Random Target Finder JS - Adds a button to the top of the page that opens a new tab with an easy target.
Remove ads Twitch JS - Continue to view twitch stream when ad
Torn Market Filler JS - On "Fill" click autofills market item price with lowest market price currently minus $1 (can be customised), fills max quantity for items, marks checkboxes for guns.
delta key bypass JS - Bypass Delta Key (included ios)
Deletecord - Mass Delete Discord Messages JS - Adds a button to the Discord browser UI to mass delete messages from Discord channels and direct messages
Kahoot Cheat (Beta) (Working Dec 2024) JS - Skibidi Toilet approved, made by floidAI
网盘直链解析 JS - 支持批量获取 ✅百度网盘 ✅阿里云盘 ✅天翼云盘 ✅迅雷云盘 ✅夸克网盘 ✅移动云盘 六大网盘的直链下载地址,配合 IDM,Xdown,Aria2,Curl,比特彗星等工具高效🚀🚀🚀下载,完美适配 Chrome,Edge,FireFox,360,QQ,搜狗,百分,遨游,星愿,Opera,猎豹,Vivaldi,Yandex,Kiwi 等 18 种浏览器。可在无法安装客户端的环境下使用,助手免费开源。😎
👍👍网页复制粘贴|文库下载|VIP视频解析|网易云音乐|QQ音乐免费下载|抖音音视频下载|CSDN免登录复制|👍👍 JS - 🔥🔥🔥👍👍👍【VIP视频免费观看-VIP视频解析】可免费观看腾讯、优酷、爱奇艺、B站等网站VIP视频;最新的VIP视频也会及时更新,几乎同步各大视频平台的最新视频;支持多线路观看且速度较快;并且在选集时,解决了集数不对应的问题。在使用CSDN过程中,一直提示要登录开通会员,而且不能复制粘贴等等,于是我又集成了一个CSDN免登录复制的功能,亲测有效,持续更新中。最近新增了网易云音乐和QQ音乐免费下载的功能,新增抖音音视频下载;网页复制粘贴和文档下载等功能,入口在 百度文库 和 道客巴巴。🔥🔥🔥👍👍👍
ChatGPT降智风险检测✅(优化版)(添加教程版) JS - ChatGPT会对某些IP进行无提示的服务降级,Plus用户模型会降至4-Mini,此脚本检测账号IP情况用于让你判断是否降智✅。
Immersive Translate JS - Web bilingual translation, completely free to use, supports Deepl/Google/Bing/Tencent/Youdao, etc.
Scribd Content Viewer/Downloader JS - View or export scribd docs content for free
Slither.io Zoom Hack WORKING 2025 JS - Allows zooming in and out in Slither.io using keys 8 and 9. Key 1 reset the zoom - The domain name changed for slither so this has been updated to work.
资源嗅探 JS - 资源嗅探工具,支持 M3U8 解析下载,优化 UI,增强交互体验
Kirka Wallhack 2025 JS - Free Working Kirka Wallhack 2025
Download Chinese K12 textbook from smartedu.cn JS - Download Chinese K12 textbook from smartedu.cn ;
Anilist Rating Tier Indicator JS - Adds a tier badge next to ratings on Anilist, including Mean Score.
Google Search Results Maximizer JS - Google disabled the option to display/show more than 10 results. This script allows you to get 100 Google search results per page again.
知乎排版优化 JS - 知乎排版优化!
RU AdList JS Fixes JS - try to take over the world!
百度广告(首尾推广及右侧广告)清理 JS - 彻底清理百度搜索(www.baidu.com)结果首尾的推广广告、二次顽固广告、右侧广告,去除重定向,删除百家号
Pop-Up Blocker JS - Simple but effective popup window blocker. Also tries to deny unsolicited redirections.
Download Youtube videos and subtitles JS - 获取youtube视频和字幕的下载链接
Bypass YouTube age verification JS - Bypass YouTube age verification without logging in.
AQW Wiki Link Preview JS - Adds image previews for links on the official AQW Wiki
Wanikani Double-Check JS - Allows retyping typo'd answers, or marking wrong when WK's typo tolerance is too lax.
Google网页翻译 JS - 不跳转Google翻译页面的整页翻译
计时器掌控者|视频广告跳过|视频广告加速器 JS - 控制网页计时器速度|加速跳过页面计时广告|视频快进(慢放)|跳过广告|支持几乎所有网页.
Vimeo视频下载脚本 JS - Vimeo视频下载脚本,可以在视频下方生成下载按钮,只支持含有1080p的视频,有个跨域请求,请允许该操作,可到上面我的博客反映Bug。
白piao斗鱼 JS - douyu整合优化斗鱼功能脚本(斗鱼精简、斗鱼默认最高画质)
NGA优化摸鱼体验 JS - NGA论坛显示优化,全面功能增强,优雅的摸鱼
知乎美化 JS - 1.【重要更新】增加夜间模式按钮 2.知乎题目栏增加举报、匿名、问题日志、快捷键四个按钮 3.知乎按钮图标在鼠标悬停时变色(题目按钮、回答下方按钮、评论按钮等) 4.回答的发布时间移至顶部 5.图片原图显示 6.文字和卡片链接从知乎跳转链接改为直链 7.隐藏侧边栏 8.GIF图自动播放【默认不开启】 9.问题增加创建时间和最后编辑时间 10.鼠标悬停在回答时显示浅蓝色聚焦框 11.引用角标高亮 12.首页信息流增加不感兴趣按钮 13.【重要更新】增加设置界面 14.显示信息流标签【默认不开启】
网易BUFF价格比例(找挂刀)插件 JS - 找挂刀,看比例,挑玄学
VIP视频解析 JS - 全网VIP视频解析
Magic Userscript+ : Show Site All UserJS JS - Finds available userscripts for the current webpage.
Baidu/Google搜索界面优化(AC-baidu-重定向双列优化) JS - 此脚本为"AC-baidu-重定向双列优化"的样式增强脚本,使用本脚本前需安装"AC-baidu-重定向双列优化"。
迅雷云盘 JS - 获取迅雷云盘的文件链接,可利用本地播放器看视频;可将播放列表导入坚果云;可利用其他工具下载(如idm,curl,Xdown,Motrix,Aria2);添加隐藏回收站功能,可自由彻底删除、还原。
💯【超星学习通满分助手】支持任务点自动跳转|章节测验、作业、考试全网检索答案,简答题支持chatgpt对接|音频、视频全自动静音播放|可视化参数配置 JS - 💯超星学习通满分助手,挂机解放时间,无需任何操作自动完成所有任务点。汇集全网免费、付费题库接口支持一键对接,答案更全更靠谱。
SteamDB_CN JS - SteamDB汉化插件
Geoguessr Blink Mode JS - Shows the round briefly, then screen goes black and you have unlimited time to make your guess.
Bilibili 解鎖杜比全景聲 & 8K & 開啟 HDR & 直播畫質PRO JS - 為 B站 Windows 平台 解鎖杜比全景聲 & 8K &開啟 HDR &直播畫質PRO
Ev.IO Aimbot & ESP JS - Shows players behind walls and aims at the nearest player in Ev.IO
Spotify Downloader - Download Spotify songs, playlists, and albums JS - Downloads Spotify songs, playlists, and albums as MP3. Can also download full playlist or album as ZIP.
Autokey helper script - nitro type bot JS - This script is used for copying the text on nitrotype.com/race to the clipboard. It works in co-operation with the Autokey app. Autokey will then type the text which this script copied. It will do so for each race that you set it to do. Autokey will be found on my site ginfio.com/hacks/autokey. This script is NOT an auto typer by itself. It just copies the text for Autokey to type.
Chromebot - nitro type bot JS - Nitro typer auto typer for chromebooks (works for windows and mac as well)
Dogeware--- (Advanced)Nitrotype Cheats/PauseGame/Radio/Autotyper/Crashkey JS - Advanced Nitrotype Cheats
Auto Clicker JS - Auto Clicker for Browsers!!
OCS 网课助手 JS - OCS(online-course-script) 网课助手,官网 https://docs.ocsjs.com ,专注于帮助大学生从网课中释放出来 让自己的时间把握在自己的手中,拥有人性化的操作页面,流畅的步骤提示,支持 【超星学习通】 【知到智慧树】 【职教云】 【智慧职教】 【中国大学MOOC】 等网课的学习,作业。具体的功能请查看脚本悬浮窗中的教程页面。
Torn Fast Slots JS - Makes slots stop instantly. Works for every spin except first.
TweetXer JS - Delete all your Tweets for free.
Boothの購入履歴から累計散財額を計算するツール JS - お手軽鬱ボタン。Boothの購入履歴の総額を計算できます。同じセッションだけしか計算結果は保存できません。
YouTube downloader JS - A simple userscript to download YouTube videos in MAX QUALITY
Bilibili 按标签、标题、时长、UP主屏蔽视频 JS - 对Bilibili的视频卡片,以标签、标题、UP主、时长、竖屏、充电、评论等信息来屏蔽视频,附带去除视频卡片中的直播、广告、推广内容的功能。
YouTube Direct Downloader JS - Video/short download button next to subscribe button. Downloads MP4, WEBM, MP3 or subtitles from youtube + option to redirect shorts to normal videos. Choose your preferred quality from 8k to audio only, codec (h264, vp9 or av1) or service provider (cobalt, y2mate, yt1s, yt5s) in settings.
[Working] loot-link.com bypasser (includes all lootlabs.gg link variations) JS - bypasses loot-link.com quickly and efficiently, saving you time and energy.
Sigmally Fixes V2 JS - Easily 10X your FPS on Sigmally.com + many bug fixes + great for multiboxing + supports SigMod
Shell Shockers Basic Aimbot + ESP: LibertyMutualV1 JS - UPDATED FOR 0.50.0! Fed up of a popular script injecting ads into your game? Need a simple script to modify or use? FOSS ESP, Tracers and Aimbot. Hold right mouse button to aimlock.
简书优化 JS - 支持手机端和PC端、屏蔽广告、优化浏览体验、重定向链接、全文居中、自动展开全文、允许复制文字、劫持唤醒/跳转App、自定义屏蔽元素等
kirka.io ESP JS - ESP behind the wall players show cheat for kirka.io
哔哩哔哩自动画质 JS - 自动解锁并更改哔哩哔哩视频的画质和音质及直播画质,实现自动选择最高画质、无损音频、杜比全景声。
Autodarts Caller JS - Another Autodarts-Caller
📄百度文库下载|VIP文档免费下载 JS - 百度文库破解免费下载
[DOGEWARE]KahootBot Join Random Kahoots JS - This will try to join hundreds of kahoot lobby until it finds a available lobby and joins it --Warnning this may take over 1-10 minutes to find a open lobby
跳转成人GreasyFork按钮 JS - 浏览greasefork或sleazyfork或tampermonkey时,在页面增加一个进入greasefork或者sleazyfork的按钮
Autopass Cloudflare CAPTCHA in iFrame JS - 自动点击“验证您是真人”
Arceus X Official Bypass JS - An bypasser that bypasses the "spdmteam.com" checkpoints for a key system. It checks the link, goes to an API from arceus, and then check the loot link title. If it's the right title, it will go to another API link completing the checkpoint. It will take around 2-5 seconds to do. (depending on your wifi)
Gplex - Old Google Frontend JS - 2011-2019 Google frontend (public beta release)
Fuck-Yudao JS - Help you climb over the paywall for a so-called "Free & Open Source Software", built by someone who truly understand our generations duty. To you-know-who: *thank you*. China's OSS environment got much better because of professionals like you.
Auto Simya JS - 심챈 자동 복호화/국룰입력/다운(Kiosk, Mega, GoogleDrive, goFile)
Kour KP Script JS - Unlimited 1500 KP Daily Rewards
【SillyTavern / ST酒馆】html代码注入器 JS - 可以让ST酒馆独立运行html代码 (Inject HTML code into SillyTavern pages.)
51cto屏蔽不登录不让复制 JS - xt
Story Downloader - Facebook and Instagram JS - Download stories (videos and images) from Facebook and Instagram.
(WORKING LOOTLAB/LOOTDEST BYPASSER (includes all lootlabs.gg link variations) JS - Bypasses lootlab :)
🤔知乎自动展开全文/免登录查看内容😀/浏览优化 JS - 帮助自动去除点击链接时的弹窗和自动展开全文,如需留言需手动登录😔
Freebitcoin Auto Roll and Reload Page + hCaptcha/Cloudflare Captcha Autoclick JS - freebitco.in auto roll and hCaptcha/cloudflare captcha auto click
Blooket Token Adder JS - Adds tokens and XP to your Blooket account (up to 1,000,000 tokens daily)
Optimized Krunker.IO Aimbot & ESP JS - High-performance aimbot and ESP for Krunker this auto locks on and tracks through walls
2025最新可用-百度网盘SVIP高速解析直链的不限速下载助手-文武PanDownload JS - 2025年1月持续更新可用,不限制速度的百度网盘SVIP解析高速直链的脚本助手,无视黑号,100%可用,不限制文件大小,下载速度最快可达10M+/s,支持 Gopeed(一键解析)、IDM、NDM 等多线程极速下载工具,支持 Google Chrome、Microsoft Edge、Firefox 等浏览器。
Fanqie Novel Free Reading JS - 番茄小说免费网页阅读 不用客户端 可下载小说
OpenGuessr Hack Location Finder JS - Extract and open PanoramaIframe location in OPENGUESSR full site when pressing Control + X + S together
Pixiv Downloader JS - Tải xuống hình ảnh và truyện tranh từ Pixiv
【改】 123 云盘会员青春版 JS - (基于【123 云盘会员青春版】)修改显示 123 云盘身份信息为会员,支持超过 1GB 上限下载文件,支持使用视频倍速、关闭广告、修改头像、修改用户名等功能,自定义程度超高!(原版有的都有)需要修改头部代码来配置显示内容(×)点开右下角菜单可以设置(√)(非常简单!)
YouTube RM3 - Reduce Memory Usage by Reusing Components JS - A simple tool that runs in the background to reuse YouTube components, thereby reducing memory usage over time.
文武直链助手-百度网盘在线解析网页直链获取助手 JS - 不限制速度的百度网盘SVIP解析直链网页获取助手,支持 Gopeed(一键解析)、IDM、NDM 等多线程极速下载工具
JanitorAI Personality Snatcher JS - Steals JanitorAI bot descriptions.
强制解除网页复制限制 JS - 去除网页的复制限制,解除右键和选择文本的限制。
ED-Puzzle Hack JS - An Ed-Puzzle Hack with a LOT of Features!!!!!!!
Faction Revive Assistant JS - Checks all factions users in the hospital, and determines if they are revivable.
Star Client v3(fixed) JS - Star client v3(fixed)
VN Mod v2 JS - Remaked auto healing and instakill aded fps boost
Download Media with Cobalt API JS - Adds a context menu item to download media from supported video sites using a direct URL.
Lootlinks and lootlabs bypass JS - This userscript bypasses Lootlinks and Lootlabs links quickly and efficiently, saving you time and energy.
AI Grammar Checker (Grammarly Alternative) for Violentmonkey JS - Underlines grammar errors and shows corrections on click! (Like Grammarly Premium!)
Wanikani Ultimate Timeline JS - Review schedule explorer for WaniKani
Scribd Print and Download JS - Changes "Upload" link to open a printable viewer (print to PDF)
Cookie Clicker Auto-Clicker JS - Cookie Clicker Auto click
RicH HackS v3.0 JS - SSlither.io Bot v1.2 - Slitheriogameplay.com
百度网盘助手 JS - 显示百度网盘文件的直接链接,突破大文件需要使用电脑管家的限制
Google Hit Hider by Domain (Search Filter / Block Sites) JS - Block unwanted sites from your Google, DuckDuckGo, Startpage.com, Bing and Yahoo search results. v2.3.3 2024-12-08