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Script copyrighting

Deleted user 134367
Posted: 08. 07. 2017

Script copyrighting

So basically, someone stole one of my scripts on here then put ads on it, and is now hosting on their own website this modified script. They also made youtube videos promoting this script and linked their site. Is it possible for me to be able to DMCA or take down the script they're hosting? Legally, are script authors allowed to?

Posted: 09. 07. 2017
Edited: 09. 07. 2017

If they are using your copyrighted works, you can pursue legal action against them. But since the issue is on another website and not this one, then you should be asking your lawyer these questions, rather than asking them on here.

Posted: 09. 07. 2017

Most mainstream hosting services based in the U.S. or serving U.S. customers offer a take-down process that complies with the DMCA (because this gives the host legal immunity against a copyright claim under U.S. law). Problems may just migrate to a faraway host that ignores such requests, but you could try it.

Deleted user 134367
Posted: 09. 07. 2017
Most mainstream hosting services based in the U.S. or serving U.S. customers offer a take-down process that complies with the DMCA (because this gives the host legal immunity against a copyright claim under U.S. law). Problems may just migrate to a faraway host that ignores such requests, but you could try it.

If they are using your copyrighted works, you can pursue legal action against them. But since the issue is on another website and not this one, then you should be asking your lawyer these questions, rather than asking them on here.

Very well, thanks to you both for the responses

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