- // ==UserScript==
- // @name VK Ads Fixes
- // @name:ru Правки рекламы ВКонтакте
- // @name:uk Правки реклами ВКонтакте
- // @namespace https://vtosters.app/
- // @version 2.2
- // @description Script for blocking ads in VK (VKontakte), bypassing blocking detection, etc.
- // @description:ru Скрипт для блокировки рекламы в VK (ВКонтакте), обхода обнаружения блокировки и т.д.
- // @description:uk Скрипт для блокування реклами у VK (ВКонтакті), обходу виявлення блокування тощо.
- // @author gdlbo, Vologhat
- // @match https://vk.com/*
- // @match https://vk.ru/*
- // @grant none
- // ==/UserScript==
- (() => {
- "use strict"
- class VkPeProperties
- {
- static #KEYS=[
- "send_user_info_stats", "force_send_user_info", "send_user_info_on_localhost",
- "send_navigation_stats_in_spa", "log_send_user_info_errors", "web_mytracker_collect_post_stats",
- "web_stats_device_id", "web_stats_reduce_debounce", "web_stats_send_beacon",
- "web_stats_send_on_events_limit", "web_stats_transport_story_view", "sentry_js_web_request_timeouts_feature",
- "sentry_js_web_request_timeouts_forwarding", "sentry_js_web_timeouts_forwarding", "sentry_js_web_verbose",
- "sentry_log_network_errors", "ads_app_form_link_redirect", "ads_autopromotion_web_geo",
- "ads_easy_promote_goods_new_create_api", "ads_light_methods_protection", "ads_market_autopromotion_bookmarks_stats",
- "ads_use_vk_community_video_portrait_4_5", "clips_web_my_tracker", "feed_post_track_code_client_web",
- "games_send_track_visitor_activity", "js_errors_no_write_uncaught_errors", "tgb_adblock_protection",
- "post_adblock_protection_promo", "eager_error_monitoring", "mini_apps_performance_close_app_empty_event",
- "mini_apps_performance_iframe_errors", "mini_apps_performance_web", "mini_apps_send_my_tracker_activity",
- "post_click_analytics_int_ext_link_click_web", "posting_track_event_count", "unique_adblock_users",
- "audio_my_tracker_web", "mini_apps_send_stat_arguments_bridge_events_sdk", "ajax_request_parse_html_error",
- "js_errors_no_write_uncaught_errors", "tns_track_sections", "tns_track_hosts", "geminus_counter",
- "ads_pixels_track_new_events_web_mvk", "web_navigation_handlers", "measure_module_navigation_stats",
- "group_join_track_event_count", "feed_content_events_open_post_event_web", "feed_posts_duration_stats_fix",
- "collect_unsupported_user_info_stats", "log_fetch_requests", "log_fetch_requests_get",
- "post_adguard_protection_promo", "extended_ajax_logging", "messenger_mediascope_stats_collect",
- "audio_player_stats_web"
- ];
- static isValidProperty(key)
- { return key in this.#KEYS }
- }
- //hook vk
- let actualVk=window.vk
- const vkHooks=new Set();
- Object.defineProperty(window,"vk", {
- get:() => actualVk,
- set:(value) => {
- actualVk=value
- if(actualVk)vkHooks.forEach( hook => hook(actualVk))
- return true
- },
- configurable:true
- })
- //hook vk properties
- const createAndPerformVkPropHook=(key,hookfn) => {
- //hook when vk redefines
- vkHooks.add(vk => {
- if(vk&&vk[key])hookfn(vk[key])
- //hook when property redefines
- let actualProp=vk[key]
- Object.defineProperty(vk,key, {
- get:() => actualProp,
- set:(value) => {
- actualProp=value
- hookfn(actualProp)
- return true
- },
- configurable:true,
- enumerable:true
- })
- })
- }
- //remove properties from vk.pe hook
- createAndPerformVkPropHook("pe",pe => {
- console.log("patch pe")
- Object.keys(pe)
- .filter(key => VkPeProperties.isValidProperty(key))
- .forEach(key => delete window.vk.pe[key])
- })
- //patch vk.AudioAdsConfig hook
- createAndPerformVkPropHook("audioAdsConfig",audioAdsConfig => {
- console.log("patch audioAdsConfig")
- Object.defineProperties(audioAdsConfig, {
- enabled: {
- value:false
- },
- day_limit_reached: {
- value:false
- },
- sections: {
- value:[]
- }
- })
- })
- //disable error monitor DSN hook
- createAndPerformVkPropHook("cfg",cfg => {
- console.log("disable error monitoring DSN")
- Object.defineProperty(cfg.error_monitoring_config,"dsn", {
- value:""
- })
- })
- //patch vk.adParams hook
- createAndPerformVkPropHook("adParams",adParams => {
- console.log("patch adParams")
- Object.defineProperties(adParams, {
- ads_can_show: {
- value:0
- },
- leftads: {
- value:""
- },
- wsTransport: {
- value:""
- },
- ads_rotate_interval: {
- vallue:Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
- }
- })
- })
- //trigger vk and properties hooks
- window.vk=window.vk
- setInterval(() => {
- //replace "away.php" url to the redirect url
- document.querySelectorAll("a[href*='away.php']")
- .forEach(a => {
- const url=URL.parse(a.href)
- if(!url.pathname.endsWith("away.php"))return
- //find a search parameter with valid redirect url
- url.searchParams.forEach((value) => {
- if(URL.canParse(value))
- {
- a.href=value
- return
- }
- })
- })
- //remove _ads_block_data_w blocks
- document.querySelectorAll("div._ads_block_data_w")
- .forEach(div => {
- console.log(`Remove block with id ${div.id}]`)
- div.remove()
- })
- //remove ads_left block
- const adsLeft=document.getElementById("ads_left")
- if(adsLeft)
- {
- console.log("Remove block with id: ads_left")
- adsLeft.remove()
- }
- //clear all AdsLight functions
- if(window.AdsLight)
- Object.keys(window.AdsLight)
- .filter(key => typeof window.AdsLight[key]==="function")
- .forEach(key => Object.defineProperty(window.AdsLight,key, {
- value:() => {}
- }))
- //patch window ads properties
- Object.defineProperties(window, {
- noAds: {
- value:true,
- configurable:true
- },
- noAdsAtAll: {
- value:true,
- configurable:true
- },
- no_left_ads: {
- value:true,
- configurable:true
- },
- no_ads: {
- value:true,
- configurable:true
- },
- isNoAdsForce: {
- value:true,
- configurable:true
- },
- hide_ad: {
- value:true,
- configurable:true
- },
- ya_direct: {
- value:false,
- configurable:true
- },
- yaDIrectAdActive: {
- value:false,
- configurable:true
- },
- __adsSet: {
- value:() => {},
- configurable:true
- },
- __adsUpdate: {
- value:() => {},
- configurable:true
- },
- AdmanHTML: {
- value:false,
- configurable:true
- },
- audioAdsConfig: {
- value:false,
- configurable:true
- },
- __adsGetAjaxParams: {
- value:() => {},
- configurable:true
- },
- __adsLoader: {
- value:() => {},
- configurable:true
- },
- })
- },30000/navigator.hardwareConcurrency)
- })();