EP Overhaul JS - Education Perfect Information Skipper
動畫瘋下載器 JS - 取得動畫的 m3u8 網址,並可使用 PotPlayer 播放
Auto Slow Download Nexus Mods JS - Auto click download button (slow) and close page.
Hack for no red ink JS - shows the answer to the questions in noredink. When you get a question wrong it will be saved to the database, so the more people who use this script, the more accurate it will be. currently supports multiple choice, highlighting, multi-highlighting, playground, outlinedraggable and punctuation question types and more will be added later
Health-Bar Mod | Shell Shockers | flygOn LiTe JS - Adds a health bar to the Shell Shockers game UI with sound FX
百度云批量保存 JS - 批量保存百度云文件
Musescore Downloader JS - download pdf or print any sheets!
Bilibili Live Banned Danmaku Marker JS - You sent banned danmakus will be add strikethrough line.
Disable YouTube Glow/Ambilight JS - Script that removes the shitty glow/ambilight effect on the new YouTube downgrade. It sucks ass because it's in 8-bit colorspace, has a smoothing effect, and is overall just weird on your eyes, seriously thoguht my eyes were fucked lmao
YouTube - Non-Rounded Design JS - This script disables YouTube's new rounded corners (reverts back to the previous layout from 2021.)
Alpha-Ware 40 bot mod! (Patched) JS - Up to 40 bots hack (more with VPN), autoheal, macros, and command keys!
chaoxing学习通,自动两倍速刷视频,禁止自动暂停,自动下一章 JS - 此脚本仅适用于 mooc1.chaoxing.com 这个网址
YouTube - Old Icons Restorer JS - Restores the old icons for YouTube.
rekonise.com bypass JS - bypasses annoying time taking rekonise links.
Kirka.IO Enhanced JS - Wallhack, adblock and more for Kirka.IO.
steam创意工坊下载workshop download JS - 通过steamworkshop.download下载工坊mod
Facebook Autopoke JS - Automatically pokes back people listed on your home page. Make sure to be on this page https://www.facebook.com/pokes/?notif_t=poke
[IN SCHOOL HACK] Krunker.io & Shellshockers Hidden(MOD) [H] redirect you to(URL) of your choice JS - Krunker.io & shellshockers Hidden(MOD) Press [H] to redirect you to a (URL) of your choice To [PLAY IN SCHOOL] Menu Press [R] For a Radio works For Shellshockers also works for some alterive URLs #Hack #krunker #Shellshockers #school #Hidden
Freeship JS - Unlock all Fireship PRO courses/lessons.
HTML5播放器自定义配置 JS - HTML5播放器自定义配置,按需定制自己的功能
Xbox Cloud Gaming Global Touch Control JS - Force touch controls on all Xbox Cloud Gaming games (only working in regions that do not support Xbox Cloud Gaming)
Auto Clicker JS - Auto Clicker for Browsers!!
酷狗音乐mp3解析 JS - 解析酷狗、酷狗音乐,获得播放mp3下载链接
Bilibili Evolved V2 Evolved JS - 增强 Bilibili Evolved V2 样式,请在安装 Bilibili Evolved V2 后再下载使用本脚本
Etsy URL Cleaner JS - Removes the ?ref, ?click_key, ?ga_order, and ?external query parameters from the URL of an Etsy listing page and removes the ?ref=simple-shop-header query parameter and everything after it from the URL of an Etsy shop page
ChatGPT功能增强 JS - 目前功能:1.关闭数据监管;2.会话导入导出;3.高负载限制解锁 4.混合接入API(GPT3.5) 5.链接维持 ( 减少An error occured ) 6.聊天记录下载
Unhold YouTube Resource Locks JS - Release YouTube's used IndexDBs & Disable WebLock to make background tabs able to sleep
Disable YouTube AutoPause JS - "Video paused. Continue watching?" and "Still watching? Video will pause soon" will not appear anymore.
YouTube Video Resize Fix JS - This Userscript can fix the video sizing issue. Please use it with other Userstyles / Userscripts.
evoworld.io Cheats JS - "evoworld.io Cheats"
YouTube Disable Ambient Mode JS - Disables YouTube ambient mode if its turned on.
2023版国家中小学智慧教育平台支持高校教师寒假教师专修板块,其他的板块需要定制的可以联系我,全网最新最好用版! JS - 我写的时候没发现原来这个有这么多的板块,而且每个板块要求还不一样,这个仅支持这个网站下的https://core.teacher.vocational.smartedu.cn/,高校教师寒假专修,不支持倍速,因为这个板块倍速了不记入进度的,需要其他的板块的,麻烦加我提供下网址和要求,可以很快适配的。有需要就可以更新,如果需要定制版,可以加QQ659111520。
视频解析全网VIP视频免费破解【长期更新,放心使用】 JS - 全网VIP视频免费破解【长期更新,放心使用】。支持:腾讯、爱奇艺、优酷、芒果、Bilibili、pptv、乐视等其它网站;
Old Wikipedia Layout JS - Redirects Wikipedia to use the good (pre-2023) skin.
ac-predictor-cn JS - AtCoder 预测工具 (由GoodCoder666翻译为简体中文)
RatingR6 ReWrite JS - RatingR5, R5REC, R5 VALUE, REREC(+b), Season TI, RVA's Captaincy
国家智慧教育公共服务平台助手 JS - 《也许同类型中最好用?》系列 - 中小学智教平台免登录查看文档(教材 / 书籍 / 政策 / 课件,下载原件或预览)、视频(宣传 / 经验 / 影视,播放器更多功能)、音频(听力,倍速播放)、专题(前两者的综合列表)、课程(自主学习 / 备课授课),还可以查看、切换和下载 新版(2024版) / 中版(常见版) / 先版(旧版) 教材;美化整个国家智慧教育公共服务平台,顶栏毛玻璃,页脚一言诗;增强原 PDF 预览页,可网页全屏,可下载,确保舒适阅读;脚本界面融合原生网页风格,简洁且美观
AB Links Solver JS - Solves AbLink images
我只想好好观影 JS - 为了想看就看
嗨皮漫畫閱讀輔助 JS - 無限滾動模式(自動翻頁、瀑布流),背景預讀圖片,自動重新載入出錯的圖片,左右方向鍵切換章節,目錄頁自動展開全部章節,新分頁打開漫畫鏈接。
▲V2EX Polish - 体验更现代化的 V2EX 🟢 JS - 一款专为 V2EX 用户设计的浏览器插件,提供了丰富的扩展功能,让原生页面焕然一新!✨
Vie Faucet Website Rotator . Auto PTC, Auto Faucet & Auto Shortlinks Support JS - Automatically views all PTC ads and Rotate websites
MooMoo.io Auto-heal JS - Need much food solo moomoo.io
跳过抖音广告 JS - 关闭抖音弹窗登录,跳过抖音广告和直播,观看直播默认原画
国内AI去水印 JS - 去星火水印。去天工水印。去混元水印。去chatGLM水印。去通义千问水印、去超时弹窗、去AI画图水印。CSDN-C知道去水印,去提问限制。
Auto Typer for Typing.com JS - Typing.com Bot: AutoType Up to 300 WPM
Bypass some spanish link shorteners JS - Bypass some shorteners
Attack Better JS - Move Torn "Start Fight" button on top of your weapon of choice and remove certain elements to help with load times.
配合“百度网盘视频播放尊享 VIP | 解锁视频倍数 | 解锁全部清晰度”(原作者为:Cangshi)使用 JS - 原脚本失效,原作者大大还未更新脚本,但原脚本在老地址可以正常运行,于是用此脚本进行暂时的维护。
Tostes mods JS - Custom profile pics & help with every single lesson 😋
HLS(m3u8) Ad Remover JS - Remove HLS.js-based(m3u8) ad stream
自动关闭知乎登录提示 JS - 自动关闭知乎自动弹出的登录与注册提示,仅仅用于关闭自动弹出的登录提示。
XiaoHongShu No Watermark JS - XiaoHongShu No Watermark, and Show Some Useful Options.
chatgpt-page-translate-button JS - 🍓 let ChatGPT translate the web page you are reading in one click
ChatGPT is GPT4 by default(PLUS only available) JS - ChatGPT switch The default is GPT4
Canvas ChatGPT JS - Adds ChatGPT into Instructure Canvas
Quizlet Login Bypass 2024 JS - Unblur text, Remove ads, Clean UI
百度文库下载器,VIP文档免费下载,打印PDF,导出文档等。 JS - 百度文库解析下载功能,利用第三方站友好展示,可打印PDF格式导出。脚本仅限学习。
Educake Autofill JS - Autofills Educake answers for you!
🔥持续更新🔥 CSDN广告完全过滤、人性化脚本优化:🆕 不用再登录了!让你体验令人惊喜的崭新CSDN。 JS - ⚡️全新4.0版本!拥有数项独家功能的最强CSDN脚本,不服比一比⚡️|🕶无需登录CSDN,获得比会员更佳的体验|🖥自定义背景图,分辨率自适配,分屏不用滚动|💾超级预优化|🔖独家超级免会员|🏷独家原创文章免登录展开|🔌独家推荐内容自由开关|📠独家免登录复制|🔗独家防外链重定向|📝独家论坛未登录自动展开文章、评论|🌵全面净化|📈沉浸阅读|🧴净化剪贴板|📕作者信息文章顶部展示
国家中小学智慧教育平台教材PDF电子课本链接与下载工具 JS - 教材列表页与预览页添加了PDF按钮,免登录查看或下载电子课本与课外书籍,可批量下载,支持新课标教材
AutoMS-Rewards JS - This lets you search random words or sentences on Bing. It adds a circular Orange icon on Microsoft rewards section. You can choose the number of searches & source of the words/sentences (Either predefined or random from English dictionary), and the code will open search tabs. After 15 seconds, all tabs will be closed automatically. This script is originally made by Potaper & I added some more features like searching random words from English dictionary & change number of searches.
Discord: View deleted messages JS - Shows deleted messages in all Discord channels, including groups, servers, and DMs.
enaea学习公社-ttcdw学习公社-常速-大学生网络党课-大学生发展对象-中国教育干部网络学院-接所有视频类网课平台,佑安宝秒刷加我vx:shuake345 JS - 本版本为常速播放|基本满足所有人员|倍速秒刷请加(VX):shuake345
Better torrentgalaxy.to torrent title JS - Remove the "TGx:" prefix from the torrent title and replace periods with spaces - 6/4/2023, 3:57:19 AM
Restore YouTube Username from Handle to Custom JS - To restore YouTube Username to the traditional custom name
ZaresPlus X krunker.io Hack JS - Krunker
pancake mod [UNPATCHED] JS - This mod is not bad, its just ok. To know the controls, look in the description! Enjoy :>
No Keywords JS - Get rid of fucking highlighted search keywords.
Reddit Old Mobile 📱 JS - Mobile-friendly design for Reddit Old
gimkitcheat JS - A userscript that allows you to cheat across various gimkit games
种子下载工具 JS - 在【馒头】或【NexusPHP 架构】PT站种子详情页添加下载按钮,点击后可以选择【标题|种子名|副标题】并将种子添加到 qBittorrent|Transmission,支持文件重命名并指定下载位置。
自定义视频播放速度 JS - 允许自定义视频播放速度
Translate webpage JS - Mimicks chrome's built-in page translator. Can be used as a userscript (from the context menu or always on) or as a bookmarklet (clicking the bookmark translates the page). For Firefox and chrome
Atcoder Better! JS - 一个适用于 AtCoder 的 Tampermonkey 脚本,增强功能与界面。
KiwiExploits KEY BYPASSER JS - Generate Keys with No Extra Clicks Just wait 12 Seconds
ChatGPT - Collapsible Messages JS - Makes ChatGPT messages collapsible. The script adds a button to each chat message that lets you collapse it (and un-collapse it).
SaveAsZip for Patreon JS - Download post images and save as a ZIP file.
Dark mode JS - Enable dark mode with only one line of CSS
Improved Bullet Stacking By Mekhi Maragh JS - Makes some tanks more powerful (Tri-angle branch, spread shot, penta shot, octo tank, gunner trapper, streamliner).
ChatGPT、豆包、Poe 宽屏模式 JS - 页面大于1080的屏幕撑开,显示更宽,看的更多,目前适用于Chatgpt、豆包(doubao)ai网站,后续会适配更多网站,欢迎提供网站,谢谢!
夸克/阿里网盘批量重命名 JS - 夸克/阿里网盘中文件、文件夹批量重命名
Human-Typer (Automatic) - Google Docs & Slides JS - Types your text in a human-like manner so the edit history shows the progress. https://greasyfork.org/en/users/449798-ace-dx
Steam小红车解除锁区 JS - Steam解除锁区
Seterra Hack JS - simple hack for seterra. colours the correct country/location in black, then white when clicked.
Multibox script Working December 2023 JS - multibox
HeroWarsHelper_Bot_TC JS - Automation of actions for the game Hero Wars
FileDM Bypass JS - Bypass annoying FileDM download managers!
pixmap picture overlay JS - Add your picture as overlay to pixmap.fun
图集岛破解VIP-威力加强版修改匹配地址--lc自用 JS - 破解VIP、一键打包下载和图片自适应
b站深色模式 JS - 给b站添加深色样式
🔥HTML5视频截图保存工具+带时间戳和文件名(可用于所有视频网站,百度网盘和哔哩哔哩亲测可用) JS - Alt+shift+D保存HTML5视频截图,并生成带时间戳和文件名的图片+并复制到剪切板(可用于所有视频网站,百度网盘和哔哩哔哩亲测可用)
HeroWarsDungeon JS - Automation of actions for the game Hero Wars
MORS CLIENT JS - Creates an overlay with a styled side panel and content area that can be toggled with the "]" key.
YouTube Playback Speed Changer JS - Simple ad skipper for youtube immune to ad blocker restriction (This is not ad blocker)
Remove Youtube Adblock Warnings! JS - No more 'Ad blockers are not allowed on YouTube'
哔哩哔哩新版首页排版调整和去广告(bilibili) JS - 对新版B站首页的每行显示的视频数量进行调整, 同时删除所有广告, 并可设置屏蔽内容 (大尺寸屏幕每行将显示更多的视频)
Youtube AdBlock ban bypass JS - Fix the "Ad blockers violate YouTube's Terms of Service" Error
Facebook video downloader JS - Download any video on Facebook (post/chat/comment)