Google+ Column Adjustments JS - Google+ Column Adjustment Tool
Rutracker Blacklist JS - Personal ban-list
Anti-AntiAdblock CNEWS.RU JS - Remove annoying fullscreen block which hides page when I use adblock on cnews.ru
Vozforums Filter JS - Edit UI Vozforums
Sidebar right Ad remover habrahabr.ru JS - Removes ads on the right sidebar and top NoAdblock Request habrahabr.ru geektimes.ru megamozg.ru
Tinhte Filter JS - Edit UI Tinhte.vn
HTML5 player for Metacritic JS - Avoid having to use Flash Player to watch videos. No ads.
Tweakers Video Fix JS - Use the default browser HTML5 video player on Tweakers.net
twitter hearts to favs JS - don't tread on me
444 kepbeilleszto csoda JS - Behuzza az Open Graphos kepet a cikk tetejere
KAT Community & Latest Ups Reloader JS - Reloads Community page and latest Uploads page every 30 seconds
Add Bazaar Management Link JS - Adds a direct link to bazaar
EpisodeCalendar Torrentz Download links JS - Adds 'Tz' links to the calendar next to each episode for fast downloading on episodecalendar.com
Nolans Mod JS - Agario Mod ITS BACK
Youtube image Link JS - Fetches the image link from the page metadata and adds it to the page so it can be easily dragged/copied.
GOG Orders history prices summary JS - Sum paid and original prices on orders history pages and get your total saved money on sales. Add new button (SUM ORDERS on this page) on Orders history page in settings.
Vietnamnet Filter JS - Edit UI Vietnamnet.vn
auto mvu by Ramdhan Nama Quh JS - new mvu pereview by Ramadhan Nama Quh
HuanXiao NO Reminder JS - 在欢校网的商品列表中隐藏无货仅可“添加到货提醒”的商品
Direct Google (modified by rickzabel) JS - Removes Google ad links, redirects and exposes "Cached" links.
HTML5 thingie for Spotify Web Player JS - Play music on the browser without having to install Flash Player. Yes, I know why SWF bridges exist.
cbc382d1 JS - NetMaster CBC-382D1 modem admin ekranı düzenlemesi
Redacted.ch :: Requests Auto-Subscriber (Created/Voted) JS - Requests will be directly subscribed if created or voted
WME Color Speeds JS - Adds colors to road segments to show their speed
GN_PersistentStorage JS - Операции с БД
GN_CommonValuesFiller JS - Заполнение содержимого БД
GN_BattleLogAnalyzer JS - Анализатор протокола боев
Как устанавливать скрипты, читать здесь: JS - -
GN_CardState JS - Статистика карточных игр персонажа
GN_EcostatFindPossiblePlaceForResourceSale JS - Поиск предприятий, которые могут купить ресурсы
GN_ElementsCost JS - Подсчет стоимости элементов и вторичных ресурсов
GN_ElementPriceLoader JS - Обновление цен на элементы
GN_PirateEventCalc JS - Расчет прибыли на пиратском ивенте
GN_ShowLastTask JS - Показ последнего задания такого типа
GN_ShowRepairTime JS - Показ времени и цены ремонта подвешенных артефактов
GN_SortClanStorage JS - Сортировка кланового склада
GN_SortNanoArtefacts JS - Сортировка наноартефактов существ
GN_TnvGetter JS - Получение волн и сфер по логу боя в ТНВ
Mediablock JS - Closes social media from 7 AM to 6 PM inclusive on weekdays, 6 AM to 10 AM Saturdays, and completely free on Sundays!
LocalStorage Checker JS - Checks your browser for Local Storage
Report to news JS - Allow you to make a quick report to the news by pressing the "News report" link at the top-right.
StreamProtocol for Twitch and HitBox JS - Watch Twitch and HitBox in an external player
Coordinator JS - Small fleet utility to increase effective
[Does not work any more] HWM Blacksmith list in art info JS - [Does not work any more]
StreamProtocol for LegitTorrents JS - Stream directly from LegitTorrents with StreamProtocol
Redacted.CH :: Uploads Auto-Subscriber JS - Your uploads will be directly subscribed
Turn off ADS POPUP in site xamvl.com JS - enter something useful
kinozal.tv magnet links JS - add magnet links near to torrent links for kinozal.tv pages
http://njnj.ru clipboard workaround JS - allow http://njnj.ru (Английская грамматика) to copy&paste
MyShows: add magnetdl links JS - Add magnetdl links for quick search and downloading
Stalk y like JS - Stalkea a un user
PrintMoqups JS - Make Moqups project printable. Free!
FT Ignorelist JS - An ignorelist for Fasttech forums
killBDMusicBox_Ad JS - 删除百度音乐盒广告脚本,禁止插播音频广告
[ js.hook.js ] JS - javascript钩子; 劫持方法/伪造参数/篡改结果/还原劫持
天鳳 自動接続 JS - Flash 版の ID 入力画面までスキップ
Google remove tracking JS - Keep url on mousedown
Image moderation speeder-upper JS - Lots of optimizations to speed up image moderation HITs
GitHub Latest JS - Always keep an eye on the latest activity of your favorite projects
CTFtime writeup column JS - Insert a new column of writeup to table at archive page.
Enhanced Ticker JS - Various fixes for the very bare ticker.
WB2010 Alert JS - Ostrzeżenie przed materiał sponsorowanym WB2010
youtube_hide_videos JS - Hide videos on your top Youtube page.
Recommend this JS - Removes the recommendations for channels and videos on Youtube's main page.
LifeCLIPS page title Chenger JS - Chenge page title in LifeCLIPS. / LifeCLIPSのページタイトルをわかりやすく。
playground hustler - for chopcoin.io JS - creates an alert box when someone enters a paid room, so you can do something else while waiting for other players
SSC Scroll to top JS - Scroll to top
大喜利PHP 残り時間補正 JS - 大喜利PHPで予定締め切り時刻通りに残り時間を表示
Fallen London - Visible Air JS - Uses the Airs of London text to display the Airs range in the result summary.
Who posted JS - Adds a link to see the "Who Posted" window on thread.
haidaowang Userscript JS - haidaowang compare price
Caliente.mx JS - Descarga todos los registros mostrados en "mi cuenta" de la página de caliente
MUT My Items JS - MUT My Items imports your Madden Ultimate Team items into maddenultimate.com.
kinozal.tv: remove external scripts JS - Remove external scripts (ads/tracking) on kinozal.tv
Rickblock JS - The Rickroll blocker
ogame highscore improved JS - Some improvements to the highscore like a bar to switch between lists even if you are scrolled down.
FileFactory HTTPS Fix JS - Forces all member area top-menu links to HTTPS.
GN_CardLogAnalyzer JS - Анализатор карточных игр
Ro-Editor JS - Ro-Editor111
V2EXcellent.js JS - A Better V2EX
Endless Gamersky JS - Load more results automatically and endlessly.
sh.st - Lite JS - Helps to deal with sh.st easier
Toggle Messenger Sidebar JS - Button to hide messengers list of conversations
AC-必应取词+翻译 JS - 一个可以在浏览器中自由使用的屏幕取词脚本-alt+鼠标翻译,或者选中按Q翻译;必应智能翻译,翻译精准
AC-从谷歌 百度 必应搜索结果中屏蔽自定义关键字 JS - 从谷歌 百度 必应搜索结果中屏蔽自定义关键字,关键字自己确定吧
Search tool JS - Search tool for Steamgifts.
AQW Staff Help Menu JS - Adds a helpful nested menu for copying helpful AQW links
Bugmenot Sort Accounts by Date JS - Default sorts user/pass by newest to oldest, which is the most probable order in which they still work.
Append OneForum to tech sites JS - Appends OneForum link to tech site navbars
Vittonomica:Auction JS - Показ стоимости ресурсов шахт, выставленных на аукцион
Mturk Dashboard Privacy JS - Hide sensitive areas of your mturk dashboard with a Ctrl-click.
8chan Infinity Next Reverse Image Search JS - Add google, tineye, iqdb and saucenao reverse image search to 8ch.net Infinity Next and all subdomains
Google Images Bypass Content Security Policy JS - Bypasses the Content Security Policy of websites that are blocking the website preview view on Google Images results. Otherwise you only see the mesage: Blocked by Content Security Policy. This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way. Firefox prevented this page from loading in this way because the page has a content security policy that disallows it.
文章区药丸科技 JS - 还原A站文章区以前的样式,结合AcFun Fix 和http:// 的代码而成
AcFun样式微调小助手 JS - 仅对评论区样式做了紧凑化处理,欢迎提出意见建议
评论药丸科技 JS - 仅对评论区样式做了紧凑化处理,欢迎提出意见建议
soundcloud autoplay JS - Does autoplay first track of given category
Disable ING-DiBa auto logout JS - automatically click the "session refresh" button every 5 minutes