全网vip视频解析 JS - vip视频解析,【内嵌解析+带弹幕】, 支持:腾讯视频、爱奇艺、优酷、芒果TV、哔哩哔哩、等网站会员视频解析,安装后在播放页左侧边上会出现一个vip标识,鼠标放上去会自动滑出功能界面,每个按钮代表不同解析接口,解析失败可选择其他按钮试试
Evoworld.io Hack menu JS - Cheats for EvoWorld.io
Namu Hot Now JS - 이게 왜 실검?
Bilibili直播免登录 JS - 避免未登录状态下在B站看直播时跳转到404页面
Tieba Remix: 贴吧网页端重塑 JS - 贴吧网页端重塑
Quill Answer Revealer and Auto-fill JS - First you can only do this on FireFox so install tampermonkey on FireFox and do it there. Second go to about:config on firefox (just search it up on google) then look for "dom.event.clipboardevents.enabled" and turn it to false then the Quill Answer autofill should work.
|2025寒假研修|智慧中小学平台|自动1.98倍播放|自动静音自动播放自动下一个视频 JS - |自动1.98倍播放(2倍)|自动静音|自动播放自动下一个视频|
✅ RoVerify | Roblox Verification Badge JS - A simple script that adds the Roblox verification badge to your name.
Hax自动抢鸡 JS - Hax自动抢鸡脚本
Cyclist Ring JS - Making money by pickpocketing cyclists!
Pytems JS - Create & Manage Items in Infinite Craft with an Easy to use Menu!
🔥🔥网易,酷我,酷狗支持歌词和歌曲下载(包含大部分VIP歌曲)🔥🔥 JS - 网易,酷我,酷狗支持当前页歌词下载,同时支持歌曲mp3下载(包含大部分VIP歌曲)。
Bilibili - 防止在首页下拉刷新时被要求登录 JS - 防止在首页下拉刷新时被要求登录
Macro Mod V-1.0 JS - Macro Place , Macro Hat , And More!!!!
Sigmally Modder By ShadowSoftware JS - Clans Menu
CheatNite2025 JS - CraftNite cheat client. Credits 99% towelgreen and Jhon Pérgon for external API-request. U cant bann with this cheat.
chatgpt menutemp JS - Mod menu for Krunker (UND)
Pimp My Autodarts (caller & other stuff) - deprecated JS - Userscript for Autodarts - deprecated, use Autodarts Tools Extension instead
【学习公社】学习中心视频自动打卡继续观看 JS - 学习公社学习中心,检测打卡弹窗并点击,检测继续观看弹窗并点击
Infinite Craft auto maker -bugged JS - Very fast automatic item explorer for infinite craft with a specific item
蓝奏云重定向+记住密码 JS - 自动将所有蓝奏云链接重定向至lanzn.com。自动记住并填写蓝奏云密码。直接下载APK文件。
Key press visual representation JS - Shows what keys you are hitting, **press escape to open the menu** Can be useful for .io game streaming, tutorials, etc.
123盘自动填写提取码 JS - 自动填写提取码
YGN RedBOT v3 JS - Gartic.io RedBOT v3 [OPENSOURCE]
抖音视频下载 JS - 网页版抖音视频下载
Duo's auto-comebacker JS - Need Duolingo-Cheat-Tool to working automaticly (https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/431948/Duolingo-Cheat-Tool.user.js)
Glassdoor Paywall Remover 2024 JS - Remove the Glassdoor Popup
Geotastic Helper JS - Helps you in the game Geotastic
Claude.ai Ultimate Chat Exporter JS - Adds "Export All Chats" and "Export Chat" buttons to Claude.ai
facebook clickseemore + clearRecentLogins figuccio JS - rimuove login recenti ed espande Altro...
橙光累充+剧情锁 JS - Adds a button to toggle userData.totalFlower
Auto Switch UserAgent JS - Use different User Agents based on different URLs or domains.
ChatGPT访问助手大师版tools/Keep ChatGPT无需魔法Magic梯子科学上网工具Plus修改功能增强免费可体验使用不限时间地点Pro高级版赠送精品ChatGPT帐号一枚个人独享可改密 JS - ChatGPT访问助手大师解决无法打开ChatGPT或者OpenAI问题/KeepChatGPT访问通畅GPT3.5/GPT4-mobile/文生视频Sora,东方ip被OpenAI屏蔽或电信运营商屏蔽无法注册或无法访问Access denied/chatgpt,解决报错不再刷新,保持活跃取消审计克隆对话净化首页展示大屏全屏言无不尽拦截跟踪等多个高级功能,使AI体验无比丝滑顺畅简洁高效,侧栏联动显示Chat搜索&ChatGPT回答自定义搜索代码区高亮逐字显示,即刻体验OpenAI/Claude/Bard/文心一言/通义千问/天工/360智脑/星火/曹植/MOSS/ChatGLM/盘古/悟道/CPM/山海/紫东太初/封神榜MindBot,无需翻墙,无需注册,无需下载,无需等待!无须繁琐注册流程,无须cookie&key,直接与AI对话!轻松导出ChatGPT聊天记录,以便进一步自行保存、分析及分享永页机,解锁ChatGPT Plus会员功能:主动关闭数据监管会话导入导出高负载限制解锁!使用ChatGPT过程更高效顺畅,完美解决ChatGPT网络错误无需频繁刷新网页取消后台监管审计解决报错
pixuniverse picture overlay JS - Add your picture as overlay to pixuniverse.fun
TTRockstars Devil JS - Automatic answer bot for https://play.ttrockstars.com/
Fuolah JS - Fucking wuolah with sstyle
Boss直聘助手 JS - 优化UI去除广告,批量投递简历,高级筛选,GPT自动打招呼,多账号管理...
Diep.io Auto-leveler Bot JS - Press Q to toggle, must be in base at least once in a lifetime so the script knows what team you are in
🔥【就是爽】【改进版】某度网盘 破解SVIP&&倍速播放&&文稿字幕&&样式&&解锁&&修复自动开启字幕,删广告样式等bug(360+chrome已测)....看网课专用! JS - 直接上效果图,见下面........修复自动开启字幕和导出doc等bug,取消视频控制栏的阴影等等 (20240825修正到1.3.7→1.6,修正错误:开启脚本后无法加载字幕)
学术论文期刊免费下载工具-知网免费下载 JS - 支持的网站:知网|万方|维普|皮书|中华医学会|博看图书。知网的硕博论文以及期刊免费下载、万方数据知识平台的文章免费下载、维普期刊的所有期刊免费下载、皮数数据库的期刊和报告免费下载、中华医学会的期刊论文免费下载、博看图书的图书和期刊免费全本下载。如果遇到问题请在反馈中登记,看到后会及时的回复的。
fly Inc JS - Bypass Familia Fly
🌐全国图书馆参考咨询联盟🔍📘一键查询电子版图书✔️ JS - 全国图书馆参考咨询联盟【一键查询电子版图书】为搜索红太狼的平底锅的朋友新加功能,显示dxid、等为用于图书文献、图书互助、图书资源查询、群组找书等场景;全方位助力您下载各类书籍显示大学数字图书馆国际合作计划(cadal)的书号-ssno,可以直接显示文献的读秀ssid号或dxid进行互助,pdf电子版,图书代找,图书电子版,PC、手机、MAC、苹果设备都可用一键查询超星龙岩东莞图书馆深圳图书馆广东图书馆获取书籍电子版PDF,图书馆有最新2024年的书籍,豆瓣读书,百度网盘图书pdf互助,图书分享,pan.baidu.com。
Sploop.io-Modifications [ spikeMod - LegitMod ] - JS - spike's are cool
Download protected PDF file from Google Drive JS - You can download protected PDF file
国资e学刷课程,可秒刷 JS - 点击“即刻开刷”按钮,即可自动完成播放页面内所有课程。课程进度更新不及时多为网络问题,让子弹飞一会儿。本脚本完全免费,提醒大家谨防二次售卖,确保使用安全无忧。
Blooket Hacks GUI JS - script ported over from https://github.com/therealgliz/blooket-hacks
amazon亚马逊小工具 JS - 1、网页视频下载,仅支持mp4格式。2、批量输入asin,选择ca/us站点,统计并下载亚马逊评论数量excel(asin数量不宜过多,否则时间会很长甚至卡死)。使用: ctrl+/ 左下角弹出页面。更多功能不定期更新。
Earn Pepe Bot (Need Captcha Solver Extension) JS - bypass manual faucet and auto ptc iframe!
SmashKarts ESP/Charms JS - SmashKarts ESP lets you see players even when they're behind walls or objects. Though, it might not work on every single map. Changes the color of the players.
命运2赛季切换工具 JS - 命运2赛季切换工具,可前往更久远的赛季,领取对应奖励。
Verify kour.io made by Snomy JS - Verify script made by Snomy
阿里云盘标清替换成最高画质 JS - 阿里云盘第三方权益包正式上线,未购买将无法获取到高清链接,本脚本就没什么意义了将不再更新
Google Classroom Mod Menu JS - Adds a mod menu to Google Classroom for customization options like active teacher mode, activate incognito, dark mode, custom background, and more.
ChatGPT 4o Hook JS - Hook ChatGPT backend API and add missing features
Blooket Hacks JS - hack blooket
WebRTC禁用脚本 JS - 尝试禁止WebRTC泄露真实ip
bilibili自动发送直播弹幕 JS - bilibili自动发送直播弹幕, 刷屏和互动专用, 右上角插件菜单中启动
RawChat 账号池助手 JS - 自动登录和切换账号,让你实现 GPT-4 自由。
抖音免登录以及查看评论 JS - 关闭抖音登录面板及相关视频卡片登录引导
米家中枢极客版助手 JS - 登录极客版页面后,自动开启助手插件,显示设备、变量与自动化的关系,方便查找设备或变量用在了哪些自动化中。点击自动化规则名称即可跳转到自动化页面并高亮所对应的设备或变量卡片。支持快捷键折叠/展开,关闭,适应画布布局,设备高亮,日志高亮,自动适应画布、设置自动化列表布局样式等功能。
橙光无限鲜花 JS - 使用说明:进入游戏后右上角点击启用
Bluesky Image Downloader JS - Adds a download button to images posted to Bluesky, which immediately downloads the image in max quality and with a descriptive filename for easy sorting.
Sigmally Damelu.vz JS - Easily 3X your FPS on Sigmally.com + many bug fixes + great for multiboxing + supports SigMod
Daily Vocab Planner JS - Shows unlock information for vocab and the recommended number of vocab/day to clear the queue on level up
Fucker Menu fly rapid fire trigger bot and more! JS - Will you manage to take over the world?
jpdb.io with KanjiVG JS - Use KanjiVG images instead of jpdb.io ones
Pixiv作品熱門程度排序與篩選器 JS - 在追蹤繪師作品、繪師作品、標籤作品頁面中以按讚數進行排序,並僅顯示高於閾值的作品。
Feishu Doc Markdown Scraper JS - ⚡功能:以Markdown格式复制文档内容; ⚡使用方法:点击[准备复制],然后等自动滑动到底部后,点击[复制]即可; ⚡因为飞书文档本身不支持导出Markdown,所以做了本插件,调试时发现飞书的文档加载是随着页面滚动而动态加载的,所以最终只能这么实现了。。
Zhihu free read JS - Zhihu free read, no login required
🌀VIP视频解析——fatcat JS - 适配手机端与电脑端,可自定义解析网址
SLIVE - 참여 통계 리캡 JS - 참여 통계에 스트리머 별 총 시간을 표시합니다
Enhanced Web Page Optimizer JS - Improve web page performance by blocking ads, lazy-loading images, and removing intrusive elements.
CheatCentral/KrunkerCentral Key System Bypass JS - Breaks key system for all current CheatCentral/KrunkerCentral userscripts. To add support for new scripts just simply copy and paste their @match script meta info into this script :)
Bilibili🎶音乐姬 JS - 仅帮助用户从视频页下载音乐(封面,Tags,歌词,字幕 写入支持)的油猴脚本
Anti adblock detector JS - Removes most (not all) adblock detectors that ask you to disable your ad blocking extension.
EasyZHIHU JS - 这是一款促进知乎极致简洁和高效的插件。免费共享大量创新功能,如:净化页面、免登录、展示全屏、复制文本等。让我们的学习体验无比简洁、专注、高效、畅快。
【哔哩哔哩】屏蔽视频PCDN地址 JS - 从官方CDN加载视频
Force ChatGPT-4 Model JS - Redirect to ChatGPT-4 model if not already set, avoiding redirect loops
DIEP UTILITY V2 (desync) JS - Themes, Anti-AFK, Anti-Cheat, Kill-Counter, net_predict_movement = false, Store-Convar, Build-Menu!
[Working] loot-link.com bypasser (includes all lootlabs.gg link variations) JS - bypasses loot-link.com quickly and efficiently, saving you time and energy.
轻小说阅读器 JS - 修改自pppploi8的通用阅读器,为“真白萌”和“哔哩轻小说”提供阅读模式
Tabview YouTube Totara JS - To make tabs for Info, Comments, Videos and Playlist
Twitter/X Media Downloader JS - Save Video/Photo by One-Click.
linuxdo 增强插件 JS - linux.do 增强插件,功能持续更新,欢迎提出新想法!
Pixiv 小说下载/小说系列打包下载 JS - Pixiv 下载小说/小说系列打包下载
Construct 3 Crack JS - Personal License Crack for C3 by ImmortalAI ft. WladekHack
组卷网学科网试卷处理下载打印 JS - 【2024/11/16】✨ 自动处理组卷网学科网试卷,并打印,支持去广告,答案分离。
YouTube Ultra Optimizer Pro JS - Aggressively optimize YouTube for slow connections and weak PCs, bypass restrictions
Undiscord JS - Undiscord 5.2.3, but with some fixes.
Diep.io+ (new Logo) JS - Auto Respawn, Anti Aim, Base Warning, Bullet Distance, Leader Arrow Color, Watch enemies Level, copy party link, Team Switcher, Triflank, Freeze Mouse, Tank Aim Lines
Khan Academy Hack JS - Respostas
YouTube Bỏ qua quảng cáo video tự động JS - Tự động bỏ qua quảng cáo trên YouTube
深色模式 JS - 设置页面为深色模式, 可定时开关
智慧中小学暑假教师研修[小果免费秒过] JS - 2024年智慧中小学暑假教师研修,秒过。
Agario Macros JS - Agar.io macro: W = Auto Eject Mass, T = x16 splits, Q = Double split
Better SteamPY JS - 提供Steampy界面美化,功能增强,如库中已有游戏标记(支持家庭库及愿望单)、标记资料受限游戏等功能
网页复制破解助手 JS - 破解网页防复制限制,支持破解百度文库 (wk.baidu.com)、腾讯文档 (docs.qq.com) 和道客巴巴 (doc88.com) 等网站的文本复制。
隐藏必应APP弹窗 JS - 隐藏必应APP弹窗。
GLIDE CLIENT V3 JS - A client upgraded by Nil Bloxd