
Point YouTube links to Invidious, Twitter to Nitter, Instagram to Bibliogram

Verze ze dne 23. 04. 2020. Zobrazit nejnovější verzi.

// ==UserScript==
// @name        YT2Invidio
// @namespace   de.izzysoft
// @author      Izzy
// @description Point YouTube links to Invidious, Twitter to Nitter, Instagram to Bibliogram
// @license     CC BY-NC-SA
// @include     *
// @version     1.4.1
// @run-at      document-idle
// @grant       GM.getValue
// @grant       GM.setValue
// @grant       GM_getValue
// @grant       GM_setValue
// @grant       GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant       GM_openInTab
// @grant       GM.openInTab
// @grant       unsafeWindow
// @homepageURL
// @require
// ==/UserScript==

// Default Config
const defaultConfig = {
  hosts: {invidious: "", nitter: "", bibliogram: ""}
console.log(obj.hosts.hasOwnProperty('bibliogram')); // true

// Get the Invidious instance to use for rewrite
GM.getValue('YT2IConfig',JSON.stringify(defaultConfig)).then(function(result) {

// Do the actual rewrite
function rewriteLinks(config) {
  console.log(`Using '${config}' for rewrite`);
  var cfg = JSON.parse(config);
  var videohost = cfg.hosts.invidious;
  var nitterhost = cfg.hosts.nitter;
  var bibliogramhost = cfg.hosts.bibliogram;
  console.log('Invidious: '+videohost)
  console.log('Nitter: '+nitterhost)
  console.log('Bibliogram: '+bibliogramhost)
  // --=[ document links ]=--
  console.log('Checking '+document.links.length+' links for YT, Twitter & Insta');
  for(var i = 0; i < document.links.length; i++) {
    var elem = document.links[i];

    // Youtube: || ||
    // only rewrite if we're not on Invidious already (too keep the "watch this on YouTube" links intact)
    if (elem.href.match(/((www|m)\.)?\/(watch\?v|playlist\?list)=[a-z0-9_-]+)/i) || elem.href.match(/((www|m)\.)?\/channel\/[a-z0-9_-]+)/i)) {
      if (location.hostname != videohost) { elem.href='https://'+videohost+RegExp.$3; }
    } else if (elem.href.match(/((www|m)\.)?\/([a-z0-9_-]+)/i)) {
      if (location.hostname != videohost) { elem.href='https://'+videohost+'/watch?v='+RegExp.$3; }

    // Twitter
    } else if (nitterhost != '' && elem.href.match(/(mobile\.)?twitter\.com\/([^&#]+)/i)) {
      if (location.hostname != nitterhost) elem.href='https://'+nitterhost+'/'+RegExp.$2;

    // Bibliogram
    else if (elem.href.match(/(www\.)?instagram\.com\/(p|tv)\/([^&#/]+)/i)) { // profile
      if (location.hostname != bibliogramhost) {
        elem.href = 'https://'+bibliogramhost+'/p/' + RegExp.$3;
    } else if (elem.href.match(/(www\.)?instagram\.com\/([^&#/]+)/i)) { // image or video
      if (location.hostname != bibliogramhost) {
        elem.href = 'https://'+bibliogramhost+'/u/' + RegExp.$2;

  // --=[ embedded links ]=--
  // based on
  var src, dataSrc, iframes = document.getElementsByTagName('iframe');
  console.log('Checking '+iframes.length+' frames for embedded videos');
  for (var i = 0; i < iframes.length; i++) {
    src = iframes[i].getAttribute('src');
    dataSrc = false;
    if ( src == null ) { src = iframes[i].getAttribute('data-s9e-mediaembed-src'); dataSrc = true; }
    if ( src == null ) continue;
    if ( src.match(/((www|m)\.)?\/(watch\?v|playlist\?list)=[a-z0-9_-]+)/i) || src.match(/((www|m)\.)?\/(channel|embed)\/[a-z0-9_-]+)/i) ) {
      if ( dataSrc ) {
      } else {
//      iframes[i].setAttribute('style', 'min-height:100%; min-width:100%;');
      iframes[i].setAttribute('frameborder', '0');
      iframes[i].setAttribute('allowfullscreen', '1');

  console.log('Rewrite done.')

// Give the user the possibility to set a different preferred instance
// A list of available instances can be found at
async function setInvidiousInstance() {
  let cfgs = await GM.getValue('YT2IConfig',JSON.stringify(defaultConfig));
  cfg = JSON.parse(cfgs);
  var vhost = prompt('Set Invidious instance to:', cfg.hosts.invidious);
  if ( vhost.match(/^(https?)?:?[\/]*(.+?)(\/.*)?$/) ) {
    cfg.hosts.invidious = RegExp.$2;
async function setNitterInstance() {
  let cfgs = await GM.getValue('YT2IConfig',JSON.stringify(defaultConfig));
  cfg = JSON.parse(cfgs);
  var vhost = prompt('Set Nitter instance to:', cfg.hosts.nitter);
  if ( vhost.match(/^(https?)?:?[\/]*(.+?)(\/.*)?$/) ) {
    cfg.hosts.nitter = RegExp.$2;
async function setBibliogramInstance() {
  let cfgs = await GM.getValue('YT2IConfig',JSON.stringify(defaultConfig));
  cfg = JSON.parse(cfgs);
  var vhost = prompt('Set Bibliogram instance to:', cfg.hosts.bibliogram);
  if ( vhost.match(/^(https?)?:?[\/]*(.+?)(\/.*)?$/) ) {
    cfg.hosts.bibliogram = RegExp.$2;

// open tab with instance list from Invidious/Nitter/Bibliogram wiki
function openInvidiousList() {
  GM.openInTab('', { active: true, insert: true });
function openNitterList() {
  GM.openInTab('', { active: true, insert: true });
function openBibliogramList() {
  GM.openInTab('', { active: true, insert: true });

GM_registerMenuCommand('Set Invidious instance',setInvidiousInstance);
GM_registerMenuCommand('Show list of known Invidious instances', openInvidiousList );
GM_registerMenuCommand('Set Nitter instance',setNitterInstance);
GM_registerMenuCommand('Show list of known Nitter instances', openNitterList );
GM_registerMenuCommand('Set Bibliogram instance',setBibliogramInstance);
GM_registerMenuCommand('Show list of known Bibliogram instances', openBibliogramList );