// ==UserScript==
// @name Atcoder 中文版
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 2024-08-15
// @description 翻译
// @author You
// @match https://atcoder.jp/*
// @run-at document-start
// @grant none
// @license GNU GPL v3
// ==/UserScript==
(function () {
const TEXT = {
"(local time)": "(本地时间)",
"Active Users": "活跃用户",
"Affiliation": "工作单位",
"Algorithm": "算法竞赛",
"All": "全部",
"All Submissions": "所有提交",
"All Users": "所有用户",
"Auto Refresh": "自动刷新",
"Back to Home": "返回主页",
"Birth Year": "出生年份",
"Category": "类别",
"Change Password": "更换密码",
"Change Photo": "更换头像",
"Change/Verify Email address": "更改/验证电子邮件地址",
"Clarifications": "提问",
"Company": "公司信息",
"Competition History": "历史比赛",
"Contact": "联系方式",
"Contest": "比赛",
"Contest Archive": "比赛记录",
"Contest Name": "比赛名字",
"Contest Status": "比赛记录",
"Country/Region": "国家/地区",
"Custom Test": "自定义测试",
"Customize": "自定义",
"Duration": "持续时间",
"Editorial": "题解",
"Email Notifications": "邮箱提醒",
"FAQ": "常见问题",
"General Settings": "基本设置",
"Glossary": "术语",
"Heuristic": "启发式竞赛",
"Heuristic Contest": "启发式比赛",
"Highest Rating": "最高等级分",
"Home": "首页",
"Information": "公告",
"Information Protection Policy": "信息保护政策",
"Last Contest Result": "上次比赛结果",
"Manage Fav": " 管理收藏",
"More...": "更多...",
"My Profile": "我的主页",
"My Score": "我的分数",
"My Submissions": "我的提交",
"Nickname": "昵称",
"Other": "其他",
"Page Top": "页首",
"Past Contests": "往届比赛",
"Permanent Contests": "永久性比赛",
"Present Contests": "当前比赛",
"Privacy Policy": "隐私政策",
"Profile": "简介",
"Rank": "排名",
"Ranking": "排名",
"Rated Range": "等级范围",
"Rating": "等级分",
"Rating Distribution": "评级分布",
"Recent Contests": "最近的比赛",
"Refresh": "刷新",
"Register": "报名",
"Reset": "重置",
"Restructuring of contests": "比赛调整",
"Results": "结果",
"Rule": "规则",
"Search": "搜索",
"Search in Archive": "在存档中搜索",
"Settings": "设置",
"Sign In": "登录",
"Sign Out": "退出登录",
"Sign Up": "注册",
"Sponsored ABC": "赞助入门赛(ABC)",
"Sponsored ARC": "赞助常规赛(ARC)",
"Sponsored Heuristic Contest": "赞助启发式比赛",
"Sponsored Parallel(rated)": "赞助平行赛(评级)",
"Sponsored Parallel(unrated)": "赞助平行赛(未评级)",
"Sponsored Tournament": "赞助锦标赛",
"Standings": "排名",
"Start Time": "开始时间",
"Submit": "提交",
"Tasks": "题目",
"Terms of service": "服务条款",
"The file size must be at most 1MB.": "文件大小不得超过1MB。",
"The width and height must be at most 512px.": "宽度和高度不得超过512px。",
"There is no clarifications yet.": "目前还没有提示。",
"This user has not competed in a rated contest yet.": "该用户没有参加过有评级的比赛。",
"This user has not competed yet.": "该用户没有参加过比赛。",
"Top": "首页",
"Unofficial(unrated)": "非官方(未评级)",
"Upcoming Contests": "即将到来的比赛",
"Update": "更新",
"Upload": "上传",
"User": "用户",
"View all": "查看全部",
"Virtual Participation": "虚拟参与",
"Virtual Standings": "虚拟排名",
"You can use only jpg/png files.": "您只能使用jpg/png文件。",
"last update": "上次更新",
"【Important Notice】 Please beware of fake sites impersonating AtCoder": "【重要提示】请注意假冒AtCoder的虚假网站"
function ObjSort(arys) {
var newkey = Object.keys(arys).sort();
var newObj = {};
for (var i = 0; i < newkey.length; i++) newObj[newkey[i]] = arys[newkey[i]];
return newObj; //返回排好序的新对象
let cnt = 0, id, flag = sessionStorage["translate"], bflag = 0;
if (flag == undefined) {
flag = 1;
sessionStorage["translate"] = 1;
function translate(x) {
if (x.nodeType == 3) {
let str = x.nodeValue, l = 0, ls = "", r = 0, rs = "";
while (" \n\t".includes(str[l])) ls += str[l], l++;
while (" \n\t".includes(str[str.length - 1 - r]) && str.length - 1 - r >= l) rs += str[str.length - 1 - r], r++;
if (str[str.length - 1 - r] == ":") rs += ":", r++;
if (TEXT[str.substring(l, str.length - r)] != undefined) {
str = TEXT[str.substring(l, str.length - r)];
x.old = x.nodeValue;
x.nodeValue = ls + str + rs;
let c = Array.from(x.childNodes)
for (let i of c) translate(i);
function back(x) {
if (x.nodeType == 3) {
if (x.old != undefined) {
x.nodeValue = x.old
x.old = undefined;
let c = Array.from(x.childNodes)
for (let i of c) back(i);
function main() {
if (bflag == 0) {
let a = document.getElementsByClassName("nav navbar-nav navbar-right")[0];
if (a != undefined) {
bflag = 1;
let bu = document.createElement("button");
bu.innerText = (flag == 1) ? "关闭翻译" : "开启翻译";
bu.onclick = function () {
if (bu.innerText == "关闭翻译") {
bu.innerText = "开启翻译";
flag = 0;
} else {
bu.innerText = "关闭翻译";
flag = 1;
sessionStorage["translate"] = flag;
if (flag != 0) translate(document.body);
if (cnt == 1000) {
// 网页启动时高频刷新,启动后 1 秒降低刷新频率,降低压力
setInterval(main, 100);
id = setInterval(main, 1);