Roblox | Full-Width Black Game Page Theme CSS - Full-Width black games theme
RocketChat | Discord Theme CSS - Changes RocketChat color and layout to be more similar to Discord.com's dark theme.
GreasyFork | Modernized ( Optional Dark Theme ) CSS - A much cleaner and more modern version of GreasyFork!
DuckDuckGo | Untitled Goose Game CSS - *Hjonk*
ProtonMail | Compact CSS - A compact version of Protonmail's beta layout with customizable options
Google Classroom | Display full assignment name CSS - Snippet
Mastodon | Custom Theme Color CSS - Change the default blue to any color you like!
Twitch | Theater transparent chat ( Customizable! ) CSS - Make Twitch's chat transparent in theater mode! (Transparency, Blur, Opacity, Height, Etc.)
Discord | Fullscreen Inbox CSS - Fullscreen Inbox for Discord
Userstyles.org Redirect to USOArchive JS - Redirects userstyle.org userstyle pages to USOArchive instead
Twitter for Mastodon CSS - Makes Mastodon look like Twitter.