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Post Spoiler for

Spoils posts based on keywords

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I'm using this 'clickhappier-archive' account to post archival copies of old MTurk-related userscripts from (which is itself an archive of the defunct site and forum posts, which their authors or others haven't re-posted on Greasyfork yet. Some of these may no longer be all that interesting as more recent scripts may do what they do better, but some remain very useful.

This script was archived from several related forum posts (wasn't posted on

Author: Kerek

Script Name: Post Spoiler

Last update 07-28-2014 (and subsequent minor version number vacillations)

Script Summary: Spoils posts based on keywords.
- You can use this script to spoilerize forum posts if they contain certain keywords. Just change the spoil_me list as needed. For example, if you try it with "Kenta" then half the forum for the last month (July 2014) gets absorbed into spoilers (including this post). The spoilers are labeled by what keyword they're blocking (so it will say "Kenta Spoiler: " in that example). It can be a nice alternative to blocking.
- Small update [initially labeled v0.1.1, later v0.2] so it doesn't spoilerize the Thanks section if you use usernames.
- You can spoilerize entire posts using keywords with this script. Just change the spoil_me list or add to it. Putting a username in will get rid of those pesky quoted posts of people on your ignore list that slip through regular ignore. If you don't enjoy a topic you can breeze by every time it's mentioned and only peek in if you want. The spoilers are labeled by topic so you know what they contain.
- You can use this to place spoiler tags around forum posts if they contain certain keywords. Just change the spoil_me list as needed. For example, to solve this issue use "Your HIT activity for this week". No abuse needed. Can do "Projected Earnings" too.

Version: 0.2 [updated by clickhappier to 0.2.1x for the 2015-01-17 MTG migration from vbulletin to xenforo forum software]

For many more MTurk-related userscripts, see the Turking Scripts set.