RU Max4_ABP_Fix CSS JS - Дополнение, исправляющее работу Adblock Plus для отдельных сайтов. Возвращаем функционал Ad-Охотника в Maxthon4 и Maxthon5. Спасибо lainverse за идею.
Google Autologin JS - Auto-login to Google, assuming Firefox is set to remember your password. Based on Facebook Autologin v2.
AdsBypasserLite JS - Bypass Ads
Tate JS - Reduces the size of the original picture and open it in a new window
Block Popup JS - This script will block all popup.
Youtube MP3 Download Button JS - Adds a MP3 Download button next to the subscribe button, thanks to youtubeinmp3 for their simple download service (http://youtubeinmp3.com/api/). Based off magnus's youtube2mp3 code. Just used something different as it wont open another tab.
Crack Url Wait Code Login JS - Remove from net disk and downloads to Verification code,login,wait,(Multi-in one,Easy to create downloads).
Mr. Mine/Autoclicker JS - Clica automaticamente nos baús
VNDB Cover Preview JS - Previews covers in vndb.org searches when hovering over the respective hyperlinks.
Quora Unblocker JS - Removes the Quora login requirement and any nagging about it
AlbumFiend Bypass Ads And Show Download Link JS - Bypasses the ads and shows the download link instead of an adfly supported link.
URL Shortener Unshortener JS - Adds small button next to shortened URLs (t.co/bit.ly/goo.gl) on Twitter and other sites that will replace the shortened URLs with their real locations and vice-versa. Useful for when you don't want to blindly click links.
Youtube Subtitle Downloader v36 JS - Download Subtitles
WME Roundabout Angles JS - Draws angles for typical roundabout and overlays helper line to adjust geometry of roundabout.
imgur to mirror JS - Replaces all imgur links and pictures with mirror links
Universal Text Highlighting JS - highlights text in an element
dA_quick_img_pop JS - Displays buttons beneath each deviationon its submission site, so you can easily see how much resonance a picture got!
GN_PersistentStorage JS - Операции с БД
GN_CommonValuesFiller JS - Заполнение содержимого БД
GN_EcostatFindPossiblePlaceForResourceSale JS - Поиск предприятий, которые могут купить ресурсы
Sort by Sales in Taobao JS - In Tmall or Taobao, automatically for you first choice [by sales order]. Convenient and practical!
Scribd Print and Download JS - Changes "Upload" link to open a printable viewer (print to PDF)
WaniKani Hide Context Sentence JS - Hide context sentences until hovered.
soTab - Search Engine Switcher JS - Add links to each other in search engines. Including multiple search modes.
TheWest-Menu JS - Gives you the possibility to rearrange the menus of The West!
GitHub Dark Script JS - GitHub Dark in userscript form, with a settings panel
HKG Agar Tool - Script blocker (Firefox ONLY) JS - Blocking agar default game logic in firefox
Crunchyroll Resolution Enforcement JS - Sets Crunchyroll Resolution To Preferred Resolution
Wayback Machine Timeline Compressor JS - Trims the capture graph timeline to only the earliest and latest years
Google Translator Tooltip Expanded Fork JS - Translates the selected text into a tooltip automatically. Fork from https://greasyfork.org/scripts/5727/
GN_ShowLastHunt JS - Показ последней охоты на таких существ
Skrypt umożliwiający pobieranie materiałów ze znanych serwisów VOD. JS - Skrypt służący do pobierania materiałów ze znanych serwisów VOD.
iciba划词翻译 JS - 小巧简洁实用的划词翻译。选择单词或段落进行查词或翻译,或手动输入文本查词翻译。支持iciba,google字典,google翻译,百度翻译等多个查词翻译接口
GMail Basic HTML Enhancement JS - Enhance GMail Basic HTML with "select all"
Flash Accelerate JS - 开启FlashPlayer硬件渲染加速
Repeat Youtube JS - Script for repeating youtube
TB+RatingR2 JS - REREC, Season TI, TrExMa, RatingR2 JP/EN
TrophyManager - Super Squad JS - Show a super detayled TrophyManager player page.
Smoothscroll JS - Smooth scrolling on pages using javascript
Speedport-Autologin JS - Skips Speedport login page
YouTube 720p JS - change default YouTube video quality to 720p or highest available below 720p. can be used for other video qualities by changing preferredQuality in the code below.
微博图片全显示 JS - 同屏显示多图微博的全部大图。
Bandcamp Volume Bar JS - adds a volume bar to Bandcamp
Block Youtube Users JS - Hide videos of blacklisted users/channels and comments
ETI Color Scheme Randomizer JS - Randomly generates a new color scheme every page load
Netflix - Import Cookie Premium JS - Import Netflix Cookies
The-West Sweets JS - Cool features!
sketchfab.com - Remove gamepads support JS - Removes gamepads support because it's broken
Anti-DMCA script for KAT JS - Started by PXgamer & Chev.Chelios
Youtube Video Download Linker JS - A video download linker for youtube. Provides download links on youtube video pages. Does not need javascript enabled for youtube.com (NoScript compatible), does not use a third-party website, and does not use unsafeWindow.
Netflix God Mode JS - Adapted from a bookmarklet by Renan Cakirerk (bit2pixel.com)
hwm_clan_filter JS - Сортировка состава клана (by LazyGreg & Demin)
Alternative search engines 2 JS - Adds search on other sites for google, bing, yandex, duckduckgo
Tumblr Image Size JS - When directly viewing an image on Tumblr, ensures that the highest resolution image is loaded.
9gag NSFW censorship remover JS - shows posts hidden under NSFW covers
FYTE /Fast YouTube Embedded/ Player JS - Hugely improves load speed of pages with lots of embedded Youtube videos by instantly showing clickable and immediately accessible placeholders, then the thumbnails are loaded in background. Optionally a fast simple HTML5 direct playback (720p max) can be selected if available for the video.
Chess.com 'Computer Analysis' button JS - Order a computer analysis directly from the Live Chess page
ORLY.db no xxx releases JS - Remove xxx-tagged records in the release log
去百度搜索置顶推广 (ECMA6) JS - 去除插入在百度搜索结果头部、尾部的推广链接。
AtresMedia HTML5 player JS - HTML5 player for AtresPlayer.com, avoiding the Flash Player plugin and sundry advertisements. Adds a download button.
New Youtube Player JS - Automatically starts the new youtube player aka Transparent youtube Player
Agar Minimap JS - Minimap for Agar
GreasyFork Bullshit Filter JS - Hides scripts for popular browser games and social networks as well as scripts that use "foreign" characters in descriptions. Applies to posts in Forum too.
豆瓣电影下载插件 JS - 在豆瓣电影页面显示http://torrentproject.com/的下载链接
Zhihu Easy Collapse JS - 快捷地收起知乎首页的长答案
Selectable text on FF.net JS - Exactly what it looks like.
correctif bug affichage JS - fr
Wanikani Ultimate Timeline JS - Review schedule explorer for WaniKani
OGame Redesign: Show Players' Status in the Highscores JS - Colors the player names in the Highscores the same way they look in the Galaxy
Feedly Wide JS - Makes Feedly work better on Wide Screens
贴吧去登录提示 JS - 免登录贴吧查看楼中楼.翻页
ThemeForest full preview JS - This script will change the list pages from being less useful Icons into the bigger Preview Image. Along with a few keyboard shortcuts to further speed up browsing. (Based on a userscript by Stuart O'Brien)
URL Sniffer JS - Sniff URLs in HTML
Economist Paywall Demolisher JS - Removes the limit on the number of articles you can view for free on The Economist's site.
Anti Baha Anti ad block JS - anit anit ad block
ViewTube+ JS - Watch videos from video sharing websites without Flash Player.
巴哈姆特-阻擋廣告 JS - 享受無廣告體驗的巴哈姆特吧!
Add Spotify Web Player link to YouTube JS - Adds a link to Spotify Web Player on music videos on YouTube
SkipButtons JS - Try to take over the world!
DMZJ去视频广告及提取地址 JS - 去除动漫之家的视频广告,点击不同视频时提取地址。
openload JS - Remove anti-adblock, ads, popups and timer waits, and show direct download link
SG Game Tags JS - some tags of the game in Steamgifts.
AdBlock+ Press Alt+Shift+B JS - AdBlock+. Press Alt+Shift+B for blocking ads and Alt+Shift+U for unblocking. Press Alt+Shift+E for editing styles.
instagram_ex JS - enable save instagram images
Zoom function for YouTube JS - YouTube video zoom feature
去除知乎跳转 JS - 去除知乎重定向,不再跳转
Cookie Monster JS - Loads the CookieMonster helper tool for CookieClicker Idle game
Agar io script by HeadshoT V2 JS - By HeadshoT
CNKI 中国知网 PDF 全文下载 JS - 参见 http://blog.yuelong.info/post/cnki-pdf-js.html
[MTurk Worker] Dashboard Enhancer JS - Brings many enhancements to the MTurk Worker Dashboard.
Slither.io mod JS - Mods a few things
Google to YouTube Search JS - Use your Google Search terms to search YouTube by clicking a new YouTube link added to your Google Search page.
bili-to-plus JS - bilibili to biliplus
SoundCloud Downloader JS - Adds a direct download button to all the tracks on SoundCloud (works with the new SoundCloud interface)
Download All Torrents or Magnets JS - Adds buttons to download all torrents or magnets on a page.
Pixiv Preloads Images JS - Preloads images in a manga gallery
淘宝自动按销量 JS - 在淘宝搜索商品时自动选择按销量排名显示搜索结果(如果页面显示:筛选条件加的太多啦,未找到与“某某”相关宝贝,表示搜索的关键字被淘宝列为黑名单或者搜索的关键字在淘宝的数据库里没数据)
Feedly filtering and sorting JS - Enhance the feedly website with advanced filtering, sorting and more
TSDM打工 JS - 天使动漫自动打工