Hide Entry Score

Hide the score on anime/manga on MAL as soon as the page loads. To see the entry store hover the mouse over the score.

Има други версии на този скрипт, където кодът е обновен. Покажи всички версии.

  • v7 23.07.2022

    Now the script also hides the sidebar score below the entry image and on the following pages;
    Top Anime

  • v6 12.06.2022

    Fixed bug that was making the script wait 1 second before hiding the score after page load.

  • v5 27.05.2022

    Fixed bug that was making the script not work on entries with symbols in their names.

  • v4 25.05.2022

    Fixed bug that was making the script not work when the entry was opened from the mini search bar.

  • v3 28.04.2022

    Version number updated

  • v0.2 22.12.2021

    Fixed script icon.

  • v0.1 19.11.2021