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Prompt On New Tab

Display a confirmation dialog when the site wants to open a new tab. This won't work if the user opens a link in a new tab using web browser's "Open in a new tab", "Open in background tab", or similar which are web browser internal features or browser extension features.

Verze ze dne 17. 02. 2018. Zobrazit nejnovější verzi.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Prompt On New Tab
// @namespace
// @version      1.1.8
// @license      GNU AGPLv3
// @description  Display a confirmation dialog when the site wants to open a new tab. This won't work if the user opens a link in a new tab using web browser's "Open in a new tab", "Open in background tab", or similar which are web browser internal features or browser extension features.
// @author       jcunews
// @match        *://*/*
// @grant        none
// @run-at       document-start
// ==/UserScript==

  Information about rejectList and allowList can be found on below URL.

var rejectList = [
  ["*", "*://**"],
  ["*", /^https?:\/\/[^.]+\.adservices?\.com\//i],
  ["*://*", /^.*?:\/\/site\.com\/(offer|popup)/i]

var allowList = [
  ["*://*", "*"],
  ["*://*/*", "*://*.google.*/*"]

[rejectList, allowList].forEach(function(list) {
  list.forEach(function(pair) {
    pair.forEach(function(str, i) {
      if (("string" === typeof str) || (str instanceof String)) {
        pair[i] = new RegExp("^" + str.replace(/([(){}\[\]\\^$.+?|])/g, "\\$1").replace(/([*])/g, ".*?") + "$", "i");

function checkUrl(target, curUrl) {
  function checkUrlPair(pair) {
    if (pair[0].test(curUrl) && pair[1].test(target)) return true;

  curUrl = location.href;
  if (rejectList.some(checkUrlPair)) {
    return -1;
  } else if (allowList.some(checkUrlPair)) {
    return 1;
  } else return 0;

function getFrameNames(fs, r) {
  function doEle(ele, n, i, z) {
    try {
      n = ele.tagName;
    } catch(z) {
      n = "";
    if (fs.indexOf(n) >= 0) {
      try {
      } catch(z) {}
    } else if (n) {
      for (i = ele.childElementCount-1; i >= 0; i--) {
        try {
          n = ele.children[i].tagName;
        } catch(z) {
          n = "";
        if (fs.indexOf(n) >= 0) {
          try {
          } catch(z) {}
        } else if (n) {
  fs = ["IFRAME", "FRAME"];
  r = [];
  return r;

(function(open_, anchors, forms, ele) {
  function dummy(){}

  function isFrameName(name) {
    return (name !== "_blank") && (getFrameNames().indexOf(name) >= 0);

  open_ =; = function(url, name) {
    var loc = {}, wnd = {
      document: {
        close: dummy,
        location: loc,
        open: dummy,
        write: dummy
      location: loc
    if (isFrameName(name)) {
      return open_.apply(this, arguments);
    } else switch (checkUrl(url)) {
      case -1:
        return wnd;
      case 1:
        return open_.apply(this, arguments);
        if (!confirm("This site wants to open a new tab.\nDo you want to allow it?\n\nURL:\n" + url)) {
          return wnd;
        } else return open_.apply(this, arguments);

  function actionCheckUrl(url, msg, ev) {
    switch (checkUrl(url)) {
      case -1:
        if (ev && ev.preventDefault) {
        return false;
      case 1:
        return true;
        if (!confirm(msg + "\nDo you want to allow it?\n\nURL:\n" + url)) {
          if (ev && ev.preventDefault) {
          return false;
        } else return true;

  anchors = document.getElementsByTagName("A");
  function onAnchorClick(ev) {
    if (this.href && (/^https?:/).test(this.href) && && !isFrameName( {
      return actionCheckUrl(this.href, "This site wants to open a new tab.", ev);
    } else return true;

  forms = document.getElementsByTagName("FORM");
  function onFormSubmit(ev) {
    if (this.action && && !isFrameName( {
      if (actionCheckUrl(this.action, "This site wants to submit a form in a new tab.", ev)) {
        return this.submit_pont.apply(this, arguments);
      } else return false;
    } else if (!ev || !ev.preventDefault) {
      return this.submit_pont.apply(this, arguments);

  setInterval(function(i) {
    for (i = anchors.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
      if (!anchors[i].listended) {
        anchors[i].listended = 1;
        anchors[i].addEventListener("click", onAnchorClick, true);
      } else break;
    for (i = forms.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
      if (!forms[i].listended) {
        forms[i].listended = 1;
        forms[i].submit_pont = forms[i].submit;
        forms[i].submit = onFormSubmit;
        forms[i].addEventListener("submit", onFormSubmit, true);
      } else break;
  }, 500);