// ==UserScript==
// @name KG_Full_Emoticons
// @namespace http://klavogonki.ru/
// @version 0.7
// @description Show all the emoticons
// @author Patcher
// @match *://klavogonki.ru/g*
// @match *://klavogonki.ru/forum/*
// @match *://klavogonki.ru/u/*
// @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=klavogonki.ru
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
const categories = {
"Boys": [
"smile", "biggrin", "angry", "blink", "blush", "cool", "dry", "excl", "happy",
"huh", "laugh", "mellow", "ohmy", "ph34r", "rolleyes", "sad", "sleep", "tongue",
"unsure", "wacko", "wink", "wub", "first", "second", "third", "power", "badcomp",
"complaugh", "crazy", "boredom", "cry", "bye", "dance", "gamer", "rofl", "beer",
"kidtruck", "angry2", "spiteful", "sorry", "boykiss", "kissed", "yes", "no", "heart",
"hi", "ok", "facepalm", "friends", "shok", "megashok", "dash", "music", "acute", "victory",
"scare", "clapping", "whistle", "popcorn", "hello", "rose", "good", "silence", "bad", "tea",
"sick", "confuse", "rofl2", "nervous", "chaingun", "diablo", "cult", "russian", "birthday",
"champ2", "champ", "confetti", "formula1"
"Girls": [
"girlnotebook", "girlkiss", "curtsey", "girlblum", "girlcrazy", "girlcry",
"girlwink", "girlwacko", "umbrage", "girlinlove", "girldevil", "girlimpossible",
"girlwitch", "hysteric", "tender", "spruceup", "girlsad", "girlscare", "girltea",
"girlsick", "grose", "cheerful", "cheerleader", "girlconfuse", "spruceup1",
"angrygirl", "clapgirl", "goody", "hiya", "girlsilence", "girlstop", "girlnervous",
"girlwonder", "girlwonder", "kgrace", "kgagainstaz", "girlkissboy", "girlmusic"
"Christmas": [
"cheers", "christmasevil", "heyfrombag", "merrychristmas", "moose", "santa",
"santa2", "santa3", "santasnegurka", "snegurka", "snegurochka", "snowball",
"snowgirlwave", "snowhand", "snowhit", "snowman", "spruce"
"Inlove": [
"adultery", "airkiss", "cave", "flowers", "flowers2", "frog", "girlfrog",
"girlheart2", "girllove", "grose", "heart2", "heartcake", "hug", "inlove",
"nolove", "smell", "wecheers", "wedance", "wedding", "wine"
"Army": [
"ak47", "armyfriends", "armyscare", "armystar", "armytongue", "barret",
"bayanist", "budenov", "captain", "comandos", "fly", "foolrifle", "girlpogran",
"girlranker", "girlrogatka", "girlvdv", "kirpich", "partizan", "pogran",
"pogranflowers", "pogranmail", "pogranmama", "pogranminigun", "pogranrose",
"pograntort", "prival", "radistka", "ranker", "rogatka", "soldier", "tank",
"uzi", "vdv", "vpered", "vtik"
"WomenDay": [
"boystroking", "cheerleader", "confetti", "enjoygift", "firework", "girlicecream",
"girlmad", "girlobserve", "girlrevolve", "girlshighfive", "girlstroking", "girlsuper",
"grats", "hairdryer", "leisure", "primp", "respect", "serenade", "spruceup"
"Halloween": [
"alien", "batman", "bebebe", "bite", "carpet", "clown", "corsair", "cowboy",
"cyborg", "dandy", "death", "dwarf", "gangster", "ghost", "girlpirate", "holmes",
"indigenous", "jester", "mafia", "musketeer", "paladin", "pioneer", "pirate",
"pirates", "robot", "rocker", "spider", "supergirl", "terminator", "turtle",
"vampire", "witch", "wizard"
// Define emoji symbols for categories
const categoryEmojis = {
"Boys": "😃",
"Girls": "👧",
"Christmas": "🎄",
"Inlove": "❤️",
"Army": "🔫",
"WomenDay": "🌼",
"Halloween": "🎃",
"Favourites": "🌟"
let roomField = null;
let isEventListenersInitialized = false;
let isPopupCreated = false;
let activeCategory = null;
// Define an array to store the history of active categories
const categoryHistory = [];
// Keep track of the last focused textarea
let lastFocusedTextarea = null;
// Flags to prevent multiple detections of Profile textareas
let hasDetectedProfileTextarea = false;
// Function to load favorite emoticons from localStorage
function loadFavoriteEmoticons() {
// Retrieve favorite emoticons from localStorage or initialize an empty array if not found
const favoriteEmoticons = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('favoriteEmoticons')) || [];
// Assign the favorite emoticons to the "Favourites" category using dot notation
categories.Favourites = favoriteEmoticons;
// Example usage
// Function to debounce resetting the flags
function debounceResetFlags() {
setTimeout(() => {
hasDetectedProfileTextarea = false;
}, 3000);
// Function to handle focus on textareas only for forum
function handleTextareaFocus(event) {
lastFocusedTextarea = event.target;
// Function to determine which chat room we are in
function determineChatRoom() {
// Check if the roomField has not been set yet
if (!roomField) {
// Get the current URL of the webpage
const currentURL = window.location.href;
// Define an array of allowed domains
const allowedDomains = ["klavogonki.ru"];
// Check if the current URL includes any allowed domains
if (allowedDomains.some(domain => currentURL.includes(domain))) {
// Check the URL path to determine the context
if (currentURL.includes("/gamelist")) {
// Set roomField to the General chat input field
roomField = document.querySelector('#chat-general input.text');
// console.log("Chat Field (General):", roomField);
} else if (currentURL.includes("/g/?gmid=")) {
// Set roomField to the Game chat input field
roomField = document.querySelector('div[id*="chat-game"] input.text');
// console.log("Chat Field (Game):", roomField);
} else if (currentURL.includes("/forum")) {
// Select all forum textareas
let allForumTextareas = document.querySelectorAll('textarea');
// Set roomField to an array of Forum textareas
roomField = allForumTextareas;
console.log("Chat Field (Forum):", roomField);
allForumTextareas.forEach(textArea => {
textArea.addEventListener('focus', handleTextareaFocus);
} else if (currentURL.includes("/u/")) {
// Check if neither Direct Message, Saved Message, nor Journal has been detected yet
if (!hasDetectedProfileTextarea) {
// Create a Mutation Observer to watch for changes in the document
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
// Check for the presence of Direct Message, Saved Message, Edit Bio and Journal textareas
const directMessageTextarea = document.querySelector('.dlg-send-user-message .message-text textarea');
const savedMessageTextarea = document.querySelector('.profile-messages .dialog-write textarea');
const editBioTextarea = document.querySelector('.profile-edit-bio .edit textarea');
const journalMessageTextarea = document.querySelectorAll('.profile-root .journal .write textarea');
// Find the focused textarea among the detected textareas
for (const textarea of journalMessageTextarea) {
if (document.activeElement === textarea) {
// Store in the global variable
lastFocusedTextarea = textarea;
// Set roomField based on the detected textarea
if (directMessageTextarea && !hasDetectedProfileTextarea) {
// Set roomField to the Direct Message textarea
roomField = directMessageTextarea;
console.log("Chat Field (Direct Message):", roomField);
} else if (savedMessageTextarea && !hasDetectedProfileTextarea) {
// Set roomField to the Saved Message textarea
roomField = savedMessageTextarea;
console.log("Chat Field (Saved Message):", roomField);
} else if (lastFocusedTextarea && !hasDetectedProfileTextarea) {
// Set roomField to the last focused textarea
roomField = lastFocusedTextarea;
console.log("Chat Field (Journal):", roomField);
} else if (editBioTextarea && !hasDetectedProfileTextarea) {
// Set roomField to the Edit Bio Textarea
roomField = editBioTextarea;
console.log("Chat Field (Edit Bio):", roomField);
// Initialize event listeners for this textarea
// Set the flag to prevent further detections
hasDetectedProfileTextarea = true;
// Debounce resetting the flags
// Start observing mutations in the document's structure
observer.observe(document.documentElement, { childList: true, subtree: true });
// Return the determined or detected roomField
return roomField;
// Function to remove the emoticons popup
function removeEmoticonsPopup() {
const popupBox = document.querySelector('.emoticons-popup');
if (popupBox) {
// Remove event listener for the "Tab" key press
document.removeEventListener('keydown', changeCategoryOnTabPress);
isPopupCreated = false; // Reset the flag when the popup is removed
// Function to calculate the maximum image width and height for a given category
function calculateMaxImageDimensions(category) {
const maxImageWidth = 34;
const maxImageHeight = 34;
const maxImageWidthCalculated = category.reduce((maxWidth, emoticon) => {
const emoticonName = emoticon;
const imgSrc = `/img/smilies/${emoticonName}.gif`;
const img = new Image();
img.src = imgSrc;
const imageWidth = img.width;
return Math.max(maxWidth, imageWidth);
}, maxImageWidth);
return { maxImageWidth: maxImageWidthCalculated, maxImageHeight };
// Function to initialize event listeners
function initializeEventListeners() {
if (!isEventListenersInitialized) {
// Load favorite emoticons from localStorage
// Find the "Favourites" button within the category buttons
const favouritesButton = document.querySelector('.category-buttons button[data-category="Favourites"]');
// Check if the "Favourites" button exists
if (favouritesButton) {
// Add a click event listener to the "Favourites" button
favouritesButton.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
// Check if the shift key is pressed while clicking the button
if (event.shiftKey) {
// Check if there is a category history
if (categoryHistory.length > 0) {
// Pop the previous active category from the history
const previousCategory = categoryHistory.pop();
// Set the active category to the previous one
// Clear all favorites from localStorage
// Update the state of category buttons
// Update the emoticons container
document.addEventListener('keydown', function (event) {
if (event.ctrlKey && event.code === 'Semicolon') {
toggleEmoticonsPopup(); // Toggle the emoticons panel
// console.log('Ctrl + Semicolon pressed');
} else if (event.key === 'Escape') {
removeEmoticonsPopup(); // Close the emoticons panel if it exists
console.log('Escape key pressed');
// Attach a mousedown event listener to the document and use event delegation
document.addEventListener('mousedown', function (event) {
// Check if the target element matches any of the textarea selectors
const textareaSelectors = [
'.dlg-send-user-message .message-text textarea',
'.profile-messages .dialog-write textarea',
'.profile-edit-bio .edit textarea',
'.profile-root .journal .write textarea'
if (textareaSelectors.some(selector => event.target.matches(selector))) {
if (event.shiftKey && event.detail === 2) {
event.preventDefault(); // Prevent the default behavior of double-click
console.log('Textarea Double-Click Event Executed');
// Attempt to find the chat input field
roomField = determineChatRoom();
// Check if the chat input field was found
if (roomField) {
// Attach a mousedown event listener to the chat field(s)
if (roomField instanceof NodeList || roomField instanceof HTMLCollection) {
roomField.forEach(textArea => {
textArea.addEventListener('mousedown', function (event) {
if (event.shiftKey && event.detail === 2) {
event.preventDefault(); // Prevent the default behavior of double-click
} else {
roomField.addEventListener('mousedown', function (event) {
if (event.shiftKey && event.detail === 2) {
event.preventDefault(); // Prevent the default behavior of double-click
isEventListenersInitialized = true;
// Toggles the emoticons panel by checking its existence and taking appropriate action.
function toggleEmoticonsPopup() {
// Find the emoticons panel element with the class '.emoticons-popup'
const emoticonsPopup = document.querySelector('.emoticons-popup');
// Check if the emoticons panel element exists in the document
if (emoticonsPopup) {
// If the panel exists, close it by removing it from the DOM
} else {
// If the panel doesn't exist, create and display it with the active category
// Helper function to check if an element matches a selector
function matchesSelector(element, selector) {
return element && element.matches && element.matches(selector);
// Get current body background color
const bodyBackgroundColor = window.getComputedStyle(document.body).backgroundColor;
// Store the lightness with the helper function getLightness
const bodyLightness = getLightness(bodyBackgroundColor);
// Function to get lightness from an RGB color string and round it
function getLightness(color) {
const match = color.match(/\d+/g);
if (match && match.length === 3) {
const r = parseInt(match[0]);
const g = parseInt(match[1]);
const b = parseInt(match[2]);
const max = Math.max(r, g, b) / 255;
const min = Math.min(r, g, b) / 255;
const lightness = Math.round(((max + min) / 2) * 100); // Round to the nearest integer
return lightness;
return 0;
// Function to get the adjusted background color in HSL format
function getAdjustedBackground(caseType) {
let adjustment = 0;
switch (caseType) {
case 'popupBackground':
adjustment = 10;
case 'defaultButton':
adjustment = 15;
case 'hoverButton':
adjustment = 25;
case 'activeButton':
adjustment = 35;
adjustment = 0; // Default case, no adjustment
const adjustedLightness = bodyLightness < 50 ? bodyLightness + adjustment : bodyLightness - adjustment;
const adjustedBackgroundColor = `hsl(0, 0%, ${adjustedLightness}%)`;
return adjustedBackgroundColor;
// Store adjusted backgrounds for elements
const popupBackground = getAdjustedBackground('popupBackground');
const defaultButtonBackground = getAdjustedBackground('defaultButton');
const hoverButtonBackground = getAdjustedBackground('hoverButton');
const activeButtonBackground = getAdjustedBackground('activeButton');
// Function to create the emoticons popup for a given category
function createEmoticonsPopup(category) {
if (!isPopupCreated) {
const popupBox = document.createElement('div');
if (popupBox) {
// Add event listener for the "double-click"
popupBox.addEventListener('dblclick', removeEmoticonsPopup);
// Add event listener for the "Tab" key press
document.addEventListener('keydown', changeCategoryOnTabPress);
// Create a close button
const closeButton = document.createElement('button');
closeButton.innerHTML = '✖'; // Unicode character (X)
closeButton.style.backgroundColor = 'rgb(57, 19, 19)';
closeButton.style.color = 'rgb(217, 140, 140)';
closeButton.style.border = '1px solid rgb(153, 51, 51)';
closeButton.style.outline = 'none';
closeButton.style.cursor = 'pointer';
closeButton.style.width = '50px';
closeButton.style.height = '50px';
closeButton.style.margin = '8px';
closeButton.style.position = 'absolute';
closeButton.style.right = '0';
// Add a click event listener to the close button
closeButton.addEventListener('click', function () {
// Append the close button to the popupBox
popupBox.style.position = 'fixed';
popupBox.style.display = 'grid';
popupBox.style.gridTemplateRows = "50px auto";
popupBox.style.gridGap = '10px';
popupBox.style.backgroundColor = popupBackground;
popupBox.style.border = 'none';
popupBox.style.padding = '10px';
popupBox.style.zIndex = '9999';
popupBox.style.top = '50%';
popupBox.style.left = '50%';
popupBox.style.transform = 'translate(-50%, 150px)';
popupBox.style.maxWidth = '50vw';
popupBox.style.minWidth = '550px';
popupBox.style.width = '50vw';
popupBox.style.maxHeight = '50vh';
popupBox.style.overflow = 'auto';
popupBox.style.top = '0';
// Create and append category buttons
// Create the emoticons container and add inside it emoticon buttons
.then(emoticonsContainer => {
isPopupCreated = true;
// Function to create category buttons for the given category
function createCategoryContainer(category) {
const categoryButtonsContainer = document.createElement('div');
categoryButtonsContainer.style.display = 'flex';
categoryButtonsContainer.style.justifyContent = 'center';
function addCategoryButtonListeners(categoryButton, categoryKey) {
// Add a click event listener to the category buttons
categoryButton.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
if (!event.shiftKey && !event.ctrlKey) {
// Call a function to change the active category only if neither Shift nor Ctrl key is pressed
categoryButton.addEventListener('mouseover', () => {
categoryButton.style.backgroundColor = hoverButtonBackground;
categoryButton.addEventListener('mouseout', () => {
// Update the background color based on whether it's the active category or not
categoryButton.style.backgroundColor = categoryKey === activeCategory ? activeButtonBackground : defaultButtonBackground;
// Function to handle the click event for the "Favourites" button
function handleFavouritesButtonClick(event) {
if (event.shiftKey) {
// Clear all favorites
categories.Favourites = [];
// Check if there's a category in the categoryHistory array
if (categoryHistory.length > 0) {
// Get the previously active category from the history
const previousCategory = categoryHistory.pop();
// Save the new active category to localStorage
localStorage.setItem('activeCategory', previousCategory);
// Update the activeCategory variable
activeCategory = previousCategory;
// Update the state of category buttons
// Update the emoticons container
for (const categoryKey in categories) {
if (categories.hasOwnProperty(categoryKey)) {
const categoryButton = document.createElement('button');
categoryButton.innerHTML = categoryEmojis[categoryKey]; // Use emoji symbol
categoryButton.dataset.category = categoryKey; // Set a dataset attribute for identifying the category
const savedCategory = localStorage.getItem('activeCategory');
const isButtonActive = savedCategory === categoryKey;
// Determine the button background color based on whether it's the active category or not
const categoryButtonBackground = isButtonActive ? activeButtonBackground : defaultButtonBackground;
categoryButton.style.backgroundColor = categoryButtonBackground;
categoryButton.style.border = 'none';
categoryButton.style.outline = 'none';
categoryButton.style.marginRight = '5px';
categoryButton.style.cursor = 'pointer';
categoryButton.style.minWidth = '50px';
categoryButton.style.minHeight = '50px';
categoryButton.style.fontSize = '1.4em';
if (categoryKey === 'Favourites') {
setFavouritesButtonOpacity(categoryButton); // Use the function to control opacity
// Attach the click event listener to the "Favourites" button
categoryButton.addEventListener('click', handleFavouritesButtonClick);
// Add event listeners for the category button using the function
addCategoryButtonListeners(categoryButton, categoryKey);
return categoryButtonsContainer;
// Function to update the state of category buttons
function updateCategoryButtonsState(newCategory) {
const categoryButtons = document.querySelectorAll('.category-buttons button');
categoryButtons.forEach(button => {
const categoryKey = button.dataset.category;
const isButtonActive = categoryKey === newCategory;
const categoryButtonBackground = isButtonActive ? activeButtonBackground : defaultButtonBackground;
button.style.backgroundColor = categoryButtonBackground;
if (categoryKey === 'Favourites') {
setFavouritesButtonOpacity(button); // Control the opacity of the "Favourites" button
// Function to control the opacity of the "Favourites" button based on its content
function setFavouritesButtonOpacity(categoryButton) {
if (categories.Favourites.length === 0) {
categoryButton.style.opacity = 0.5; // Set opacity to 0.5 if "Favourites" is empty
} else {
categoryButton.style.removeProperty('opacity'); // Remove opacity if "Favourites" is not empty
// Function to create the emoticons container with buttons for a given category
function createEmoticonsContainer(category) {
// Define the isEmoticonFavorite function
function isEmoticonFavorite(emoticon) {
const favoriteEmoticons = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('favoriteEmoticons')) || [];
return favoriteEmoticons.includes(emoticon);
const emoticonButtonsContainer = document.createElement('div');
emoticonButtonsContainer.style.display = 'none'; // Initially hide the container
emoticonButtonsContainer.style.gridGap = '10px';
const imageLoadPromises = [];
categories[category].forEach(emoticon => {
const emoticonButton = document.createElement('button');
const emoticonName = emoticon;
const imgSrc = `/img/smilies/${emoticonName}.gif`;
const imgAlt = emoticonName;
const buttonTitle = emoticonName;
// Check if the emoticon is a favorite and set the background color accordingly
if (category !== 'Favourites') {
emoticonButton.style.backgroundColor = isEmoticonFavorite(emoticon) ? activeButtonBackground : defaultButtonBackground;
} else {
emoticonButton.style.backgroundColor = defaultButtonBackground; // For the "Favourites" category, always use the default background
emoticonButton.innerHTML = `<img src="${imgSrc}" alt="${imgAlt}">`;
emoticonButton.title = buttonTitle;
emoticonButton.style.border = 'none';
emoticonButton.style.outline = 'none';
const imageLoadPromise = new Promise(resolve => {
const img = new Image();
img.onload = () => {
img.src = imgSrc;
emoticonButton.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
if (event.ctrlKey) {
// If Ctrl key is pressed, just insert the emoticon code
} else if (event.shiftKey && activeCategory === 'Favourites') {
// If Shift key is pressed and in the "Favourites" category, remove the emoticon from "Favourites" if it exists
const favoriteEmoticons = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('favoriteEmoticons')) || [];
const index = favoriteEmoticons.indexOf(emoticon);
if (index !== -1) {
favoriteEmoticons.splice(index, 1);
localStorage.setItem('favoriteEmoticons', JSON.stringify(favoriteEmoticons));
// Update the categories object
const favIndex = categories.Favourites.indexOf(emoticon);
if (favIndex !== -1) {
categories.Favourites.splice(favIndex, 1);
// Update the state of category buttons
// Update the emoticons container
} else if (event.shiftKey && activeCategory !== 'Favourites') {
// If Shift key is pressed and not in the "Favourites" category, add the emoticon to "Favourites"
const favoriteEmoticons = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('favoriteEmoticons')) || [];
if (!favoriteEmoticons.includes(emoticon)) {
localStorage.setItem('favoriteEmoticons', JSON.stringify(favoriteEmoticons));
// Update the state of category buttons for "Favourites"
} else {
// If neither Ctrl nor Shift is pressed, insert the emoticon code and remove the emoticons popup
emoticonButton.addEventListener('mouseover', () => {
emoticonButton.style.backgroundColor = hoverButtonBackground;
emoticonButton.addEventListener('mouseout', () => {
// Check if the emoticon is a favorite and set the background color accordingly
if (category !== 'Favourites') {
emoticonButton.style.backgroundColor = isEmoticonFavorite(emoticon) ? activeButtonBackground : defaultButtonBackground;
} else {
// For the "Favourites" category, always use the default background
emoticonButton.style.backgroundColor = defaultButtonBackground;
// Wait for all images to load before updating grid properties and making it visible
return Promise.all(imageLoadPromises).then(() => {
// Calculate the maximum image width and height again after all images are loaded
const { maxImageWidth: newMaxImageWidth, maxImageHeight: newMaxImageHeight } = calculateMaxImageDimensions(categories[category]);
// Update grid properties with new values
emoticonButtonsContainer.style.gridTemplateColumns = `repeat(auto-fit, minmax(${newMaxImageWidth}px, 1fr))`;
emoticonButtonsContainer.style.gridAutoRows = `minmax(${newMaxImageHeight}px, auto)`;
// Make it visible after all images are loaded
emoticonButtonsContainer.style.display = 'grid';
return emoticonButtonsContainer;
// Function to update the emoticons container based on the active category
function updateEmoticonsContainer() {
// Remove the existing emoticons container (if any)
const existingEmoticonsContainer = document.querySelector('.emoticon-buttons');
if (existingEmoticonsContainer) {
// Create a new emoticons container with the updated category
.then(emoticonsContainer => {
// Append the new container to the popup (if the popup exists)
const existingPopup = document.querySelector('.emoticons-popup');
if (existingPopup) {
// Append the new category buttons container
// Function to insert emoticon code into the input field
function insertEmoticonCode(emoticon) {
// Get the input or textarea element (roomField)
const roomField = lastFocusedTextarea || determineChatRoom();
// Check if roomField is not a valid input or textarea element
if (!roomField || !(roomField instanceof HTMLInputElement) && !(roomField instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement)) {
console.log('roomField is not in focus. Please click on the input field to select it before inserting the emoticon code.');
return; // Exit the function early
// Get the cursor position
const cursorPosition = roomField.selectionStart || 0; // Default to 0 if selectionStart is not supported
// Check if the current URL indicates a forum page
const isForumPage = window.location.href.includes("/forum");
// Set the format based on whether it's a forum or not
let emoticonCode;
if (isForumPage) {
// Forum BBCode format
emoticonCode = `[img]https://klavogonki.ru/img/smilies/${emoticon}.gif[/img] `;
} else {
// Chat format
emoticonCode = `:${emoticon}: `;
// Get the current value of the input field
const currentValue = roomField.value || '';
// Insert the emoticon code at the cursor position
const newValue = currentValue.slice(0, cursorPosition) + emoticonCode + currentValue.slice(cursorPosition);
// Update the input field value with the new value
roomField.value = newValue;
// Set the cursor position after the inserted emoticon
roomField.setSelectionRange(cursorPosition + emoticonCode.length, cursorPosition + emoticonCode.length);
// Focus on the input field
// Function to change the active category
function changeActiveCategoryOnClick(newCategory) {
// Check if the new category is empty and prevent switching if it is
if (isCategoryEmpty(newCategory)) {
// Store the current active category in the history array if it's not "Favourites"
if (activeCategory !== 'Favourites') {
// Save the new active category to localStorage
localStorage.setItem('activeCategory', newCategory);
// Update the activeCategory variable
activeCategory = newCategory;
// Update the state of category buttons
// Call the function to update the emoticons container
const categoryKeys = Object.keys(categories); // Define categoryKeys
// Function to change the active category based on the "Tab" key press
function changeCategoryOnTabPress(event) {
const emoticonsPopup = document.querySelector('.emoticons-popup');
if (event.key === 'Tab' && emoticonsPopup !== null) {
// Get the currently active category from localStorage
const activeCategory = localStorage.getItem('activeCategory');
// Find the index of the active category in categoryKeys
const activeCategoryIndex = categoryKeys.indexOf(activeCategory);
// Determine the index of the next category to focus, cycling if necessary
let nextCategoryIndex = (activeCategoryIndex + 1) % categoryKeys.length;
// Check if "Favourites" is empty
const favoriteEmoticons = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('favoriteEmoticons')) || [];
if (nextCategoryIndex === categoryKeys.indexOf('Favourites') && favoriteEmoticons.length === 0) {
// "Favourites" is empty, so start from the first category
nextCategoryIndex = 0;
// Get the name of the next category
const nextCategory = categoryKeys[nextCategoryIndex];
// Update the active category in localStorage
localStorage.setItem('activeCategory', nextCategory);
// Optionally, you can call changeActiveCategory to handle the category change
// Log the active category for debugging
// console.log(`Active Category: ${nextCategory}`);
// Initialize event listeners and create the emoticons popup with the default category
// Retrieve the active category from localStorage or use the default category if not found
activeCategory = localStorage.getItem('activeCategory') || 'Boys';
function isCategoryEmpty(category) {
if (category === 'Favourites') {
const favoriteEmoticons = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('favoriteEmoticons')) || [];
return favoriteEmoticons.length === 0;
// Handle other categories here if needed
return false;