Word Text Replace

Replace words. Store replacements in flexible json (loaded by url). Share config with other, best for reading books with translate. Traditional to simplified chinese option.

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هەموو سایتەکان


Just copy replacement.js to Tampermonkey / Userscripts.
Change url to your config.


Here is small js script for word replacements.

  • replacements stored at json file, which loaded by url
  • support regular expressions
  • flexible json design - create categories / subcategories
  • flexible url matching - you can specify web_book chapters for specific replacements as example
  • split json on multiple json files and use include, you can add configs from other ppl

Script Config

it's small config at the beginning of the scirpt

const config = {
   "json_url": "https://api.npoint.io/adca32df1622919ca5bd",
   "traditional_to_simple_chinese": true,
   "default_priority_level": 1,
   "binds": {
      "click_interval": 3000,
      "n": 3,
      "m": 2,
      "events": {
         [known_events.config_update]: [4, 4, 6, 6],
         [known_events.turn_on_off]: [6, 6, 4, 4],


url, with your config

Where you can store json?

  • [https://www.npoint.io/]
  • you can create gist on [https://github.com/], or create repo with configs and make links to raw file


true, false
I readed chinese book with translation dubbing. I saw as original, as translated text.
So I added option to convert hard readable hieroglyphs to there simple version


optional, useful if you're experimenting with the order of substitutions
read about __level in json


const known_events = {
   config_update: "forse_update_replacements",
   turn_on_off: "swap_on_off",
// ....
   "binds": {
      "click_interval": 3000,
      "n": 3,
      "m": 2,
      "events": {
         [known_events.config_update]: [4, 4, 6, 6],
         [known_events.turn_on_off]: [6, 6, 4, 4],

Binds - settings - where and how click to run some options.
I want to work them as on PC, as on IOS - and don't want to add GUI buttons.

Idea is following:

  • Screen splitted on n x m rectangles
  • each rectangle get it's own number 1, ... n x m
  • from left-> right, from up->down

Example for n=3, m=2

   | 1 | 2 | 3 |
   | 4 | 5 | 6 |

Next step is to set option - what to do and order - which block clicks expected.


It's interval, where you have to do all clicks. "click_interval": 3000 - 3 seconds


[4, 4, 6, 6]
Expected order of clicks.
At this case - you should tap twice in left bottom screen
And after that - twice in right bottom.

known options

  • config_update - script would load json config again and update
    replacements (If you change config and don't want to reload page)
  • turn_on_off
    off - script discard changes and stop works on text updates,
    on - works again, usefull if you want to check original values before script.

Json Config

config looks this way:

   "__urls": [
   "smthA": {
      "a": "b",
      "smthB": {
         "smthC": {
            "x": "y",
   "smthD": {
      "/val(.+)/": "test $1"

Check here mine current config:

You can create so much nested nodes with any names, as you want.
Script recursively parse json and collect pairs

arr = [
    ["a", "b"],
    ["x", "y"],
    ["/val(.+)/", "test $1"],


Replacement have 2 options.

  • basic form: string: string
  • random form: string: [str1, str2, ...str_n]

Only this things would be collected.

Random replacements

"x": ["a", "b", "c"]
"老三", ["Third Bro", "Younger Bro"],
Random value would be select for replacement.
"AAx" -> "AAb"
"AAx" -> "AAc"

Regex support

"/(\\d)o/": "$10" - change o after digit to 0
2o -> 20, 9o -> 90

  • start and end with /
  • escape with \\
  • all flags supported i, u, e.t.c.
  • flag global g auto inserted
  • multiline would work only if all text lays in one html element - paragraph as example, depends on page

google javascript regex if want more examples

Space problem

  • you have string ab
  • you created replacements "a": "Alice", "b": "Bob" basicaly result would be AliceBob
    but script converts it to Alice Bob
    usefull for hieroglyphs without spaces

rules to convertion:

  • replacement like Alice - start from letter, not hieroglyph
  • it search - where to insert Alice "XXX<--aXXX"
  • if there is letter too - add space

Key Words

There are following key words:

  • __urls - ignore node if not passed
  • __include - add other nodes from higher level, or url to load another json
  • __level - set priority level, probably some replacements should work first, another later



    "common_replacements": {
        "__urls": ["*"],
    "MyNovel1": {
        "arc 5": {
            "specific per concrete chapters": {
                "x": "y",
                 // chapters 1159-1212
                 "__urls": [
        "__urls": [

how script work with "__url", nested behaviour

Script recursively look in each node {}.
If it see __urls and they passed - it started to collect replacements in that node.

You can add __urls in any subnode too.
If they not passed - that subnode would be ignored.
Usefull for specific chapters of book/ pages, check example.

url format

easy way *

use *, it solves 99% cases
if you really have * in your url (some extreme cases) - then escape it \\*

hard way full regex

  • easy way - use unique part from url, no mess with /
  • full way - escape []^&$.()?/\+{}|* with \\ https:\\/\\/tw\\.wa01\\.com\\/novel\\/pagea\\/lunhuileyuan-nayizhiwenzi_
  • add bounds /url/ - to point that this is regular expression
  • add your regex part
  • example for specific chapters
    [1][0-9] - chapters 10 - 19



    "commonA": {...},
    "commonB": {...},
    "Book1": {
        "__include": {
            "smth_name": "commonA",
            "blockB": "commonB",
            "engeneer terms": "https://some_server/engeneer_terms.json"
    "news_portal": {
        "__include": {"commonA": "commonA"}

As you see - it allows to include outer nodes or even load other jsons.

how it works

Firstly script recursively check all nodes
and collect all names on all depth like "name": {...}
Later script just insert in node with __include all data by aliases

json by url1

{"x": "y", "z": {"a": "b"}} // url json
    "commonA": {"nodeA": {"n": "m"}},
    "ExampleNode": {
        "__include": {
            "alias1": "nodeA",
            "engeneer_terms": "url1",

ExampleNode converted to

    "ExampleNode": {
        "alias1": {"n": "m"},
        "engeneer_terms": {"x": "y", "z": {"a": "b"}}, 
        "__include": {...},

__level & order

about order of replacements

As earlier was mentioned - script build simple array from json

arr = [
    ["a1", "b1"],
    ["a2", "b2"],
    ["a3", "b3"],

and apply replacements in same order

automatic order


text = "xxAAxx"
json = {"A": "B", "AA": "CC"}
replacements = [
    ["A", "B"],
    ["AA", "CC"],

we expect xxCCxx
basically result would be xxBBxx

But this problem is solved.

  1. if adding key contains one of the earlier added - it would be moved before that point.
    json [ ..., -> ["A", "B"], ..., ]
  2. if exactly same key exists, new won't be added

Problem But regular expressions can't be auto checked.

    "100": "hundred",
    "/o\d/": "0$1",

we expected "1o0" -> "hundred"
but if replacements collected in wrong order (which json not guaranteed)

replacements = [
    ["100", "hundred"],
    ["/o\d/", "o$1"],   

here __level comes

    "100": "hundred",
    fixes: {
        "/o\d/": "0$1",
        "__level": 0,



    "first_order_fixes": {
        "__level": 0,
    "source_which_override_mine_replacements": {
        "__include": {
            "fiction terms": "some_url",
        "__level": 2,

__level allow you to solve problems with order
Default level set in javascript config:

let config = {
    "default_priority_level":  1,

All replacements collected independently by this levels.

let arr = [
    "-10": [['a1', 'a2'], ['a3', 'a4'], ...]
    "0": [['b1', 'b2'], ['b3', 'b4'], ...]
    "1": [['c1', 'c2'], ['c3', 'c4'], ...]
    "5": [['d', 'd2'], ['d3', 'd4'], ...]   

Autoorder, checking same key - works only on the same lvl
Finally they squashed in one array, ordered by levels


Inheriting Level is inherited by child nodes.
Here is example.

    "a1": "a2", // default level 1
    "a": {
        "b1": "b2" // level 1
        "b": {
            "c1": "c2", // level -100
            "c": {
                "d1": "d2", // level -100
                "d": {
                    "e1": "e2", // level 5
                    "f": {
                        "f1": f2, // level 5
                    "__level": 5
            "__level": -100
    "x": {
        "x1": "x2", // level 3
        "__level": 3