ROBLOX 2012/ 2013

roblox 2013 in only css

< 腳本ROBLOX 2012/ 2013的回應

評論:OK - script works, but has bugs


Love this, probably the most accurate script I've used! I do gotta ask what's causing this though, is it a bug from an addon I already have?
For reference, I have RoPro* and BTRoblox installed.
*Albeit, an old version of it for firefox

I also noticed ads tend to appear above the biblically accurate homepage rather than beside it.

Otherwise though, this is a really great script. I'm excited to see it continue to get updates :)

Lego Savant作者

it seems like roblox updated things again and broke this page, ropro seems to be making it sliiiiiiiightly worse but not much different
home page however roblox destroys every week and is hard to keep up with, but keeping ads disabled should make it more stable

