TL Recent posts JS - Adds a recent post indicator at the end of the post time.
Green SSL Password Fields JS - Colors the passwd field green if secure, red if not
Cour de justice de l'Union européenne JS - Améliore le moteur de recherche de la Cour de justice de l'Union européenne en ajoutant dans la liste des résultats une référence qui peut être directement utilisée (dans un article, des conclusions, etc.) et copiée dans le presse-papier.
Radikal.ru: fix JS - показ картинок с отключенным js для сайта
heise.de Easy Reading JS - Makes reading heise news a little more comfortable
RU-Board WhosOnline mod JS - Скрипт добавляет значок справа от имени юзера зеленого цвета - пользователь в онлайне, красного - модератор в онлайне, серого - оба в офлайне
crashlytics-stacktrace-devmode JS - This will make the pretty-print of stacktraces more developer friendly
moodle-link-fixer JS - This will fix links decorations in moodle to make them more visible
NWPb JS - Automatically selects professions for empty slots
deviantART easy scroll JS - Scrolls image to middle and allows horizontal scroll on mouse move event
Tiberium Alliances Tunnel Info JS - Tunnel info
Command & Conquer TA Zmail JS - Complete and comprehensive CCTA mail client. Zmail is fast and easy to use mail client that allows you to send and receive messages.
C&C: Tiberium Alliances Chat Helper Enhanced Yiannis Mod JS - Automates the use of chat and message BB-Codes: [coords][url][player][alliance][b][i][s][u] - Contact list for whispering - Type /chelp <enter> in chat for help.
Chat Syncer and CP alerts JS - Syncs tiberium alliances (for now) chat with gtalk (for now) or email, and notifies when CP is close to the capacity. Change the CP_ALERT_HOURS value to tweak CP alert threshold (CP _ALERT_HOURS = how many hours before max capacity alert should be sent)
C&C:Tiberium Alliances Coords Button - All JS - Copy & Paste selected world object coords to chat message
Tiberium Alliances Formation Saver JS - Allows you to save attack formations
TradeMe Google reminder JS - Add a Google Calendar reminder link to Trademe auction pages
TradeMe Show All The Photos (Tampermonkey only) JS - Show all the large photos on a listing
Show Bangumi ID JS - 在昵称旁显示用户名
BNM JS - Everyone knew, no one cared
youtube2mp3 JS - Convert to mp3 from Youtube clip, if you want to open in background tab - middle click.
Tiberium Alliances - Resource Trade Window JS - Implements a new TradeOverlay class, allowing you to select individual, multiple or all bases to transfer resources from
C&C Tiberium Alliances PvP/PvE Ranking, POI Holding and split base kill score. JS - Shows PvP/PvE Ranking of the players alliance in the PlayerWindow, also adds POIs the Player holds and splits pve/pvp score.
Next survey page Mturk JS - Hit the "{" (left curly brace) key, submit the survey page
AlloCine_Zap JS - Supprime les publicites - Zapping entre les videos sans changer de page
WME OpenData JS - Provides access to certain OS OpenData products within the WME environment
LiveMap UR Overlay JS - Overlays UR, MP and PU markers onto Livemap
MangaToshokan Enhancer JS - MangaToshokan enhancer
MangaToshokan helper for MangaUpdates - show allowed releases JS - MangaToshokan helper for MangaUpdates - show allowed releases on groups and authors pages and releases list
ufoCorrect JS - Correct Long Tall design in 5 sites: habrastorage.org, toster, tmtm, freelansim, habrahabr, geektimes, megamozg
OverCompact JS - more compact forum forums.overclockers.ru
habrActivity JS - view user activity in Habr comments for Fx-Opera-Chrome
HabraKarmaView JS - Подсказка кармы по наведению на ник, кроссбраузерно
Habr Percentage Ring JS - Percentage Rings around numbers which show grades (for with userstyles)
HabrAjax JS - Cumulative script with over 60 functions for Fx-Opera-Chrome
tree view for qwerty JS - It adds various features to strangeworld@misao.
Guzik Zgłoszeń JS - Tworzy skrót do panelu zgłoszeń na belce.
Informator JS - Dodatkowe informacje o zgłoszeniach w panelu naruszeń portalu Wykop.pl.
Disable youtubeblocker JS - Removes the retarded "Share to View" social crap on sites that use youtubeblocker
kinopoisk.ru cleaner JS - kinopoisk.ru no advert, no shit
VK.com no politic feed JS - Hide politic posts from vk.com feed. Скрывает в ленте VK политические посты.
ECSHOP (wholesale-dress.net) OOS checker JS - Check goods for OOS
Vkontakte.ru safe url JS - Заменяет некоторые "зловредные" ссылки на прямые.
torrents.vtomske.ru cleaner JS - no advert, no unused shit
LeproGRavatar JS - Adds gravatars @ leprosorium.ru
WME Validator Localization for Brazil JS - This script localizes WME Validator for Brazil. You also need main package (WME Validator) installed.
C&C Tiberium Alliances Title Mod JS - Displays your player name in the browser title bar. Also shows the number of whispers you've received when in another tab or window.
WarChiefs - Tiberium Alliances Upgrade Base/Defense/Army JS - Upgrade your Base,Defense Army to a specific Level.
Wykop - scroll to unread comment JS - Scrolls window to first/next/prev unread comment @ wykop.pl
Notatkowator 2000 JS - Szybki podgląd notek
WarChiefs - Tiberium Alliances Combat Simulator JS - Combat Simulator used to plan and strategize attack before going into battle.
Fast Spoiler 2 Wykop.pl JS - Wystarczy najechać myszą, aby zobaczyć spoiler.
fanfiction.net Widescreen Fix JS - Simple script to force the story text containing element on fanfiction.net & fictionpress.com to be left-aligned and the content wrapper element to use 99% width, massively improving readability if you use halfpage width on a widescreen display. Requires Scriptish.
C&C: Tiberium Alliances Map JS - Shows you the region map
HIT Scraper WITH EXPORT Legacy JS - Snag HITs.
Navigation Improvements for Surviving the World JS - Keyboard Navigation
Questionable Content Navigation Improvements JS - Adds arrow keys control.
Weatherspark Remove ad box JS - Remove ad box on the right side of weatherspark
Keyboard Navigation for Worm JS - Just adds arrow key movement.
El Goonish Shivve Navigation Improvements JS - Arrow keys do movement, and clicking the image goes to next comic.
Paranatural Navigation Improvements JS - Makes the arrow keys control movement.
Schlock Mercenary Navigation Improvements JS - Makes the image a link to the next comic, and arrow keys control movement.
SMBC Navigation Improvements JS - Adding keyboard navigation, aftercomic text just displayed, and aftercomic image is a link to the next comic.
Girl Genius Comic Next Link JS - Makes the image a link to the next comic, and arrow keys control movement.
Hanna is not a Boys Name Next Link in Comic Image JS - Makes the image a link to the next comic, and arrow keys control movement.
Machine Flower Next Link in Image JS - Makes the image a link to the next comic, and arrow keys control movement.
Penny Arcade Combine News and Comic JS - This puts the penny arcade comic on the news page.
Remove Feedburner Link Information JS - Removes tracking info from feedburner links
W.A.R. Links Checker Customized JS - Automatically checks links from hundreds of file hosts.
W.A.R. Links Checker Premium JS - this script automatically checks links from hundreds of filehosts. For Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari & edge.
g마켓 시작페이지 이벤트 JS - IE가 아닌 브라우저(파이어폭스, 크롬 등)에서 g마켓 시작페이지 설정 이벤트에 참여합니다
Direct ppomppu JS - 뽐뿌에서 외부링크를 클릭하면 경유주소로 연결돼 쇼핑몰 바로접속이 해제되는 문제가 있습니다. 이 스크립트는 링크를 항상 다이렉트로 연결해줍니다.
peka2tv chat v1.x JS - sc2tv.ru chat extra features
Add movie ratings to IMDB links [By Pharaoh2k] JS - Adds movie ratings and number of voters to links on IMDB. Modified version of http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/96884
peka2tv chat JS - sc2tv.ru chat with extra features
draggable_DC JS - Make DC's windows draggable
Pagar Comunidad JS - Reparte el dinero a tu comunidad segun la posición, los puntos y el 11 ideal
Clear Radio Button JS - When clicking on a selected radio button, this script will clear it
ZSMTurker's HIT Scraper Extended Fork JS - Template for specific scrapers.
XioScript JS - XioScript with AjaxButtons and TopManagerInfo
Mirkohelper JS - Niezbędnik każdego Mirka!
muyuge.bookcase.cleanup JS - 移除未更新的书签
tieba.time_gift.click JS - 自动点击在线时间奖励
tieba.score_egg.click JS - 自动点击福利彩蛋
muyuge.reader.settings JS - reform the reader settings: font-size, background-color, etc.
muyuge.reader.removeLinkTarget JS - prevent openning new window/tab for reader op links
zongheng.totaltome.loadAll JS - load all chapters in tome
[email protected] JS - place a bookmark automatically when you open a chapter
enableCopyAndContextMenu.user.js JS - enable copy&paste and context menue
du00.bookcase JS - cleanup
muyuge.bookmark.close JS - Close window automatically after adding a bookmark - delay 3 seconds
Asus DownloadMaster Torrent/Magnet Downloader JS - Downloads torrentz directly with Asus DownloadMaster
Change Background Color JS - A brief description of your script
One Click YouTube Subscription Feed Delete JS - Add a delete button to items on the YouTube Subscription Feed.
Werte Abgabe für Legionäre JS - Gibt eine Meldung aus sobald der Legionär seine Werte auf DF.de neu abgeben muss
sup/tg/ Archive Quote Functions JS - Inline Quoting ~ Quote Preview ~ Backlinks ~ Inline Image Expansion ~ Filter (Name/Tripcode) for suptg archives
Youtube Related Video Ratings JS - Shows ratings of related videos on Youtube, and changes ratings bar back to green/red.
creation chat mover JS - relocates creation-chat
C&C Tiberium Alliances Zoom (SKY) JS - On the region map it allows you to zoom out further