Greasy Fork is available in English.

Pixiv Arts Preview & Followed Atrists Coloring & Extended History

Enlarged preview of arts and manga on mouse hovering. Extended history for non-premium users. Auto-Pagination on Following and Users pages. Click on image preview to open original art in new tab, or MMB-click to open art illustration page, Alt+LMB-click to add art to bookmarks, Ctrl+LMB-click for saving originals of artworks. The names of the authors you are already subscribed to are highlighted with green. Settings can be changed in proper menu.

這裡只顯示彼此間有代碼差異的版本。 顯示所有版本。

  • v1.38.2 2019-09-23 1.38.2 fixed suggested arts outlining on art preview page
  • v1.38.1 2019-06-30 1.38.1 added preview support for "discovery: users" page. Switching between tabs "Recommended works" and "Recommended users" works as well.
  • v1.37.1 2019-05-30 1.37.1 fixed(?) bug with jerking rapid movement of preview before image is fully loaded
  • v1.37 2019-05-16 1.37 fixed highlighting feature in case on background artwork page loading
  • v1.36.9 2019-05-07 1.36.9 fix broken highlighting feature on discovery page
  • v1.36.8 2019-05-01 1.36.8 small fix for better positioning in rapid mouse move cases
  • v1.36.7 2019-03-24 1.36.7 highlighting of followed users on illust page | added two more options: `SCROLL_INTO_VIEW_FOR_SINGLE_IMAGE` - apply scrollIntoView for single preview(thus also disabling background scrolling) | `DISABLE_SINGLE_PREVIEW_BACKGROUND_SCROLLING` - defines background scrolling for single preview when `SCROLL_INTO_VIEW_FOR_SINGLE_IMAGE` set to `true`
  • v1.36.5 2019-03-22 1.36.5 added option `DISABLE_MANGA_PREVIEW_SCROLLLING_PROPAGATION` by request; defines whether to keep on scrolling propagation when reaching end of manga preview container, default `false`
  • v1.36.4 2019-03-22 1.36.4 fixed broken previews on new layout | 1.36.3 added preview on follow and in profile card | fixed minor bug with second manga preview positioning
  • v1.36 2019-02-03 1.36 improved accuracy of single illust preview positioning
  • v1.35.1.01 2019-02-02 *fixed manga container position
  • v1.35.1 2019-02-02 1.35 added option to set more accurate manga preview (using some delay before preview) | 1.35.1 press SHIFT to enlarge current single preview to 1200px (exp)
  • v1.34 2019-01-27 1.34 added option to set preview size to 1200px(for those who have QHD or 4K screen resolution. You can set `PREVIEW_SIZE = 1200;` if you have that one)
  • v1.33 2018-11-04 1.33 added option to set delay before preview appearing; change `DELAY_BEFORE_PREVIEW = 0;` from 0 to desired value in ms (1000 = 1 second)
  • v1.32.5 2018-11-03 1.32.5 added expiration time(23h) for stored followed list(in case of errors) 1.32.4 fixed followed list update tracker
  • v1.32.3 2018-11-01 1.32.3 added option to choose preview event ("hover" or "click"). Set ` PREVIEW_ON_CLICK = true; ` to change preview condition to LMB-click, or just ignore it to leave preview condition on mouse hovering.
  • v1.32.2 2018-10-29 1.32.2 fixed for changed layout (again)
  • v1.32.1 2018-10-24 1.32.1 fixed on works page
  • v1.32 2018-10-20 1.32 added followage update tracker(with no need of the entire followage list update)
  • v1.31.1 2018-10-20 1.31.1 FIXED BROKEN PREVIEWS(because of patreon link) ON NEW PIXIV LAYOUT| 1.31 increased speed of highlighting followed users by storing followed users id in localstorage(not updateble for now)
  • v1.30.2 2018-10-13 1.30.1 - fixed unnecesary followed checks on artist works page
  • v1.30.01 2018-10-13 1.30.1 reduced permormance impact by delaying followed check on illust page [in case of unnecessary]
  • v1.30 2018-10-13 Fixed followed artist coloring. Now coloring fully supported on 4 pages(discovery, artwork page [suggestion block], bookmark detail, search); Privately followed now fully supported too.
  • v1.21 2018-10-07 1.21 - added manga preview support for Feed ('stacc') page, showing images count for viewed manga
  • v1.20 2018-10-07 1.20 - saving arts now processed on the same page ("Saving Pixiv Images with Ctrl+Click" no longer needed) [Thanx to FlandreKawaii for help]
  • v1.19.3 2018-09-30 added "stacc" ( page support
  • v1.19.2 2018-09-29 added "Home page" support for preview
  • v1.19.1 2018-09-23 fixed for "member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=" page
  • v1.19.0 2018-09-22 FIXED FOR NEW PIXIV LAYOUT
  • v1.17.1 2018-07-08 1.17
  • v1.17 2018-07-08 more smoother manga preview scrolling in Chrome/Opera
  • v1.16 2018-06-13 fixed single illust original opening and saving for new pixiv page layout
  • v1.15 2018-06-08 added own bookmarks page support
  • v1.10 2018-06-05 added feature for saving originals with ctrl+click (need to istall "Saving Pixiv Images with Ctrl+Click" script[link in description])
  • v1.00 2018-06-03 Imported from URL
  • v0.38 2018-06-03 Imported from URL
  • v0.37 2018-06-02 Imported from URL
  • v0.36.4 2018-05-31
  • v0.36.4 2018-05-31 Imported from URL
  • v0.36.3 2018-05-05 Imported from URL
  • v0.36.2 2018-03-18 added extended russian description
  • v0.36.2 2018-03-10 Imported from URL
