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Cat Cleaner+++

gives user possibility to clear website data, directly from page user uses.

< 腳本Cat Cleaner+++的回應

評論:OK - script works, but has bugs


So much potential for this userscript! So happy it was made and found.

In my initial testing, I just so happened to use a site which implements a domain name & cookie style that might seems to be an exception to this current code version (v1.1.1)

Details for reproducing:
Website URL typed: ""
(This redirects to "")

When visiting it consistently creates 2 categories of cookies; it separates the subdomain as a different set of cookies & data -
*Screenshot 1* is of my search for the term "game" while in the browser's "See all cookies and site data"
NOTE: The smaller number listed above was always 6, while the larger number below would vary between 22-27ish

Now when running "Clear Cookies" from the userscript, there would still be some cookies left behind (3 out of the 6).
*Screenshot 2*
NOTE: Even when running "Clear Everything" when redoing this test. It would end in the same result.
What I already investigated:
*Screenshot 3*
- I can say the cookies are not reappearing because the time stamps for their creation are consistent before and after executing the userscript

- The domain name which is prefixed with a dot "", didn't seem to be creating an isolated issue. But maybe it is included in different set of problems? Maybe it does nothing. I don't know.

- Each of the cookies details (including those present before running Cat Cleaner+++) has a "Yes" for "Accessible to script". So no suspicion there.

- My suspicion is that it has something to do with the subdomain being present. But this is literally the first site I've tested with it.

- Okay, just tested another random site I normally wouldn't visit. Looks like I'm experiencing similar results with these too.
* (deletes only 1/32 cookies: "" | along with | 0/5 cookies: "" from all cookies when searching "dad")

- I'm using Brave browser (so Chromium essentially)


* URL typo towards the end "" is incorrectly spelled. "" is correct

* For clarification, between Screenshots 1 & 2, there is no change to the set of 25 cookies. This lack of change was not explicitly written out.


Wondering if the author ever saw this. Re-reading my intro, it seems I mistakenly spoke about multiple domains. The test of godaddy indicated that it wasn't that.


Oh sorry, I saw the message, just forgot to answer.

Cookies that are left

There are cookies with setting "httpOnly", which means that JavaScript cannot affect them (So none of user-scripts can delete them), those may be authorization, email, pass (and so on) cookies, actually any cookies.

About the dot issue

Some websites use a dot at the beginning of the domain where they store cookies, this causes some issues from client side. Even add-ons, which have access to almost any functional in the browser, sometimes cannot delete those cookies, and we are talking just about user-script.

Well, I tried to delete all the cookies when I was at "", it deleted everything for domain "", but there are cookies left for domain "" (which is same as "" because browser treat them so) and that's expected functional because "" and "" are different domains.

