Ello - smaller posted images JS - The images are giant in posts, just limit max size, on click they will enlarge
Planets.nu - Enemy Ship List Plugin JS - NU dashboard plugin which tracks and lists all ships ever seen. The plugin automatically updates the list and let's you gather information on the enemy fleet.
userstyles.org Download Styles Without Stylish JS - This scripts allows you to download style directly without stylish installed.
PopupFlash JS - 鼠标悬停在 flash 视频上会出现一个按钮,点击后可放大浮动在页面上。
CtgoFx JS - Remove ads and white spaces.
[bib] RequestUpload JS - Facilitates uploading and filling requests.
Hatırlat Canım Hatırlat JS - Made By Clive Sadhu
Grepolis Academy Overview JS - Grepolis: List all researches of all towns
Search Engine Jump for Academic(IE compatible) JS - 方便的在各个引擎之间跳转学术版(IE适用)
Planets.nu - Open Slot Filter Plugin JS - Adds race filters to the 'Game List' menu which allow to sort the list of new and open games by race. Additionally, for each race the player rank and tenacity is used to prune games for which the player is not eligible.
MyAnimeList - Genre filter for anime lists JS - Filters animelists by genre. All anime entries without tags will be set to a comma separated list of genres to enable filtering. Warning: has functionality that permanently deletes all current tags when used.
cab.Emoticons JS - cabEmoticons used for CAB
CandidForum No Registration Required JS - Browse CandidForum and click on links without an account; not recommended if you have an active account.
ThePirateBay - Search Exclusion JS - Adds an Excludes field below the search field
Kick-o-matic JS - Ускоряет процесс раздачи погон (Acelera el proceso de asignación de rangos en batallas)
DCFever+ JS - Enhancement for trading forum in DCFever.
Youtube Middle Click Search JS - Middle clicking the search on youtube opens the results in a new tab
phpBB User Hide JS - Hide posts of the selected users on any phpBB system.
YouTube HD Override JS - Makes YouTube videos run in high definition + YouTube fixes
phpBB User Hide engl JS - Hide posts of the selected users on any phpBB system.
Disable TamperMonkey Update Tab JS - Close Tamper Monkey update window
tmbo open in new tab JS - all tmbo images open in a new tab
Skrypt umożliwiający pobieranie materiałów ze znanych serwisów VOD. JS - Skrypt służący do pobierania materiałów ze znanych serwisów VOD.
taybear JS - none
WaniKani ALC JS - Adds a link to the alc.co.jp results to vocab pages
720P.im 豆瓣电影下载搜索工具 JS - 增加豆瓣电影的下载搜索链接
FIMFiction - Preview Button JS - Adds a button to preview PMs and new threads.
猫超detail自动显示大图地址 JS - 猫超detail自动显示大图的url地址
SkinSilhouette JS - Voir des silhouettes personnalisées
WME PlaceNames JS - Show area and point place names in WME, color and highlight places by type and properties
Redirect Userscripts.org to webextender.net JS - On any web page it will check if the clicked links goes to userscripts.org. If so, the link will be rewritten to point to webextender.net
Internet Archive File Types JS - A script to show you which file types are available for each identifier
Archive Excavation Tool JS - A tool to provide extended functionality for archive entries
Dreamwidth Site Skin Detector JS - Add classes to BODY when site-skin selectors are detected. Works for Tropospherical, Celerity and Gradation.
Masterani Placeholder JS - Loads badass Luffy as a placeholder if original image doesn't load (under recent anime)
Tsu Friends and Followers JS - Tsu script to display Friends and Followers of all users on the current page
Weibo_v6_Custom JS - 自定义微博v6版本的颜色
Weibo Classic JS - Back to Weibo V5 (恢复新浪微博V5)
TradeMe List View Enforcer JS - Forces the list view!
Asana Notifications favicon JS - Shows a red badge on the favicon if the inbox has unread messages
Aliexpress Plus JS - Sorts search results by item price properly with shipping costs included, enhances item pages
eBay Collection Sorter JS - Sorts Collections on eBay
TheDailyWTF JS - Show hidden comment surprises for the dailywtf
Weibo6 Styles JS - Change the style of nav panel of weibo v6
Planets.nu - Planetary Management Plugin JS - Planetary Management Plugin
HabitRPG Dailies Count JS - Update HabitRPG with the number of dailies left
Block Requesters (Fixed) JS - Hide HITs from requesters you're not interested in (FIXED FOR GOOGLE CHROME)
Today's Projected Earnings JS - Adds a projected earnings item to mturk dashboard
mTurk - Show Auto-App time & Link Turkopticon JS - Shows auto-approval time and links to requester on Turkopticon, on HIT preview pages.
Hit Timer Fixed JS - This is an edited version of Hit Timer 0.1 that fixes the compatibility issues with Firefox and adds support for auto-accepted HITs. Tested and working in Firefox 26 and Chrome 32.
MTurk Max Job Window Height JS - Limit height of job window iFrame on MTurk.com
MTurk Service Status JS - Adds MTurk Service Health RSS feed to your dashboard
MTurkGrind.com Plus JS - Style tweaks and keyboard shortcuts for MTurkGrind.com forum.
MTurkForum.com Plus JS - Style tweaks and keyboard shortcuts for MTurkForum.com
Turk - Transfer Earnings Hide and Alert JS - Hides the Earnings column and changes the Total Earnings tab to green when a threshold has been met. (Modify the values manually within the script.)
MTurk HIT Tabulator JS - Opens HITs in a single dedicated tab
General: Requester ID JS - Displays the Requester ID in the dashboard and HIT search.
Requester ID && Auto Approval Time (Formatted) JS - Displays the Requester ID in case they change their name and the HIT's auto approval time
Approval Time JS - Displays the auto-approval time
MTurk Worst Case Scenario Calculator JS - Shows what your approval rate would be in worst case scenario. This version was patched by Austin3600, since the original hasn't been updated since 2012 and is broken with new dashboard.
Preview | Accept JS - Splits Preview link into Preview | Accept links.
MTurk Queue Count JS - Displays the current queue count above the HIT area.
mTurk Title Bar Timer JS - Displays time remaining for HIT in title bar.
mTurk - Highlight Masters JS - Highlights hits for masters on mturk.
Mturk Background Color JS - Change the background color in Mturk.
Mturk logo change JS - This will change the Mturk logo image on Dashboard to a gif of money.
Move Turk Timer JS - Move the Amazon Mechanical Turk timer to the bottom of the screen
AA Time JS - Shows AA time when you expand a HIT in the search
Discover Fake Availabilities JS - Often times you open a hit to find there is no more hits available, even though MTurk reports that there is some left. This script discovers and lets you know
nwanime script JS - lien video nwanime
Tumblr No Scrolling Header JS - Pins scrolling header to the top of the page.
Hide the annoying Amazon Global Message JS - hides the amazon global message
Triple Alert! JS - Places additional scheduled maintenance alerts at the top and bottom of mturk pages for triple alerting power.
Lichess.org TV++ JS - Advanced Lichess.org TV page.
mTurkWiki.net Great HITs Export JS - Export HIT description as phpBB formatted text with turkopticon link and all relevant data.
Linkomanija JS - Linkomanija poster preview
propocracy JS - Gives prop bombs on fitocracy. To use, go to any page on fitocracy, and press F9 on your keyboard. It will click all Give Props links and load more. Does not auto prop comments.
RubyTapas Video Embedder JS - For subscribers to RubyTapas who are tired of having to download every single video, this script will automatically embed the video from the download link.
Xenforo Invis-Text Multi-Reveal JS - This script adds a button to reveal invisible text. The button is placed under a poster's avatar, and will only be displayed if there is transparent text in the post. Also, a dotted grey border is placed around any invisible text to denote its presence.
showlinks JS - Show links of page as text following the link
Stack Exchange: "View Vote totals" without 1000 rep JS - Enables the total vote counts feature without requiring an account or 1k+ reputation.
HIT Scraper (classic version) JS - Snag HITs.
DCI New HIT Monitor for mturk (classic version) JS - Monitors for new HITs from requesters on your list
Crowdsource Workstation Monitor JS - Monitors your CrowdSource work center for favorite tasks
DCI New HIT Monitor for mturk (with links) (mralaska version) JS - Monitors for new HITs from requesters on your list
MTurk resize iframe and setfocus JS - Resizes the Mechanical Turk (MTurk) HIT iframe to 1200 and automatically sets the focus to the iframe.
Focus mTurk IFrame JS - Focus the Mechanical Turk IFrame. Useful for many HITs, especially those that use keyboard controls.
Turk - Remove_Warning JS - Hides "Message Warning"
Text Captcha Alert JS - Alerts when a captcha is encountered.
MTurk Auto-Accept changer for mturkgrind.com JS - Add a "previewandaccept" link after the preview link for HITs posted on mturk-related forums: MTurkGrind, MTurkForum, and TurkerNation.
MTurk Confirm Return HIT (with queue support) JS - A prompt to confirm returning a HIT to prevent accidental returns.
Gaia Online - Remove PJAX JS - Gaia's PJAX sucks (and has a tendency to lag and freeze). Remove it
KissAnime Cleaner JS - Fixes KissAnime Anti-Adblock issue.
Post Spoiler for mturkgrind.com JS - Spoils posts based on keywords
nCore Spooky Hunter 2012. reloaded JS - Catches ALL pumpkins
Quick sell Steam JS - Fast sell Steam items with the current market price
Tweaks for DivxATope JS - Corrects shoddy grammar in this ugly site... as requested.
A-P search defaults to manga on manga pages JS - With this, when you visit a page in the manga section on anime planet, the search type will default to manga.
Duolingo widescreen translation JS - Duolingo translation optimized for widescreen displays