Twitter media-only filter toggle.

Toggle non-media tweets on and off on the home timeline, for the power-viewer!

< Feedback on Twitter media-only filter toggle.

Değerlendirme: İdare eder - script çalışıyor ama hataları var

Gönderildi: 14.05.2024

For some reason now when you scroll down after a while it starts scrolling up to the top of the page, and no matter how much you try to scroll back down it goes back to the top of the page.

Gönderildi: 14.05.2024

It seems like a bunch of things have become broken over time with this script as twitter's UI changes. I'll look into it in a bit.

Gönderildi: 19.05.2024

I saw that you updated today, but I still am having the scrolling issue.

Gönderildi: 19.05.2024

Sorry, the update was only for the domain change from twitter to x. Still getting to the issues of the script.

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