Space-efficient Youtube

AKA: "Wide Youtube", AKA: "Wide video container" - Uses the page space on youtube more efficiently (especially good for high resolutions)

< 腳本Space-efficient Youtube的回應

評論:負評 - 腳本失效或無法使用


Moves page items off screen

Now I can't click them, in fairness though my monitor isn't THAT big so that may be the problem.


In Firefox? What version? On what page? home/subscriptions/trending etc. Is it always like that or are there special conditions when it happens? Try disabling all other addons and scripts to make sure nothing else is causing the problem.

It's working fine on my end no matter how I resize the window.

You could also check the console if there are errors (F12 then go to console tab). A screenshot might help as well. Thanks. :)

