another Nyaa hide 0 seeders JS - Hide torrent with 0 seeders
Times Tables Rock Stars Hack JS - An overpowered ttrs cheat.
Times Tables Rock Stars Hack JS - An overpowered ttrs cheat.
Export Twitter Bookmarks JS - Exports the data of your Twitter bookmarks into a JSON file that you can download
YGN REDBOT V4.7 JS - gartic io hack script
Amazon Book Metadata with Multiple AI Options JS - Copies Amazon book metadata to JSON for both physical and ebooks, with multiple AI-powered category selection options
Goodreads Book Metadata with Multiple AI Options JS - Copies Goodreads book metadata to JSON format with multiple AI-powered category selection options
bilibili 直播间独轮车 LAPLACE ver. JS - 这是 bilibili 直播间简易版独轮车,基于 quiet/thusiant cmd 版本 https://greasyfork.org/scripts/421507 继续维护而来
YouTube Volume Control with Memory JS - Set YouTube volume manually on a scale of 1-100, remember last set volume, and inject the UI to the left of the volume slider on the video player. Syncs the slider, disables invalid inputs, and adds debugging.
Torn Market Filler JS - On "Fill" click autofills market item price with lowest market price currently minus $1 (can be customised), fills max quantity for items, marks checkboxes for guns.
哔哩哔哩 - 屏蔽指定内容 - 改1 JS - 实现对评论区中无意义的At或分别按用户名、关键字或正则表达式对视频(或直播间/相薄)和评论(或回复)进行屏蔽; 将鼠标移至网页右下角弹出悬浮按钮
PaperTube JS - PaperTube is a Userscript that makes YT have a Material Design 1 Look. very much like early Polymer.
CloudDrive下载按钮 JS - 给所有文件添加下载按钮
Chatbot Arena Token Maximizer JS - Enhanced token and temperature control for LMSYS Chat with a beautiful interface
Capytale : Restart & clear outputs in just 1 button JS - Parce que j'en avais marre d'avoir à cliquer systématiquement sur "Noyau, Redémarrer & tout exécuter, Valider, puis encore Noyau, Redémarrer & effacer les sorties"
YouTube Button Hider JS - You can hide share button, Thanks button, Clip button, Download button, Save (to platlist) button and live chat on YouTube videos.
自动点击继续学习 JS - 0
洛谷 UID 颜色显示 JS - 将用户名显示成其 UID 对应色
青书学堂、国开、超星学习通助手支持考试2 JS - 青书学堂、国开、超星学习通助手支持考试1
Old Reddit with New Reddit Profile Pictures - Universal Version JS - Injects new Reddit profile pictures into Old Reddit and Reddit-Stream.com next to the username. Caches in localstorage.
LZTCopyLink JS - 1 секунда для копирование
Amazon Sponsored Content Dimmer JS - Oscurece parcialmente el contenido patrocinado en Amazon sin eliminarlo
AGSV-一键删种 JS - AGSV 一键删除详情页种子,快捷键ALT+CTRL+0
哔历重排版 JS - 哔历重排版0
Old Reddit with New Reddit Profile Pictures - API Key Version JS - Injects new Reddit profile pictures into Old Reddit and Reddit-Stream.com next to the username. Caches in localstorage. This version requires an API key. Enter your API Key under CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET or it will not work.
Old Reddit with New Reddit Profile Pictures - API Key Version - Reddit-Stream Version JS - Injects new Reddit profile pictures into Old Reddit and Reddit-Stream.com next to the username. Caches in localstorage. This version requires an API key. Enter your API Key under CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET or it will not work.
Old Reddit with New Reddit Profile Pictures - API Key Version - Reddit Only Version JS - Injects new Reddit profile pictures into Old Reddit and Reddit-Stream.com next to the username. Caches in localstorage. This version requires an API key. Enter your API Key under CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET or it will not work.
Elethor Fatigue Monitor JS - Monitor a value on elethor.com and play sounds based on its state
UCAS 评教 JS - 在中国科学院大学评教系统中自动选中“非常符合/非常满意”,并将文本框最小字数改为1个字。
☄️拷贝漫画增强1☄️ JS - 拷贝漫画去广告🚫,对日漫版漫画页进行增强:并排布局📖、图片高度自适应↕️、辅助翻页↔️、页码显示⏱、侧边目录栏📑、暗夜模式🌙,请设置即时注入模式以避免页面闪烁⚠️
WME Shortcuts+ JS - Shortcuts for multiple WME functions
Override map filter JS - Set filter: brightness(1) on .leaflet-tile-container and adjust nav layout
Death Counter JS - Count how many Deaths you got and log deaths by area. Disables the 'B' key for leaderboard deletion.
ALT + CTRL + 0关闭标签页 JS - ALT + CTRL + 0 关闭当前标签页面,辅助种审插件使用,注意和一键删种插件只能开一个不然按键冲突哦
smlwiki.com - change lil logan gif JS - press 0 to change him
看帖:PAUSE EA 持久版 JS - 勋章触发奖励时停+发帖回帖奖励账本查询!
爱奇艺广告屏蔽 JS - 该插件原理是监听视频加载,默认会跳过时间少于 150s 的视频,有需要可以自己改,但是并不能完全消除,广告视频可能还是会播放1-2s;并且移除了暂停时的广告
images predownload JS - predownload the images in web
auto jump JS - auto jump to target link
妖火快速回顶部(改) JS - 美化内容:1.按钮样式:将按钮改为圆形,并增加阴影效果。2.颜色过渡:添加鼠标悬停时的颜色和缩放效果。3.平滑滚动:保持平滑滚动效果。
鼠标右键获取DOM&元素选择器(开关版) JS - 从luhuipeng代码上修改(https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/460376),1. 增加开关 2. 支持mac control + 右键 唤起插件功能
Spoof Bluesky mobile detection JS - Temporary userscript to work around Bluesky's incorrect touch device detection
Wix Order E-mail Link JS - Generate a mailto link with order# in subject.
Skip Propinas Warning JS - Skips the pagamento de propinas warning. Made on 11/24/2024, 1:02:15 AM
🤤Claude - Prompt便签 JS - 一个帮助用户在Claude原生网页添加可移动且大小可调的便签,用于快速选择和添加prompt的脚本。
采云学院 JS - 自动学习,自动续播,静音,倍速播放
Auto Key Press Simulation JS - Simulate key presses (0 and 9) with a delay of 2.89 seconds each, start/stop with buttons
GitCode 重定向智能匹配版 JS - GitCode 重定向智能匹配版1
Shell Shockers Skybox Deleter: AlphaMutualV1 JS - Simple script to remove the skybox in Shell Shockers. Set the skyboxAlpha variable to change the opacity.
B站直播间小玩具 JS - 新增贡献用户数和在线用户数显示,自动刷新舰长数,1赞变1000赞,不显示B站直播间活动皮肤
Udemy Video UI Hider JS - Hides Udemy video UI controls, mouse cursor and allows both Numpad 0 and 0 key to restart the video instead of the useless player on udemy now.
Gats.io - Chat scroller - PsychoNurse JS - Chat scroller with preset text options (1-9 keys) and start/stop functionality (Enter key to stop, 1-9 to start) for gats.io, with right-click to toggle scroll
Real Key Press Simulation JS - Simulate actual key presses (0 and 9) with a delay of 2.89 seconds each, start/stop with buttons
Real Key Press Simulation (Toggle with Q and E) JS - Simulates pressing keys 0 and 9 repeatedly. Activate with Q and deactivate with E.
宜宾学院评教助手 JS - 自动完成宜宾学院教学评价,支持自定义评分(0-95分),自动填写评语,一键完成评教,设置分数,再点击一键评教
Me Salva | c h e e t o JS - God is good, dinner on the table
Zod.kr 편의성 스크립트 JS - 서명 확장 등 편의 기능 포함, 단축키로 페이지 이동하기 등
重庆高等教育智慧教育平台学习助手 || cqooc重庆高等教育智慧教育平台学习助手 || www.cqooc.com JS - 1.看说明就行了。2.反对任何形式牟利,祝各位同学学有所成。3.更新了作业测验作答
Torn Custom Race Organizer JS - Move all 1-lap races with 1/2 drivers to the top of the list and highlight them
survev.io auto hack JS - try to take over the world!
Word Text Replace JS - Replace words. Store replacements in flexible json (loaded by url). Share config with other, best for reading books with translate. Traditional to simplified chinese option.
Wod增强 JS - 提供如下功能:1.自动荣誉投票 2.自动减少地城探索时间 3.链接替换为新窗口打开 4.登录失效自动返回登录页面 5.显示技能类别提示
Youtube autoplay stopper JS - Disable YouTube autoplay with user interaction required and dynamic settings
Tinder Unblur with Names JS - Unblur Tinder fast match teasers and show names
Bumble Unblur with Names JS - Unblur Bumble beeline profiles and show names
Bumble Beeline Unblur JS - Unblur Bumble beeline profiles
hack dino JS - Dino game Hack
Add Raw link To GitHub Files JS - 12/13/2023, 1:18:04 AM
Youtubeᴾˡᵘˢ Super Assistant(Video Downloader & 🚫 No ads & New Layout For YT!) JS - The script is an Enhancer for Youtube to improve your watching experience!Contains features & new layout. Introduction: 1.Optimized Video Detail Page Interface. 2.Screenshot. 3.Dark/Light Theme Switch. 4.Video Fast Forward. etc.
SOOP 타임 스탬프(라이브 & 다시보기) JS - 숲 라이브 방송의 현재 방송시간, 숲 다시보기 영상의 현재 재생시간 복사를 위한 단축키(Y) 및 버튼.
Google Block Website Results JS - Adds the option to hide search results from the google search. A new block icon is visible next to the search result. When clicked you are promted to confirm the blocking of the domain. The amount of search results will not be adjusted, so if you block all websites on page 1, then page 1 will be empty. You can remove websites right now only by editing the script storage,
华博1 59iedu.com JS - 自动处理课程学习跳转、进度检查和 href 改变功能
视频控制增强 JS - 视频播放增强:1. 长按左键临时加速 2. B站自动开启AI字幕 3. 支持更多视频播放器
斗鱼钓鱼自动操作脚本 JS - 自动检测斗鱼钓鱼活动按钮并进行相应点击操作,实现自动抛竿、收杆,在活动时间段(中午12:00到凌晨00:30每个准点开启半小时)内执行抛竿
Youtube Save To Playlist Hotkey And Filter JS - Adds a P hotkey to Youtube, to bring up the Save to Playlist dialog. Playlists will be displayed alfabetically sorted, any any playlist the current video belongs to, will be shown at the top. Also adds a focuced filter input field. If nothing is written into the filter input, all playlists will be shown, alternatively only the playlists where the name containes the sequence of letters typed in the input field, will be displayed. Press escape to exit the dialog.
华医网|多开视频|跳过问答 JS - 优化不能多开视频学习的问题(现在1个课程理论上最快可以1个钟学完所有内容),定时清除烦人的课堂问答和温馨提示。
battlemetrics.com - Hide premium paywall in sessions tab JS - 1/1/2025, 1:41:36 PM
GreasyFork: My own 800 scripts JS - 1/2/2025, 12:05:03 AM
BOSS 直聘助手魔改中 JS - (1)搜索页面增加按钮:只显示当前 HR 在线的职位。\n(2)职位详情页面增加浮窗显示:HR 是否最近活跃;是否接受应届生。
Bilibili 话题页面屏蔽指定用户 JS - 2025/1/5 01:06:30
Top Cut Calculator - Limitless TCG JS - Calculate tournament top cuts on Limitless TCG
抖音视频放弃喜欢自动选择 JS - 抖音视频放弃喜欢自动选择1
POE2 Seller Status Check JS - Monitor seller status on POE trade site and get notifications when they come online
Remove academic evaluation JS - 1/8/2025, 10:40:02 PM
自动刷课 JS - 2025/1/8 14:35:05
猫国建设者挂机插件 JS - 游戏《猫国建设者/喵国建设者/Kittens Game》网页自动化插件(就是外挂),可以在页面->选项->MoeScript中开启/关闭自动化功能
Neopets: TP 1-Click Check 10 JS - Add a button to the page that, when clicked, toggles the first 10 items in the Trading Post item list between checked and unchecked.
Disable Orion kagi user-script on YouTube Ad blocking JS - 1/11/2025, 6:34:10 PM
fragrantica.com rating at top JS - 1/11/2025, 6:34:17 PM
ChatGPT Scroll Fix 1 JS - Fix scroll issues on ChatGPT for Safari iOS 15/16
New script uol.com.br JS - 1/12/2025, 1:20:24 PM
Dong Ho Dep Chinh Hang JS - Dong Ho Chinh Hang
テレ朝動画のライブ配信でコマ送りするやつ JS - [,]キー:1フレーム戻す, [.]キー:1フレーム進める ※動かない場合はチャット欄以外のところを1回クリック
豆包宽屏气泡美化 JS - 此脚本由豆包辅助编写
ForceTwitterURL JS - Redirects x.com to twitter.com and enforces ?mx=1 on all URLs.
AnimeStars Авто-плавка повторок JS - В выбранном ранге нажимаете на кнопку и скрипт сплавит все повторки не трогая 1 оригинальную.
视频3倍数播放 JS - 哔哩哔哩视频3倍数播放,Alt+0隐藏/显示脚本界面
IdlePixel Slap Chop - mippo Fork JS - Ain't nobody got time for that! Adds some QoL 1-click actions.