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Youtube Video Ratings Bar with Power Meter

Highlights the most worthwhile videos on YouTube. In addition to a ratings bar, there's also a blue "Power Meter" which measures people's enthusiasm for videos.

As of 2014-07-10. See the latest version.

0 0 0
(CC) Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike
Applies to


This script places a ratings bar beneath video thumbnails and it indicates the enthusiasm viewers have for videos with an additional blue bar. This blue "Power Meter" is based on the ratio of 'Likes' and total views. In other words, it gives you an idea of how often people have hit the 'Like' button instead doing nothing or hitting 'Dislike'. Even a list of videos that all have 100% 'Likes' will have different Power Meter scores, pointing out the cream of the crop.


If you want detailed information about the ratings or want a better look at the ratings bar, hover over the thumbnail. The blue number is the Power Meter score out of 100. This is followed by the number of likes and dislikes in green and red.

This is a not-too-common case when the Power Meter is larger than the green 'Likes' bar. This can happen when the subject of a video is controversial and people are spamming 'Dislike' as a response to the controversy rather than the objective quality of the video itself. The Power Meter acts as a filter in these cases, helping you find the best videos about unpopular subjects.

(slightly outdated screenshot)
The Power Meter needs an accurate view count to work. If YouTube has paused the view count (301+ views) or the script can't make sense of the view count YouTube provides (more votes than views), then the bar will have green/yellow stripes and the label will say "Views Paused".


If you want to customize the thickness of the bar, the colors, the animations, or put the bar above the thumbnails, check out this UserStyle:

Further Info

I just recently remade the script from scratch, based on something I did a year ago called "YouTube Ratings Bar with Like Strength." I use this script myself so even if just for my benefit, I'll try to keep it updated. Every now and then the ratings won't show up, but I think that's more of a YouTube problem than the script; YouTube has a similar issue with just loading thumbnail images lately. Normally all you've got to do is wait a few seconds and then scroll around the page a bit to get them back.


  • v2014.07.10 - More adjustments for text labels.
  • v2014.07.09 - Fixed text label placement and size.
  • v2014.07.07 - Cleaner, minimal design. Lots of performance tweaks.
  • v2014.07.04.a - Thinner stripes
  • v2014.07.04 - Transparent stripes, tweaked animations, simplified UserStyle
  • v2014.07.02 - YouTube changed some spans to divs, needed to adjust accordingly
  • v2014.06.30 - 'Watched' thumbnails would move 1 pixel while fading in/out. Now using a workaround (this was a browser bug).
  • v2014.06.29.a - Sped up the fading animation on 'watched' thumbnails. Made pausedBar shorter on hover.
  • v2014.06.29 - Animations, text labels, gradient stripes instead of borders, bug fixes.
  • v2014.06.15 - Slight color tweak, added icon and license link
  • v2014.06.11 - Public

To Do

  • Short term
    • Place Power Meter below video player by the view count
    • Place Power Meters in video end screens
  • Longer term