Greasy Fork is available in English.

Delorean's userscript bypasser v1

Bypass admaven, rekonise, lootlabs, mboost, linkvertise, codex, delta, hohohub, leasurepartment, trigon keys, arceus x keys, etc

此腳本因 此舉報已在數據庫中被管理員刪除,並且不再對其他人可見。原因為「檢舉#61198」。請查看 Greasy Fork的規定。如果您認為刪除有誤,您可以對本次刪除 提出申訴 。請不要重新發佈這個腳本,否則您將可能會被Greasy Fork封禁。

Delorean's userscript bypasser v1 was deleted due to: 檢舉#61198.

Appeal submitted by the author:

fixed i wish, i deleted the discord invite links, now?

As a result of this appeal, a moderator undeleted this script.