Pixiv Direct Links

Turns thumbnail titles into direct links and disables lazy-loading on ranking pages.

< Feedback on Pixiv Direct Links

Review: OK - script works, but has bugs

Posted: 2015-05-12

Pixiv bustin' their SPAPI

As you may or may not be aware, Pixiv recently decided to disable their SPAPI. The script is still almost completely functional, thanks to your html-scraping fallback but please consider updating to the so-called "public" api.

Mango 2Author
Posted: 2015-05-18

I've removed the broken API calls. This script will just have to rely on the HTML "fallback" while I try to figure out the new API.

Mango 2Author
Posted: 2015-05-23

I'm not sure it's worth trying to work in the new API. There's an extra authentication step (which has to be repeated every hour), and I can't request multiple illustration IDs in a single query. Granted, this would fix the issue with the occasional pseudo-manga images, and I can still query the images for a particular *user* in batches, but the complexity seems to outweigh the gains...

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