51JOB前程无忧找工作助手 JS - 提供简单的屏蔽功能,去除烦人的培训机构!在职位介绍页面添加一键天眼查功能
Bot Bubble JS - Pozwala na automatyczne wejscie w gre Emoticón wink a exp leci Emoticón winktongue
划词翻译 JS - try to take over the world!
南信大滨江教务验证码自动填充 JS - 南京信息工程大学滨江学院教务系统验证码自动填充
BTVA Casting Call [Blacklist & Whitelist] JS - Blacklist - hides projects on BTVA's Casting Call based on certain words the user wants to block. Whitelist - highlights projects based on words the user wants to see.
ShadeRoot PirateBay JS - Eye-friendly magic in your browser for Google
Show Download link OnTorrent.net | 01torrent.net JS - Better use OnTorrent.net | 01torrent.net
Lion's Macro For dual JS - Macro From lion
WME G2GMDM JS - WME Go to GaiaMDM. Redirects to Gaia MDM page on current position by clicking on wme coordinates label.
Mturk Group ID Adder JS - Adds group ID to Amazon hosted iframes to allow HIT specific script activation.
天使动漫打工 JS - 自动打工,可以配合 <天使动漫打工签到集合版> 共同使用
DailyIndieGame Tool JS - Add handy features to DailyIndieGame
Torn Flights JS - Changes the scenery during flights
Punycode detector JS - Prevent homograph attacks.
BRASS online improved JS - Various tweaks to improve Order of the Hammer's brass (orderofthehammer.com)
程序师网站文章全文显示 JS - 程序师网站文章去除“余下全文”按钮,直接全文显示
Steamgifts Auto Entry Enhanced JS - Automatically enters giveaways on steamgifts.com
Bundle Stars Keys Retrieve JS - Retrieve keys from Bundle Stars
知乎_问题_自动点击“更多”按钮 JS - 知乎_问题_每隔5秒点击“更多”按钮,显示更多答案
Best Blobs Scrifts ||Mass||PopSplit||More.|| JS - W = Macro Feed | D = Double-Split | E = 16-Split | R = Popsplit | Z = Triple-trick macro By ezNiSo
从Google搜索结果中删除'卡饭教程'等垃圾结果 JS - 从Google搜索结果中删除'卡饭教程'等
★moomoo.io ActionMacro JS - Action Macro (SpeedilyBuildItem/ChangeWepon&Hat/...)
Fellas Tipster stripper JS - unclutters page
Pocket JS - Count all the links, open on middle click
YT - Watch Later JS - Adds all your unwatched subscriptions to Watch Later
PunyCode Protection JS - Warns on clicking links and arriving into sites which uses PunyCode.
gazellegames ggn: show gold per terabytehour JS - calculates gold per terabytehour on ggn| Greasemonkey 4.1: ✔ Tampermonkey 4.4: ✔
Remove YT Embed Pause Overlay JS - Removes the pause overlay from embedded YouTube videos
J-CAT HTML5 JS - Use the site without having to install Adobe Flash Player.
Facebook Auto Redirect Most Recent JS - GoodBye Top Stories
Mitbbs-bot-blocker JS - Manages and blocks bot generated content. Inspired by Smalltalk80's original GM script, http://userscripts-mirror.org/scripts/review/78633
WD Cloud Unhide Button JS - Unhides the "shutdown" button for the WD Cloud.
Macro W for Beta.Alis.io JS - Beta.Alis.io G0d!
Steamgifts Giveaway Helper JS - Automatically apply settings when creating giveaways
F11 for FullScreen JS - make Edge fullsceen when press F11!
Accelerider Jump Tool JS - 将百度网盘分享链接跳转到坐骑以高速下载
Markdown-A-Textarea JS - 在需要的地方启用 MarkDown 语法,添加格式帮助链接及 Markdown 工具栏
圖片瀏覽器 JS - 作者:hbl91707(深海異音)
Erya nopause (For Zhongyuan Univ. of Techonogy) JS - Remove erya pause limitation
★moomoo.io EnemyRadar JS - Shows the direction and rough distance of invisible enemies.
Gain X with IMVU 2015 7/11 JS - Gain X with IMVU in the review product session
Wanikani Hide Review % JS - Hides the review percentages when you're done with reviews, and when you go to the /review page.
[购物必备]自动勾选京东配送/仅显示有货/货到付款 JS - 方便在京东购物,免去点击的麻烦!
cnmooc meida link JS - try to take over the world!
better player JS - try to take over the world!
FellowshipOne Report Queue: Auto refresh JS - Refreshes Page every 5 seconds until the latest report in the queue is complete. Will beep when report is complete.
MyAnimeList Watch Next JS - Get a random anime to watch from your list.
Wowtoken.info anti-anti-adblocker JS - Fools the anti-adblocker on wowtoken.info
Atlassian JIRA - Auto-expand older comments JS - Automatically expands the older comments accordion in JIRA so you see all comments by default. Workaround to jira.comment.collapsing.minimum.hidden. Aids in searching page.
Wealth of Nations JS - block paywall on the economist
Torrminatorr - Forum Endless Scroll JS - Endless scroll for the forums @ Torrminatorr (request for friend)
GN_FirstCampaignMarkers JS - ЧГК для первой кампании
GN_SecondCampaignMarkers JS - ЧГК для второй кампании
GitHub Static Time JS - A userscript that replaces relative times with a static time formatted as you like it
i-Comic Player Page Bug Fix / Allow fullscreen JS - Fixes misc bugs, allow fullscreen for googlevideo
i-Comic Simplified Chinese Search Query JS - Search Enhancement
Kittens tools JS - Kittens tools (visual)
papertrailapp - Clearer .NET stack traces JS - If your papertrailapp stream is mostly composed of .NET stack traces, this makes them much more legible by adding line breaks and colour highlighting
Speedrun.com SSL Redirect JS - Redirect from HTTP to HTTPS when visiting http://www.speedrun.com/
Otodom Remove Links JS - Umożliwia łatwe skopiowanie nazwy miejscowości.
掘金文章免登录展开全文 JS - 显示全文
Tout_MZ JS - Client MountyZilla
SFBA report JS - Copie les dernières commandes des sites SFBA dans le presse papier et met en forme en bbcode
Reddit History Sanitizer JS - Obfuscate and Delete Reddit Comments Older than User Specified Time
Youtube Video Disabler using Keyword JS - Disable Youtube Video base on Keyword
WME RA Util JS - Providing basic utility for RA adjustment without the need to delete & recreate
AB64H JS - Auto BASE64 Hangouts
Hide HackForums Logo JS - Hides the HackForums Logo
Profanity Filter JS - Simple filtering for profanity from website text. Not limited to static text, while avoiding performance impact.
GIS Jobs Favorite JS - add clickable favorite markers to jobs in the list
券妈妈消跳转 JS - 发个脚本破事真他妈多,好烦!
YT Recommended for you DEL JS - Removing "Recommended for you"
ESPN Fantasy Football JS - Moves the projected points column next to the opponent column
Block javascript alerts JS - remove alerts
iWubbz agarlist skin change code JS - Add skin changing
The West - gespielte Abenteuer JS - Zeigt die Anzahl der gespielten Abenteuer an
google plus rtl fix JS - Fix rtl in posts and comments in google plus
Singa Extension JS - Brings new features to Agar.io
Rhyii Extension JS - Brings new features to Agar.io
RhyiiBots v1 JS - RhyiiBots Release v1
AgarInfinity JS - This extension modifies Agar.io, adding many cool features designed to help improve your gameplay.
AgarInfinity JS - This extension modifies Agar.io, adding many cool features designed to help improve your gameplay.
CustomChat v2 JS - Un script pour customiser la shoutbox de PMT !
CustomChat v2 JS - Un script pour customiser la shoutbox de PMT !
Updated Ad Remover for TF2C JS - Removes ads for TF2C without leaving big boxes
Tweakers Pricewatch search extension JS - Add additional search and filter functions to the Tweakers Pricewatch
Steam Store - Wishlist Exporter JS - Export your wishlist in a raw text list (applies chosen filters)
FAH Timeout Display (Chrome, Tampermonkey) JS - Display timeout and other WU related information
hide the right div on facebook app page JS - hides the right div (app ads) within app on facebook
GN_TradeHelper JS - Помощник для выставления лотов/скрытия ненужных
bilibili直播精简 JS - 【可能是你遇到的最好用的Bilibili直播精简脚本】,送礼随心开关,页面清爽无广告!
新浪科技内页精简 JS - 精简新浪科技文章页,去广告和多余模块
Wanikani Reorder Ultimate 2 Embe Mod JS - Learn in the order you want to.
Wanikani Reorder Ultimate 2 Embe Mod JS - Learn in the order you want to.
Inoreader (no ADs) JS - Remove AD containers from Inoreader.
Wanikani Override JS - Adds an "Ignore Answer" button during reviews that makes WaniKani ignore the current answer (useful if, for example, you made a stupid typo)
YT DECRYPTER JS - Decrypt YT descriptions
contaraves JS - Conta quantas espécies de aves da lista do usuário tiveram seu registro em determinado local
Discord HIT Export JS - Export HIT information for Discord chat