Just copy replacement.js to Tampermonkey / Userscripts.
Change url to your config.
Here is small js script for word replacements.
- replacements stored at json file, which loaded by url
- support regular expressions
- flexible json design - create categories / subcategories
- flexible url matching - you can specify web_book chapters for specific replacements as example
- split json on multiple json files and use
, you can add configs from other ppl
Script Config
it's small config at the beginning of the scirpt
const config = {
"json_url": "",
"traditional_to_simple_chinese": true,
"default_priority_level": 1,
"binds": {
"click_interval": 3000,
"n": 3,
"m": 2,
"events": {
[known_events.config_update]: [4, 4, 6, 6],
[known_events.turn_on_off]: [6, 6, 4, 4],
url, with your config
Where you can store json?
- []
- you can create gist on [], or create repo with configs and make links to raw file
, false
I readed chinese book with translation dubbing. I saw as original, as translated text.
So I added option to convert hard readable hieroglyphs to there simple version
optional, useful if you're experimenting with the order of substitutions
read about __level
in json
const known_events = {
config_update: "forse_update_replacements",
turn_on_off: "swap_on_off",
// ....
"binds": {
"click_interval": 3000,
"n": 3,
"m": 2,
"events": {
[known_events.config_update]: [4, 4, 6, 6],
[known_events.turn_on_off]: [6, 6, 4, 4],
Binds - settings - where and how click to run some options.
I want to work them as on PC, as on IOS - and don't want to add GUI buttons.
Idea is following:
- Screen splitted on n x m rectangles
- each rectangle get it's own number 1, ... n x m
- from left-> right, from up->down
Example for n=3, m=2
| 1 | 2 | 3 |
| 4 | 5 | 6 |
Next step is to set option - what to do and order - which block clicks expected.
It's interval, where you have to do all clicks.
"click_interval": 3000
- 3 seconds
[4, 4, 6, 6]
Expected order of clicks.
At this case - you should tap twice in left bottom screen
And after that - twice in right bottom.
known options
- config_update - script would load json config again and update
replacements (If you change config and don't want to reload page)
- turn_on_off
off - script discard changes and stop works on text updates,
on - works again, usefull if you want to check original values before script.
Json Config
config looks this way:
"__urls": [
"smthA": {
"a": "b",
"smthB": {
"smthC": {
"x": "y",
"smthD": {
"/val(.+)/": "test $1"
Check here mine current config:
You can create so much nested nodes with any names, as you want.
Script recursively parse json and collect pairs
arr = [
["a", "b"],
["x", "y"],
["/val(.+)/", "test $1"],
Replacement have 2 options.
- basic form:
string: string
- random form:
string: [str1, str2, ...str_n]
Only this things would be collected.
Random replacements
"x": ["a", "b", "c"]
"老三", ["Third Bro", "Younger Bro"],
Random value would be select for replacement.
"AAx" -> "AAb"
"AAx" -> "AAc"
Regex support
"/(\\d)o/": "$10"
- change o after digit to 0
-> 20
, 9o
-> 90
- start and end with
- escape with
- all flags supported
, u
, e.t.c.
- flag global
auto inserted
- multiline would work only if all text lays in one html element - paragraph as example, depends on page
google javascript regex
if want more examples
Space problem
- you have string
- you created replacements
"a": "Alice", "b": "Bob"
basicaly result would be AliceBob
but script converts it to Alice Bob
usefull for hieroglyphs without spaces
rules to convertion:
- replacement like
- start from letter, not hieroglyph
- it search - where to insert
- if there is letter too - add space
Key Words
There are following key words:
- ignore node if not passed
- add other nodes from higher level, or url to load another json
- set priority level, probably some replacements should work first, another later
"common_replacements": {
"__urls": ["*"],
"MyNovel1": {
"arc 5": {
"specific per concrete chapters": {
"x": "y",
// chapters 1159-1212
"__urls": [
"__urls": [
how script work with "__url", nested behaviour
Script recursively look in each node {}
If it see __urls
and they passed - it started to collect replacements in that node.
You can add __urls
in any subnode too.
If they not passed - that subnode would be ignored.
Usefull for specific chapters of book/ pages, check example.
url format
easy way *
use *
, it solves 99% cases*
if you really have *
in your url (some extreme cases) - then escape it \\*\\*/lunhuileyuan-nayizhiwenzi_*
hard way full regex
- easy way - use unique part from url, no mess with
- full way - escape
with \\
- add bounds /url/ - to point that this is regular expression
- add your regex part
- example for specific chapters
- chapters 10 - 19
"commonA": {...},
"commonB": {...},
"Book1": {
"__include": {
"smth_name": "commonA",
"blockB": "commonB",
"engeneer terms": "https://some_server/engeneer_terms.json"
"news_portal": {
"__include": {"commonA": "commonA"}
As you see - it allows to include outer nodes or even load other jsons.
how it works
Firstly script recursively check all nodes
and collect all names on all depth like "name": {...}
Later script just insert in node with __include
all data by aliases
json by url1
{"x": "y", "z": {"a": "b"}} // url json
"commonA": {"nodeA": {"n": "m"}},
"ExampleNode": {
"__include": {
"alias1": "nodeA",
"engeneer_terms": "url1",
converted to
"ExampleNode": {
"alias1": {"n": "m"},
"engeneer_terms": {"x": "y", "z": {"a": "b"}},
"__include": {...},
__level & order
about order of replacements
As earlier was mentioned - script build simple array from json
arr = [
["a1", "b1"],
["a2", "b2"],
["a3", "b3"],
and apply replacements in same order
automatic order
text = "xxAAxx"
json = {"A": "B", "AA": "CC"}
replacements = [
["A", "B"],
["AA", "CC"],
we expect xxCCxx
basically result would be xxBBxx
But this problem is solved.
- if adding key contains one of the earlier added - it would be moved before that point.
["A", "B"],
- if exactly same key exists, new won't be added
But regular expressions can't be auto checked.
"100": "hundred",
"/o\d/": "0$1",
we expected "1o0" -> "hundred"
but if replacements collected in wrong order (which json not guaranteed)
replacements = [
["100", "hundred"],
["/o\d/", "o$1"],
here __level comes
"100": "hundred",
fixes: {
"/o\d/": "0$1",
"__level": 0,
"first_order_fixes": {
"__level": 0,
"source_which_override_mine_replacements": {
"__include": {
"fiction terms": "some_url",
"__level": 2,
allow you to solve problems with order
Default level set in javascript config:
let config = {
"default_priority_level": 1,
All replacements collected independently by this levels.
let arr = [
"-10": [['a1', 'a2'], ['a3', 'a4'], ...]
"0": [['b1', 'b2'], ['b3', 'b4'], ...]
"1": [['c1', 'c2'], ['c3', 'c4'], ...]
"5": [['d', 'd2'], ['d3', 'd4'], ...]
Autoorder, checking same key - works only on the same lvl
Finally they squashed in one array, ordered by levels
Level is inherited by child nodes.
Here is example.
"a1": "a2", // default level 1
"a": {
"b1": "b2" // level 1
"b": {
"c1": "c2", // level -100
"c": {
"d1": "d2", // level -100
"d": {
"e1": "e2", // level 5
"f": {
"f1": f2, // level 5
"__level": 5
"__level": -100
"x": {
"x1": "x2", // level 3
"__level": 3