Twitch - Mute ads and optionally hide them

Automatically mutes the Twitch player when an advertisement started and unmute it once finished. You can also hide ads by setting disableDisplay to true.

< 腳本Twitch - Mute ads and optionally hide them的回應

評論:正評 - 腳本一切正常


Solid script! I've gotten so used to this script blocking ads, that I'm immediately aware whenever I use a browser without it, surprised by how many ads happen without this script's power.

Thanks for sharing it and keeping it updated! One of my most relied upon scripts.


Thanks. Ads here (in France) come and go, there's some periods where there's many and months where we have literally none ^^ (maybe uBlock Origin helps too sometimes, i don't know where they're at on this matter).

I'm aware they changed the class again for the ad-notice, but since i included a fail-safe it automatically retrieves it, so i didn't consider updating the default ad-notice class for now as it works just fine. But i'll for sure keep updating it if needed.

