Quizlet micromatch bot JS - Win micromatch in < 100 seconds!
NGA Auto Pager V2 JS - NGA自动翻页插件
贴吧视频贴过滤 JS - 过滤贴吧里的大量无关视频贴,以免影响浏览体验
Anti-Anti Adblock JS - 防止 Adblock 被偵測
Youtube Hide Watched / Viewed Videos JS - Hides viewed videos from your subscriptions.
IMDB List Importer JS - Import list of titles or people in the imdb list
Wanikani Override JS - Adds an "Ignore Answer" button during reviews that makes WaniKani ignore the current answer (useful if, for example, you made a stupid typo)
Proxmox 4 Login form autocomplete JS - Enable autocomplete login and password in Proxmox VE 4.x
Refuse mobile page! JS - Redirect mobile-only URL to its corresponding PC version automatically
自动屏蔽三无用户点赞超过50%的回答 JS - 自动屏蔽知乎三无用户点赞数>=50%的回答
Highlight Every Code JS - Add a icon to popup a window that allows syntax highlighting and beautify and word count of source code snippets on current page
Twitch PiP button JS - Add picture in picture button to twitch.tv player.
baidunet downloader JS - 分享页面也可以下载哦,反正我就是不用度娘云管家!
优课在线自动挂机 JS - 优课在线自动挂机脚本,支持失去焦点继续播放、自动播放下一节
Capture current page JS - Screen capture for current full page with Ctrl+F10, also be used to change text into image which inside the INPUT/TEXTAREA element.
SoundCloud Spam Blocker JS - Helps minimize SoundCloud spam
PixivUserBatchDownload JS - Batch download pixiv user's images in one key.(Based on Aria2)
SG Game Tags JS - some tags of the game in Steamgifts.
AdBlock+ Press Alt+Shift+B JS - AdBlock+. Press Alt+Shift+B for blocking ads and Alt+Shift+U for unblocking. Press Alt+Shift+E for editing styles.
instagram_ex JS - enable save instagram images
Zoom function for YouTube JS - YouTube video zoom feature
去除知乎跳转 JS - 去除知乎重定向,不再跳转
Cookie Monster JS - Loads the CookieMonster helper tool for CookieClicker Idle game
Agar io script by HeadshoT V2 JS - By HeadshoT
CNKI 中国知网 PDF 全文下载 JS - 参见 http://blog.yuelong.info/post/cnki-pdf-js.html
WME RTC Improvements JS - Adds several helpful features to RTC handling in the Waze Map Editor
Slither.io - 607ch00 remix JS - slither.io MOD - 2021 Update! - Zoom, High score, Custom backgrounds, Clock, and more!
[MTurk Worker] Dashboard Enhancer JS - Brings many enhancements to the MTurk Worker Dashboard.
Slither.io mod JS - Mods a few things
Google to YouTube Search JS - Use your Google Search terms to search YouTube by clicking a new YouTube link added to your Google Search page.
bili-to-plus JS - bilibili to biliplus
SoundCloud Downloader JS - Adds a direct download button to all the tracks on SoundCloud (works with the new SoundCloud interface)
Download All Torrents or Magnets JS - Adds buttons to download all torrents or magnets on a page.
Pixiv Preloads Images JS - Preloads images in a manga gallery
淘宝自动按销量 JS - 在淘宝搜索商品时自动选择按销量排名显示搜索结果(如果页面显示:筛选条件加的太多啦,未找到与“某某”相关宝贝,表示搜索的关键字被淘宝列为黑名单或者搜索的关键字在淘宝的数据库里没数据)
Feedly filtering and sorting JS - Enhance the feedly website with advanced filtering, sorting and more
TSDM打工 JS - 天使动漫自动打工
去除360极速扩展中心限制 JS - 让其他基于chromium的浏览器可以直接从360极速扩展中心下载扩展
Bandcamp download mp3s JS - Shows download links for the preview files on bandcamp albums
Extract images for pixiv JS - Adds a button that get all attached images as original size to every post.
Stig's Art Grabr JS - Grabbing big high resolution album cover-art from various sites
百度贴吧图片点击放大 JS - 直接在当前页面点击查看原图(包括签名档)。支持图片的多开、拖拽、垂直或水平滚动和缩放旋转
WhatsApp Web - Chat Bot JS - A chat bot for WhatsApp Web, with some basic commands. Check console for log.
WME Color Errors JS - Colorisation pour afficher les erreurs
bilibili直播净化 JS - 增强直播屏蔽功能, 提高直播观看体验
Facebook: Disable Facebook force register box JS - This script removes the annoying force regicter box for non-facebook users
.M3U8 HLS support for HTML5 video JS - Lets you play fragmented Apple-style adaptive videos in browsers like Firefox, by making use of Media Source Extensions. No Flash needed.
Kinopoisk Extender JS - Расширение функционала kinopoisk.ru.
Duolingo Unlocker JS - ABANDONED Allows you to practice any skill and adds a few niceties to the UI.
ThemeForest full preview JS - This script will change the list pages from being less useful Icons into the bigger Preview Image. Along with a few keyboard shortcuts to further speed up browsing. (Based on a userscript by Stuart O'Brien)
URL Sniffer JS - Sniff URLs in HTML
Economist Paywall Demolisher JS - Removes the limit on the number of articles you can view for free on The Economist's site.
Anti Baha Anti ad block JS - anit anit ad block
ViewTube+ JS - Watch videos from video sharing websites without Flash Player.
巴哈姆特-阻擋廣告 JS - 享受無廣告體驗的巴哈姆特吧!
Add Spotify Web Player link to YouTube JS - Adds a link to Spotify Web Player on music videos on YouTube
SkipButtons JS - Try to take over the world!
DMZJ去视频广告及提取地址 JS - 去除动漫之家的视频广告,点击不同视频时提取地址。
NoYandexAds+Numeration JS - Удаление рекламы в поиске yandexa + Нумерация
ZenzaWatch JS - ニコニコ動画の速くて軽い動画プレイヤー
Sort by Sales in Taobao JS - In Tmall or Taobao, automatically for you first choice [by sales order]. Convenient and practical!
Scribd Print and Download JS - Changes "Upload" link to open a printable viewer (print to PDF)
500px图片下载 JS - 在500px.com网站添加下载图片按钮
soTab - Search Engine Switcher JS - Add links to each other in search engines. Including multiple search modes.
GitHub Dark Script JS - GitHub Dark in userscript form, with a settings panel
HKG Agar Tool - Script blocker (Firefox ONLY) JS - Blocking agar default game logic in firefox
Crunchyroll Resolution Enforcement JS - Sets Crunchyroll Resolution To Preferred Resolution
Wayback Machine Timeline Compressor JS - Trims the capture graph timeline to only the earliest and latest years
Google Translator Tooltip Expanded Fork JS - Translates the selected text into a tooltip automatically. Fork from https://greasyfork.org/scripts/5727/
GN_ShowLastHunt JS - Показ последней охоты на таких существ
BaiduPanDownloadHelper JS - 批量导出百度盘的下载链接
Cookie Clicker Auto-Clicker JS - Cookie Clicker Auto click
PT Auto Sign In JS - PT站自动签到
「水水」复制标题网址 JS - 复制当前页面标题及网址,支持复制为 HTML 及 Markdown。
QQ音乐付费音乐流畅版本下载 JS - 再收费歌曲听歌页面有个纯净下载
Komica NGID JS - NG id and post on komica
GitHub Search Autocomplete JS - A userscript that adds autocomplete search filters to GitHub
Adblock JS - adblock alis.io
解锁WD MyCloud (Gen2) 隐藏功能 JS - 解锁WD MyCloud (Gen2) 隐藏的功能
QuietStreets - Booking.com JS - Embed Crimereports.com
NGA新标签打开帖子 JS - 让NGA论坛点击帖子可以打开新标签
Show Absolute Time On Reddit Posts JS - Show absolute time of Reddit posting time in addition to the relative time. Applies for links, comments, and messages.
WME Image Overlays JS - Makes it possible to add images as overlay on the Waze Map Editor
Tumblr HD Video Download Buttons JS - Automatically redirect Tumblr video links to raw HD versions, and display a download button below videos
AbemaTV Shortcut Key Controller JS - AbemaTV でショートカットキーによる操作を可能にします。キー割り当てはYouTube準拠。
VKget music JS - Скрипт добавляет ссылки для скачивания к аудиозаписям на vk.com. Для сохранения всех файлов через wget нажмите F2.
知乎去除内置广告 JS - try to take over the world!
Starve.io L3Mod JS - Starve.io L3Mod, save home, talk with friends, share map ! And more... soon xD
Naver Cafe Blacklist Userscript JS - Naver Cafe Hide blacklist
Auto-Answer Script JS - try to take over the world!
贴吧查水表 JS - 查看百度贴吧某用户名在全网的发言
Bypass Google Sorry (reCAPTCHA) JS - Redirect Google reCAPTCHA to new search
BaiduPanDownloadHelper modify by ted423 reup by Tungtata JS - 批量导出百度盘的下载链接
动车组交路查询 JS - 在 12306 订票页面上显示动车组型号与交路
Katakana Terminator JS - Convert gairaigo (Japanese loan words) back to English
Google Translate static toolbar JS - This script moves Google Translate output's toolbar (with the buttons to Copy, Listen, Share etc.) to the top. Thanks to that, the toolbar position is static regardless of translation output. Useful for some things, like mouse-pos macros.
京东自营过滤 JS - 在京东商品列表和搜索结果页面增加【自营】【非自营】以及【满赠】【满减】等超过30个商品过滤选项,为【京东配送】【仅显示有货】以及【排序】选项增加记忆功能。
URL Conversion | YouTube - HookTube JS - Sends any /www.youtube.com/ sites to HookTube before page load. Does not affect /other.youtube.com/, (gaming.youtube.com, creatoracademy.youtube.com, etc.).
TheWest-Menu [GR] JS - Σας δίνει τη δυνατότητα να αναδιατάξετε τα μενού του The West!!