Greasy Fork is available in English.


⭐Append the next page content to the bottom seamlessly (like a waterfall, Unlimited scrolling, no need to manually click on the next page) ⭐, support various forums, social networking, games, comics, novels, academics, search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo...) and other websites~

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Posted: 2022-03-29

【作者提醒】发 网站 URL 申请添加支持的时候,记得别写 【http:// 、https://】 开头,避免被 Greasyfork 的反垃圾广告机制吞掉(审核往往一天后才会放出来)。。。

Posted: 2022-07-24

还有要明确地说明意图, 别只甩个链接(因为我号封了)

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