Adds buttons to download Royal Road chapters
這裡只顯示彼此間有代碼差異的版本。 顯示所有版本。
Changed the filename prefix default
Radio inputs are now used for the filename prefix.
Using my new setupCommands library.
Forgot the version again
Better error throwing
Error while getting the chapter list now alerts
Functionality to download images in progress.
Downloading images is now supported.
Script now supports corrupted chapters.
Not sure if this is how I should name them, but it seems correct (example of a corrupt chapter: Also made all URLs internally full URLs. Downloading multiple chapters from the middle of the fiction now no longer fetches the chapters around those more than needed.
Fixed downloaded chapter chapter link.
Removed margin from dates.
Downloaded files now contain dates.
Both publish and last edit dates are used if available. Also removed useless class from all
elements of the chapter content.
Added option to use the chapter ID as the prefix
Full refactor of the royalroad script
It now uses the publish date as the filename prefix, and its easier to read and maintain.
Added icon
Fixed "Previous Chapter" button
Client seemed to not be detecting previous version
Fixed name
Downloading in the chapter page now gets the content from the current page instead of fetching it. Done in case the user wants to get the chapters current state instead of the updated one, or in case the chapter has been deleted. Due to the risk of deletion, the file naming code now checks if the index exists.
Adds link to original chapter in header
The fiction page is no longer fetched again to fill the select inputs and the current page is used instead. The chapter list is now also being checked to prevent the previous change from causing errors.
Better spoiler elements, and more careful whitespace removal
Updated code description, and added regex to remove whitespace from chapters
You can now select which chapters to download in the fiction page, and download a single chapter in the chapter page
Changed description slightly
Button now disables on click to better prevent multiple downloads, and has a better looking progress bar.
Cleaned up the code, added more comments, added a check for the "Slow down!" page, and made it work better in mobile.
Script is public now
Added description
Slight cleanup
Added previous/next buttons, fixed header links, zip is now compressed
Added replacement for spoilers
Added styling to outputed files + some cleanup