برامج نصية
[Pokeclicker] Enhanced Auto Hatchery JS - Automatically hatches eggs at 100% completion. Adds an On/Off button for auto hatching as well as an option for automatically hatching store bought eggs and dug up fossils.
[Pokeclicker] Infinite Seasonal Events JS - Adds in toggable options to have seasonal events infinitely run. Events can also run simultaneously with one another. Includes a custom event as well.
[Pokeclicker] Catch Speed Adjuster JS - Adjusts catch speed of all Pokeballs. Currently only makes Pokeballs catch as fast as possible.
[Pokeclicker] Oak Items Unlimited JS - Removes the limit for the amount of Oak Items that you're able to equip so that you're able to equip all of them.
[Pokeclicker] Additional Visual Settings JS - Adds additional settings for hiding some visual things to help out with performance. Also, includes various features that help with ease of accessibility.
[Pokeclicker] Enhanced Auto Mine JS - Automatically mines the Underground with Bombs. Features adjustable settings as well.
[Pokeclicker] Simple Auto Farmer JS - Adds options to automatically plant, harvest, replant, and remulch. Unlike harvesting, replanting only harvests berries right before they wither, to maximize any auras. Make sure the correct berry is selected before auto planting; the script will save your selection across restarts. Auto replant and mulch maintain the berry/mulch already in each plot.
[Pokeclicker] Auto Battle Frontier JS - Adds in stage resetting to the Battle Frontier that allows you to set a target stage and infinitely farm the Battle Frontier while being fully AFK. Also, gives the appropriate amount of Battle Points and Money without needing to fail and lose a stage.
[Pokeclicker] Discord Code Generator JS - Lets you generate infinite amounts of Discord codes for Pokémon that are exclusive and locked behind Pokeclicker's Discord bot & activities. No linking of a Discord account required + fully works offline.
[Pokeclicker] Challenge Mode Changer JS - Lets you enable/disable any of the Challenges at any given point in time. This is compatiable with any save and will work on pre-existing saves. It's best to backup your save before using this.
[Pokeclicker] Omega Protein Gains JS - Removes the cap on the amount of Protein and Calcium that you can use on individual Pokémon, and raises the cap for Carbos.
[Pokeclicker] Simple Weather Changer JS - Adds a button to select the weather for the current region, also freezes all weather
[Pokeclicker] Auto Quest Completer JS - Removes the limit for the number of quests you can do at once and auto completes/starts new ones.
[Pokeclicker] Catch Filter Fantasia JS - An experimental catch filter that aims to help you have much better control and will completely change how you capture Pokémon.
[Pokeclicker] Perky Pokerus Pandemic JS - This script makes it so that Pokérus will spread from any Pokémon (egg) that has it to all of the others inside of the Hatchery, instead of just your starter needing to be in the Hatchery for this to be done.
[Pokeclicker] Synthetic Shiny Synapse JS - Allows you to adjust and modify the shiny rates of everything specifically, as well as set a global shiny rate.
[Pokeclicker] Auto Battle Items JS - Automates the usage of Battle Items as effectively and efficiently as possible. Now includes which items you would like to automate specifically and being able to toggle them.
[Pokeclicker] Script Fixer Upper JS - A script solely for clearing out localStorage without saves being affected. Meant to be a user friendly solution for this and or for users who aren't as tech literate.