no]
"manga_multiple" :"max",//[max|1200p|cover_600p|no]
"illust_single" :"max",//[max|600p|no]
"illust_multiple" :"max",//[max|1200p|cover_600p|no]
"ugoira_zip" :"no",//[max|600p|no]
"ugoira_frames" :"no",//[yes|no]
/**作品页跳过过滤 */
PxerPrinter.printAllConfig =function(){
"manga_single" :"max",//[max|600p|no]
"manga_multiple" :"max",//[max|1200p|cover_600p|no]
"illust_single" :"max",//[max|600p|no]
"illust_multiple" :"max",//[max|1200p|cover_600p|no]
"ugoira_zip" :"max",//[max|600p|no]
"ugoira_frames" :"yes",//[yes|no]
* 拼装动图原始地址
* @param {PxerUgoiraWorks} works - 作品
* @param {string} [type] - 拼装类型 [max|600p]
* @return {Array}
* */
PxerPrinter.getUgoira =function(works ,type='max'){
const tpl ={
"max" :"https://#domain#/img-zip-ugoira/img/#date#/#id#_ugoira1920x1080.zip",
"600p" :"https://#domain#/img-zip-ugoira/img/#date#/#id#_ugoira600x600.zip",
var address =tpl[type];
if(!address) throw new Error(`PxerPrint.getUgoira: unknown type "${type}"`);
for(let key in works){
address =address.replace(`#${key}#` ,works[key]);
return [address];
* 拼装多副原始地址
* @param {PxerMultipleWorks} works - 作品
* @param {string} [type] - 拼装类型 [max|1200p|cover_600p]
* @return {Array}
* */
PxerPrinter.getMultiple =function(works ,type='max'){
const tpl ={
"max" :"https://#domain#/img-original/img/#date#/#id#_p#index#.#fileFormat#",
"1200p" :"https://#domain#/c/1200x1200/img-master/img/#date#/#id#_p#index#_master1200.jpg",
"cover_600p" :"https://#domain#/c/600x600/img-master/img/#date#/#id#_p0_master1200.jpg",
var address =tpl[type];
if(!address) throw new Error(`PxerPrint.getMultiple: unknown type "${type}"`);
for(let key in works){
address =address.replace(`#${key}#` ,works[key]);
var addressList =[];
for(let i=0 ;i<works.multiple ;i++){
addressList.push(address.replace('#index#' ,i));
return addressList;
* 拼装单副原始地址
* @param {PxerWorks} works - 作品
* @param {string=max} [type] - 拼装类型 [max|600p]
* @return {Array}
* */
PxerPrinter.getWorks =function (works ,type='max'){
const tpl ={
"max" :"https://#domain#/img-original/img/#date#/#id#_p0.#fileFormat#",
"600p" :"https://#domain#/c/600x600/img-master/img/#date#/#id#_p0_master1200.jpg",
var address =tpl[type];
if(!address) throw new Error(`PxerPrint.getWorks: unknown type "${type}"`);
for(let key in works){
address =address.replace(`#${key}#` ,works[key]);
return [address];
* 智能拼装原始地址,对上述的简单封装
* @param {PxerWorks} [works]
* @param {...arguments} [argn]
* @return {Array}
* */
PxerPrinter.countAddress =function(works,argn){
case works.type === 'ugoira':
return PxerPrinter.getUgoira(...arguments);
case works.isMultiple:
return PxerPrinter.getMultiple(...arguments);
return PxerPrinter.getWorks(...arguments);
// src/app/PxerThread.js
class PxerThread extends PxerEvent{
* @param id {string} 线程的ID,便于调试
* @param {Object} config 线程的配置信息
* */
constructor({id ,config}={}){
this.id =id;
* 当前线程的状态
* - free
* - ready
* - error
* - fail
* - running
* */
this.task =null;
* */
this.config =config ||{
this.runtime ={};
this.xhr =null;
* 对抓取到的URL和HTML进行校验
* @param {string} url
* @param {string} html
* @return {string|true} 返回字符串表示失败
* */
PxerThread.checkRequest =function(url ,html){
if(!html) return 'empty';
if(html.indexOf("_no-item _error") !==-1){
if(html.indexOf("sprites-r-18g-badge") !==-1) return 'r-18g';
if(html.indexOf("sprites-r-18-badge") !==-1) return 'r-18';
if(html.indexOf("sprites-mypixiv-badge") !==-1) return 'mypixiv';
return true;
PxerThread.prototype['stop'] =function(){
* 初始化线程
* @param {PxerRequest} task
* */
PxerThread.prototype['init'] =function(task){
this.runtime ={};
this.state ='ready';
// 必要的检查
throw new Error(`PxerThread#init: ${this.id} config illegal`);
if(this.task instanceof PxerWorksRequest){
this.runtime.urlList =this.task.url.slice();
}else if(this.task instanceof PxerPageRequest){
this.runtime.urlList =[this.task.url];
this.dispatch('error' ,`PxerThread#${this.id}.init: unknown task`);
return false;
* 使用PxerThread#xhr发送请求
* @param {string} url
* */
PxerThread.prototype['sendRequest'] =function(url){
this.state ='running';
this.xhr.open('GET' ,url ,true);
// 单副漫画请求需要更改Referer头信息
this.task instanceof PxerWorksRequest
&& this.task.type ==='manga'
&& this.task.isMultiple===false
&& /mode=big/.test(url)
var referer =this.task.url.find(item=>item.indexOf('mode=medium')!==-1);
var origin =document.URL;
this.dispatch('error','PxerThread.sendRequest: cannot find referer');
history.replaceState({} ,null ,referer);
history.replaceState({} ,null ,origin);
PxerThread.prototype['run'] =function _self(){
const URL =this.runtime.urlList.shift();
this.state ='free';
this.task.completed =true;
this.dispatch("load" ,this.task);
return true;
const XHR =new XMLHttpRequest();
this.xhr =XHR;
XHR.timeout =this.config.timeout;
XHR.responseType ='text';
var retry=0;
if(++retry > this.config.retry){
this.state ='fail';
this.dispatch('fail' ,new PxerFailInfo({
task :this.task,
url :URL,
type :'timeout',
xhr :XHR,
return false;
XHR.addEventListener("load" ,()=>{
if(XHR.status.toString()[0]!=='2' &&XHR.status!==304){
this.state ='fail';
this.dispatch('fail' ,new PxerFailInfo({
task :this.task,
url :URL,
type :'http:'+XHR.status,
return false;
// 判断是否真的请求成功
var msg =PxerThread.checkRequest(URL ,XHR.responseText);
if(msg !==true){
this.state ='fail';
this.dispatch('fail' ,{
task :this.task,
url :URL,
type :msg,
return false;
// 执行成功回调
if(this.task instanceof PxerWorksRequest){
this.task.html[URL] =XHR.responseText;
this.task.html =XHR.responseText;
return true;
XHR.addEventListener("error" ,()=>{
this.state ='error';
this.dispatch('error' ,{
task :this.task,
url :URL,
// src/app/PxerThreadManager.js
class PxerThreadManager extends PxerEvent{
* @param {number} timeout - 超时时间
* @param {number} retry - 重试次数
* @param {number} thread - 线程数
* */
super(['load' ,'error' ,'fail' ,'warn']);
this.config ={timeout,retry,thread};
* 任务列表
* @type {PxerRequest[]}
* */
this.taskList =[];
this.pointer =0;
* 存放的线程对象
* @type {PxerThread[]}
* */
this.threads =[];
* 每当执行任务开始前调用的中间件
* @type {Function[]} 返回true继续执行,false终止执行
* */
this.middleware =[function(task){
return !!task;
this.runtime ={};
* 停止线程的执行,实际上假装任务都执行完了
* 停止后还会触发load事件,需要一段时间
* */
PxerThreadManager.prototype['stop'] =function(){
this.pointer =this.taskList.length+1;
* 初始化线程管理器
* @param {PxerRequest[]} taskList
* */
PxerThreadManager.prototype['init'] =function(taskList){
if(! this.taskList.every(request=>request instanceof PxerRequest)){
this.dispatch('error' ,'PxerThreadManager.init: taskList is illegal');
return false;
// 初始任务与结果
this.runtime ={};
this.pointer =0;
// 建立线程对象
this.threads =[];
for(let i=0 ;i<this.config.thread ;i++){
this.threads.push(new PxerThread({
timeout :this.config.timeout,
retry :this.config.retry,
return this;
* 运行线程管理器
* */
PxerThreadManager.prototype['run'] =function(){
if(this.taskList.length ===0){
this.dispatch('warn','PxerApp#run: taskList.length is 0');
return false;
for(let thread of this.threads){
thread.on('load' ,data=>{
thread.on('fail' ,(pfi)=>{
thread.on('error' ,this.dispatch.bind(this ,'error'));
function next(ptm ,thread){
}else if(ptm.threads.every(thread=>['free','fail','error'].indexOf(thread.state)!==-1)){
ptm.dispatch('load' ,ptm.taskList);
// src/app/PxerApp.js
'use strict';
* Pxer主程序对象,与所有模块都是强耦合关系
* 若你想阅读源码,建议不要从这个类开始
* @class
* */
class PxerApp extends PxerEvent{
* 可能被触发的事件
* - stop 被终止时
* - error 出错时
* - executeWroksTask 执行作品抓取时
* - finishWorksTask 完成作品抓取时
* - executePageTask 执行页码抓取时
* - finishPageTask 完成页码抓取时
* - finishTask 完成所有任务
* */
* 当前页面类型。可能的值
* @type {string}
* */
this.pageType = getPageType(document);
* 页面的作品数量
* @type {number|null}
* @see PxerApp.init
* */
this.worksNum =null;
* 任务队列
* @type {PxerRequest[]}
* */
* 失败的任务信息
* @type {PxerFailInfo[]}
* */
* 抓取到的结果集
* @type {PxerWorks[]}
* */
* 过滤得到的结果集
* @type {PxerWorks[]}
* */
* 任务配置选项,用来指派任务执行过程中的一些逻辑
* 必须在PxerApp#initPageTask调用前配置
* */
limit :null,
stopId :null,
// 其他对象的配置参数
this.ptmConfig ={//PxerThreadManager
this.ppConfig =this.pageType.startsWith("works_")? PxerPrinter.printAllConfig() : PxerPrinter.defaultConfig();//PxerPrinter
this.pfConfig =PxerFilter.defaultConfig();//PxerFilter
// 使用的PxerThreadManager实例
this.ptm =null;
pxer.app = this;
static canCrawl(doc = document) { return ['search', 'search_spa', 'search_tag', 'works_medium', 'rank', 'bookmark_new', 'discovery', 'bookmark_works', 'member_works_new'].includes(pxer.util.getPageType(doc)); }
* 初始化时的耗时任务
async init(){
this.worksNum = await PxerApp.getWorksNum(document);
* 停止执行当前任务
* 调用后仍会触发对应的finish*事件
* */
if(typeof this.pageType !=='string' || typeof this.worksNum!=='number'){
this.dispatch('error','PxerApp.initPageTask: pageType or number illegal');
return false;
let onePageWorksNumber = getOnePageWorkCount(this.pageType);
var pageNum =Math.ceil(
? this.taskOption.limit
: this.worksNum
if (this.pageType==="discovery") {
var mode;
switch (true) {
case document.URL.match(/mode=(r18|safe|all)/)===null: mode = "all"; break;
default: mode = document.URL.match(/mode=(r18|safe|all)/)[1]; break;
var recomCount = (this.taskOption.limit? this.taskOption.limit: this.worksNum);
this.taskList.push(new PxerPageRequest({
url : `https://www.pixiv.net/rpc/recommender.php?type=illust&sample_illusts=auto&num_recommendations=${recomCount}&page=discovery&mode=${mode}&tt=${pixiv.context.token}`,
} else if (this.pageType==="member_works_new"){
var uid = getIDfromURL()
var type = document.URL.match(/type=(\w+)/)?document.URL.match(/type=(\w+)/)[1]:"all"
this.taskList.push(new PxerPageRequest({
url: `https://www.pixiv.net/ajax/user/${uid}/profile/all`,
type: type?`userprofile_${type}`:"userprofile_all",
} else if (this.pageType==="bookmark_works"){
const queryInfo = new URLSearchParams(location.search);
for (let offset =0;offset<48*pageNum;offset+=48) {
let id = getIDfromURL() || getIDfromURL("id", document.querySelector("a.user-name").getAttribute("href")) // old bookmark page
this.taskList.push(new PxerPageRequest({
url: `https://www.pixiv.net/ajax/user/${id}/illusts/bookmarks?tag=&offset=${offset}&limit=48&rest=${queryInfo.get('rest') || 'show'}`
} else if (['search_spa', 'search_tag'].includes(this.pageType)){
for (let page = 0; page < pageNum; page++) {
this.taskList.push(new PxerPageRequest({
url: pxer.URLGetter.search({ page }),
type: this.pageType,
} else if (this.pageType === 'bookmark_new'){
for (let page = 0; page < pageNum; page++) {
this.taskList.push(new PxerPageRequest({
url: pxer.URLGetter.bookmarkNew({ page }),
type: this.pageType,
} else {
var separator =document.URL.includes("?")?"&":"?";
var extraparam = this.pageType==='rank'? "&format=json" : "";
for(var i=0 ;i<pageNum ;i++){
this.taskList.push(new PxerPageRequest({
url :document.URL+separator+"p="+(i+1)+extraparam,
if(this.taskList.length ===0){
this.dispatch('error','PxerApp.executePageTask: taskList is empty');
return false;
if(! this.taskList.every(request=>request instanceof PxerPageRequest)){
this.dispatch('error' ,'PxerApp.executePageTask: taskList is illegal');
return false;
var ptm =this.ptm =new PxerThreadManager(this.ptmConfig);
ptm.on('error' ,(...argn)=>this.dispatch('error',argn));
ptm.on('warn' ,(...argn)=>this.dispatch('error',argn));
var parseResult =[];
for(let result of this.taskList){
result =PxerHtmlParser.parsePage(result);
this.resultSet =parseResult;
this.dispatch('finishPageTask' ,parseResult);
* 抓取作品
* @param {PxerWorksRequest[]} tasks - 要执行的作品请求数组
* */
if(tasks.length ===0){
this.dispatch('error','PxerApp.executeWroksTask: taskList is empty');
return false;
if(! tasks.every(request=>request instanceof PxerWorksRequest)){
this.dispatch('error' ,'PxerApp.executeWroksTask: taskList is illegal');
return false;
// 任务按ID降序排列(#133)
if (['member_info', 'member_works_new', 'member_works'].includes(this.pageType)) {
var ptm =this.ptm =new PxerThreadManager(this.ptmConfig);
ptm.on('error' ,(...argn)=>this.dispatch('error',argn));
ptm.on('warn' ,(...argn)=>this.dispatch('error',argn));
// 根据taskOption添加ptm中间件
return ptm.pointer<this.taskOption.limit;
return false;
return true;
this.resultSet =[];
var tl =this.taskList.slice(//限制结果集条数
? this.taskOption.limit
: undefined
for(let pwr of tl){
let pw =PxerHtmlParser.parseWorks(pwr);
ptm.dispatch('fail',new PxerFailInfo({
type :'parse',
task :pwr,
url :pwr.url[0],
this.dispatch('finishWorksTask' ,this.resultSet);
ptm.on('fail' ,pfi=>{
return true;
// 把重试的任务从失败列表中减去
this.failList =this.failList.filter(pfi=>list.indexOf(pfi)===-1);
// 执行抓取
this.taskList =this.resultSet.slice(0 ,len);
this.resultSet =[];
* 获取当前抓取到的可读的任务信息
* @return {string}
* */
var pp =new PxerPrinter(this.ppConfig);
var pf =new PxerFilter(this.pfConfig);
return pp.taskInfo;
* 输出抓取到的作品
* */
var pp =new PxerPrinter(this.ppConfig);
var pf =new PxerFilter(this.pfConfig);
var works =pf.filter(this.resultSet);
PxerApp.prototype['getThis'] =async function(){
// 生成任务对象
var id = pxer.util.getIDfromURL("illust_id") || document.URL.match(pxer.regexp.urlWorkDetail)[1];
var initdata = await pxer.util.fetchPixivApi(pxer.URLGetter.illustInfoById(id));
var type = initdata.illustType;
var pageCount = initdata.pageCount;
var pwr =new PxerWorksRequest({
isMultiple :pageCount>1,
id :id,
switch (type) {
case 2: pwr.type ='ugoira'; break;
case 1: pwr.type ='illust'; break;
case 0: pwr.type ='manga'; break;
default:throw new Error("Unknown work type. id:" +id);
pwr.url =PxerHtmlParser.getUrlList(pwr);
// 添加执行
this.taskList = [pwr];
return true;
* 获取当前页面的总作品数
* @param {Document=document} dom - 页面的document对象
* @return {number} - 作品数
* */
PxerApp.getWorksNum =function(dom=document){
return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{
const pageType = pxer.util.getPageType(dom);
if (pageType === "rank") {
let queryurl = dom.URL + "&format=json";
let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open("GET", queryurl);
xhr.onload = (e) => resolve(JSON.parse(xhr.responseText)['rank_total']);
} else if (pageType === "bookmark_new") {
// 关注的新作品页数最多100页
// 因为一般用户关注的用户数作品都足够填满100页,所以从100开始尝试页数
// 如果没有100页进行一次二分查找
this.getFollowingBookmarkWorksNum(0, 100).then((res) => resolve(res));
} else if (pageType === "discovery"){
} else if (pageType === "bookmark_works"){
const queryInfo = new URLSearchParams(location.search);
let id = getIDfromURL("id", dom.URL) || getIDfromURL("id", dom.querySelector("a.user-name").getAttribute("href")) // old bookmark page
let queryurl = `https://www.pixiv.net/ajax/user/${id}/illusts/bookmarks?tag=&offset=0&limit=48&rest=${queryInfo.get('rest') || 'show'}`;
let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open("GET", queryurl);
xhr.onload = (e) => {
} else if (pageType === "member_works_new") {
let queryurl = `https://www.pixiv.net/ajax/user/${getIDfromURL()}/profile/all`;
let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open("GET", queryurl);
xhr.onload = (e) => {
var resp = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText).body;
var type = dom.URL.match(/type=(manga|illust)/);
var getKeyCount = function(obj) {
return Object.keys(obj).length
if (!type) {
} else if (type[1]==="illust") {
} else {
} else if (['search_spa', 'search_tag'].includes(pageType)) {
pxer.util.fetchPixivApi(pxer.URLGetter.search()).then(data => {
} else {
let elt = dom.querySelector(".count-badge");
if (!elt) resolve(null);
* 获取关注的新作品页的总作品数
* @param {number} startPage - 最小页数
* @param {number} maxPage - 最大页数
* @return {number} - 作品数
PxerApp.getFollowingBookmarkWorksNum = async function(startPage, maxPage){
const requestForCount = async (page = 0) => {
const data = await fetch(pxer.URLGetter.bookmarkNew({ page }));
return (await data.json()).body.page.ids.length;
// count how many item per page
const pageSize = await requestForCount();
// dichotomy search for the last page
const [lastPage, lastPageSize] = await (async () => {
const maxPageSize = await requestForCount(maxPage);
if (maxPageSize > 0) return [maxPage, maxPageSize];
let currentMinPage = startPage;
let currentMaxPage = maxPage;
let currentPage = ~~(maxPage / 2);
while (true) {
const currentPageSize = await requestForCount(currentPage);
if (currentPageSize > 0 && currentPageSize < pageSize) {
return [currentPage, currentPageSize];
if (currentPage === startPage || currentPage === maxPage) {
return [currentPage, pageSize];
if (currentPageSize === 0) {
currentMaxPage = currentPage;
currentPage -= Math.ceil((currentPage - currentMinPage - 1) / 2);
} else if (currentPageSize === pageSize) {
currentMinPage = currentPage;
currentPage += Math.ceil((currentMaxPage - currentPage) / 2);
return (lastPage - startPage) * pageSize + lastPageSize;
// src/view/analytics.js
(function () {
let uid = localStorage.getItem('pxer_uid');
if (!uid) {
uid = Number(Math.random().toString().split('.')[1]).toString(36);
localStorage.setItem('pxer_uid', uid);
const eventSender = new EventSender('https://point.pea3nut.org/events', {
app_name: 'pxer-app',
get event_page() { return pxer.util.getPageType(); },
get referer() { return location.href; },
mode: PXER_MODE,
url: PXER_URL,
lang: pxer.lang,
pxer.sendEvent = eventSender.send.bind(eventSender);
// src/view/AutoSuggestControl.js
'use strict';
* Copyright (c) 2013 Profoundis Labs Pvt. Ltd., and individual contributors.
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* 3. Neither the name of autojs nor the names of its contributors may be used
* to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
* specific prior written permission.
* reuses a lot of code from Nicholas C. Zakas textfield autocomplete example found here
* http://oak.cs.ucla.edu/cs144/projects/javascript/suggest1.html
* An autosuggest textbox control.
* @class
* @scope public
class AutoSuggestControl {
constructor(id_or_element, provider) {
this.provider = provider;
* The textbox to capture, specified by element_id.
* @scope private
this.textbox /*:HTMLInputElement*/ = typeof id_or_element == "string" ? document.getElementById(id_or_element) : id_or_element;
//initialize the control
* Autosuggests one or more suggestions for what the user has typed.
* If no suggestions are passed in, then no autosuggest occurs.
* @scope private
* @param aSuggestions An array of suggestion strings.
AutoSuggestControl.prototype.autosuggest = function (aSuggestions /*:Array*/) {
//make sure there's at least one suggestion
if (aSuggestions.length > 0) {
* Handles keyup events.
* @scope private
* @param oEvent The event object for the keyup event.
AutoSuggestControl.prototype.handleKeyUp = function (oEvent /*:Event*/) {
var iKeyCode = oEvent.keyCode;
var evtobj = oEvent;
window.eventobj = evtobj;
if ((iKeyCode != 16 && iKeyCode < 32) || (iKeyCode >= 33 && iKeyCode <= 46) || (iKeyCode >= 112 && iKeyCode <= 123) || (iKeyCode == 65 && evtobj.ctrlKey) || (iKeyCode == 90 && evtobj.ctrlKey)) {
if (iKeyCode == 90 && evtobj.ctrlKey) {
// window.getSelection().deleteFromDocument();
// TODO: need to find a way to select the rest of the text and delete.
} else {
//request suggestions from the suggestion provider
* Initializes the textarea with event handlers for
* auto suggest functionality.
* @scope private
AutoSuggestControl.prototype.init = function () {
//save a reference to this object
var oThis = this;
//assign the onkeyup event handler
var lastDate = new Date();
oThis.textbox.onkeyup = function (oEvent) {
//check for the proper location of the event object
if (!oEvent) {
oEvent = window.event;
var newDate = new Date();
if (newDate.getTime() > lastDate.getTime() + 200) {
lastDate = newDate;
* Selects a range of text in the textarea.
* @scope public
* @param iStart The start index (base 0) of the selection.
* @param iLength The number of characters to select.
AutoSuggestControl.prototype.selectRange = function (iStart /*:int*/, iLength /*:int*/) {
//use text ranges for Internet Explorer
if (this.textbox.createTextRange) {
var oRange = this.textbox.createTextRange();
oRange.moveStart("character", iStart);
oRange.moveEnd("character", iLength);
//use setSelectionRange() for Mozilla
} else if (this.textbox.setSelectionRange) {
this.textbox.setSelectionRange(iStart, iLength);
//set focus back to the textbox
* Inserts a suggestion into the textbox, highlighting the
* suggested part of the text.
* @scope private
* @param sSuggestion The suggestion for the textbox.
AutoSuggestControl.prototype.typeAhead = function (sSuggestion /*:String*/) {
//check for support of typeahead functionality
if (this.textbox.createTextRange || this.textbox.setSelectionRange){
var lastSpace = this.textbox.value.lastIndexOf(" ");
var lastQuote = this.textbox.value.lastIndexOf("'");
var lastHypen = this.textbox.value.lastIndexOf("-");
var lastDoubleQuote = this.textbox.value.lastIndexOf('"');
var lastEnter = this.textbox.value.lastIndexOf("\n");
var lastIndex = Math.max(lastSpace, lastEnter, lastQuote, lastHypen, lastDoubleQuote) + 1;
var contentStripped = this.textbox.value.substring(0, lastIndex);
var lastWord = this.textbox.value.substring(lastIndex, this.textbox.value.length);
this.textbox.value = contentStripped + sSuggestion; //.replace(lastWord,"");
var start = this.textbox.value.length - sSuggestion.replace(lastWord,"").length;
var end = this.textbox.value.length;
this.selectRange(start, end);
* Request suggestions for the given autosuggest control.
AutoSuggestControl.prototype.requestSuggestions = function () {
this.words = this.provider();
var aSuggestions = [];
var sTextbox = this.textbox.value;
var sTextboxSplit = sTextbox.split(/\s+/);
var sTextboxLast = sTextboxSplit[sTextboxSplit.length-1];
var sTextboxValue = sTextboxLast;
if (sTextboxValue.length > 0){
//search for matching words
for (var i=0; i < this.words.length; i++) {
if (this.words[i].indexOf(sTextboxValue.toLowerCase()) == 0) {
if (this.words[i].indexOf(sTextboxValue) == 0){
else if (this.words[i].indexOf(sTextboxValue.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + sTextboxValue.slice(1)) == 0) {
aSuggestions.push(this.words[i].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.words[i].slice(1));
//provide suggestions to the control
// src/view/vm.js
const el = document.createElement('div');
const component = {
template: pxer.uiTemplate,
this.state = 'standby';
this.taskInfo = '';
this.errmsg = '';
this.pageType = pxer.util.getPageType();
this.runTimeTimer = setInterval(()=>this.runTimeTimestamp++ ,1000);
this.runTimeTimer =null;
tagFilterInfo: {
deep: true,
handler: 'onTagFilterInfoChange'
data(){return {
pxer: null,
init :'初始化',
ready :'就绪',
page :'抓取页码中',
works :'抓取作品中',
stop :'用户手动停止',
error :'出错',
pxerVersion: pxer.package.version,
pageType: pxer.util.getPageType(),
currentUrl: document.URL,
showAllTagFilter: false,
showLoadingButton: false,
* @property {'NECESSARY' | 'EXCLUDE' | 'WHATEVER'} [tagName] - default by WHATEVER
* */
tagFilterInfo: {},
var runState =['page','works'];
return runState.indexOf(this.state)!==-1;
return this.pxer.taskOption.limit ||this.pxer.worksNum;
if (!this.pxer) return null;
var pageWorkCount = getOnePageWorkCount(this.pxer.pageType);
return Math.ceil(this.worksNum/pageWorkCount)+ +this.worksNum;
return this.pxer.taskList.filter(pr=>pr.completed).length;
}else if(this.state==='works'){
return (
return -1;
return Math.ceil(
return -1;
return this.pxer.ppConfig.ugoira_zip+'-'+this.pxer.ppConfig.ugoira_frames;
var arr =value.split('-');
return this.pxer.pfConfig.no_tag_any.join(' ');
this.pxer.pfConfig.no_tag_any =value.split(' ');
return this.pxer.pfConfig.no_tag_every.join(' ');
this.pxer.pfConfig.no_tag_every =value.split(' ');
return this.pxer.pfConfig.has_tag_some.join(' ');
this.pxer.pfConfig.has_tag_some =value.split(' ');
return this.pxer.pfConfig.has_tag_every.join(' ');
this.pxer.pfConfig.has_tag_every =value.split(' ');
if (!this.pxer) return [];
return this.pxer.failList
return this.tryFailWroksList.indexOf(pfi)===-1;
canCrawlDirectly() {
return this.pageType === 'works_medium';
canCrawl() {
return PxerApp.canCrawl();
* @return {TagInfo}
* @typedef TagInfo
* @property {Array.<string>} tags - all tags without repeat
* @property {Object.<string, number>} count - The times of tag included in works
* */
tagInfo() {
const allTags = this.pxer.resultSet.reduce((result, works) => result.concat(works.tagList), []);
const countMap = {};
const noRepeatTags = [];
allTags.forEach(tag => {
if (!noRepeatTags.includes(tag)) {
countMap[tag] = countMap[tag] || 0;
noRepeatTags.sort((tag1, tag2) => countMap[tag2] - countMap[tag1]);
return {
tags: noRepeatTags,
count: countMap,
needFoldTagFilter() {
return this.tagInfo.tags.length > 60;
tagFilterFolded() {
return this.needFoldTagFilter && !this.showAllTagFilter;
createPxerApp() {
this.pxer = new PxerApp();
this.errmsg = error;
pxer.sendEvent('error', {
PXER_ERROR: typeof PXER_ERROR !== 'undefined' ? PXER_ERROR : null,
this.pxer.on('finishWorksTask',(result) =>{
pxer.sendEvent('finish', {
result_count: result.length,
ptm_config: this.pxer.ptmConfig,
task_option: this.pxer.taskOption,
error_count: this.pxer.failList.length,
crawlDirectly() {
this.showLoadingButton = true;
this.showLoadingButton = false;
pxer.sendEvent('get-this', {
pxer.sendEvent('load', {
pxer.sendEvent("start", {
}else if(this.state==='re-ready'){
pxer.sendEvent("halt", {
this.taskInfo =this.pxer.getWorksInfo()
var sanitizedpfConfig = {};
for (let key in this.pxer.pfConfig) {
sanitizedpfConfig[key] = this.pxer.pfConfig[key].length?this.pxer.pfConfig[key].length:this.pxer.pfConfig[key];
pxer.sendEvent("print", {
pxer.sendEvent("setTaskOption", {
task_option: this.taskOption,
Object.assign(this.pxer.taskOption ,this.taskOption);
'parse':'再试一次,若问题依旧,请<a href="https://github.com/pea3nut/Pxer/issues/5" target="_blank">反馈</a>给花生',
pxer.sendEvent("reready", {
return `${~~(s/60)}:${(s%60>=10)?s%60:'0'+s%60}`
t: pxer.t,
const vm = this;
const historyPushState = history.pushState;
const historyReplaceState = history.replaceState;
history.pushState = function (...args) {
historyPushState.apply(history, args);
setTimeout(() => vm.currentUrl = document.URL, 0);
history.replaceState = function (...args) {
historyReplaceState.apply(history, args);
setTimeout(() => vm.currentUrl = document.URL, 0);
// about filter by tag
countTagTheme(tagName) {
switch (this.tagFilterInfo[tagName]) {
case 'WHATEVER': return 'btn-secondary';
case 'EXCLUDE': return 'btn-danger';
case 'NECESSARY': return 'btn-success';
this.pxer.pfConfig.no_tag_any = [];
this.pxer.pfConfig.has_tag_some = [];
for(let [tagName, filterOption] of Object.entries(value)) {
switch (filterOption) {
case 'EXCLUDE':
onTagClick(tagName) {
switch (this.tagFilterInfo[tagName]) {
case 'WHATEVER':
this.$set(this.tagFilterInfo, tagName, 'EXCLUDE');
case 'EXCLUDE':
this.$set(this.tagFilterInfo, tagName, 'NECESSARY');
this.$set(this.tagFilterInfo, tagName, 'WHATEVER');
pxer.loaded = true;
// find a element as anchor
elt => {
const target = document.querySelector('#root > header');
if (!target) return false;
return true;
elt => {
const target = document.querySelector('._global-header');
if (!target) return false;
return true;
elt => {
const target = document.getElementById('wrapper');
if (!target) return false;
target.insertBefore(elt, target.firstChild);
return true;
elt => {
document.body.insertBefore(elt, document.body.firstChild);
return true;
].some(fn => fn(el));
// mount UI
pxer.vm = new Vue(component).$mount(el);