Discussions » Greasy Fork Feedback

Feedback display on account page

Posted: 2014-06-09

Feedback display on account page

When I visit my profile at http://greasyfork.org/users/2469-tommy-smith
The number of Feedback posts I have on each script should be displayed there. I should not have to go to the script's individual page to see in brackets along the top bar that the feedback topics are still at 0.
This would allow me to spot problems to fix in my scripts faster.

Posted: 2014-06-10

Tommy, I only have one discussion at the moment -- and it was started by you! Maybe I should return the favor so you can see what Jason is talking about?

Jason, could you add the script name to the comment, or group them by script, in that area? Similar to how they appear on the Script Discussions forum (or https://forum.userstyles.org/?Discussion/StyleAuthorID=2029 )

Posted: 2014-06-10

Oh! I completely didn't notice that header on the page. It just blends right in, especially since I havn't had any script discussions yet.
Thanks again guys

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