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New feature: script sets


New feature: script sets

Scripts sets let you create your own lists of scripts and then use them to browse Greasy Fork. When making a script set, not only can you enumerate the scripts you want in your set, but you can also include other sets made by you or other users, as well as sets automatically generated by Greasy Fork. For example, you could make sets containing scripts:

-For Facebook and Twitter
-For everything except Facebook and Twitter
-Made by your favourite authors
-That you installed
-That you haven't tried yet

To make a set, you need to be logged in. From your user page, choose "New script set", then play around with the super complicated form.

This feature is in beta. Better integration into the site and more automatically generated sets are planned, but I'd like to hear from you how you'd like to use this!


Bug: you can enter the same automatic set multiple times. Removing it removes all the copies.


100 characters for set description? That's shorter than tweet! =\
Ability to set order of scripts in the set would be nice too.
Also, please consider putting list of script sets before the list of scripts on profile page.

Bug: you can enter the same automatic set multiple times. Removing it removes all the copies.


100 characters for set description? That's shorter than tweet! =\

It was supposed to be 500 characters, just like scripts. Fixed.

Ability to set order of scripts in the set would be nice too.

You can set the order when viewing your script set in the script list, but there's no way to set the default order right now.


Can we have a way to drop multiple URLs in, of different types (scripts, script sets, users) and exclude or include all of them at once?


When you try to add a add the same script to Include and Exclude, the 2nd one simply silently fails. It should give you an error message, or maybe remove it from the list it was on.

It would also be nice to have the descriptions in the lists be in a form that could be used as input (i.e. URLs).


What about scripts sets for global scripts?
PS: The answer is found : Showing scripts for: → More… → (All sites)

What about scripts sets for global scripts?

Fixed. If you leave the "For site" text box blank, it'll be for "All sites".

Also, please consider putting list of script sets before the list of scripts on profile page.


When you try to add a add the same script to Include and Exclude, the 2nd one simply silently fails. It should give you an error message, or maybe remove it from the list it was on.

Fixed, it will now show a message.

Can we have a way to drop multiple URLs in, of different types (scripts, script sets, users) and exclude or include all of them at once?

What would you use this for?

It would also be nice to have the descriptions in the lists be in a form that could be used as input (i.e. URLs).

Not sure what this means.

Can we have a way to drop multiple URLs in, of different types (scripts, script sets, users) and exclude or include all of them at once?
What would you use this for?

It would make the editing page shorter (fewer entry fields), and would allow lists to be composed beforehand, then pasted in all at once.
It would also be nice to have the descriptions in the lists be in a form that could be used as input (i.e. URLs).
Not sure what this means.

Currently, the entries in the list of active criteria (scripts, or users, or script-sets to be included or excluded) are just text -- it would be nice if they were URLs, so they could be copied back into the input fields for other script sets. Does that help clarify what I'm asking for?

Also, please consider putting list of script sets before the list of scripts on profile page.

Thank you a lot! My idea was that most people would either have more only sets, or more scripts than sets, so having sets first is more informative. =)

Currently, the entries in the list of active criteria (scripts, or users, or script-sets to be included or excluded) are just text -- it would be nice if they were URLs, so they could be copied back into the input fields for other script sets. Does that help clarify what I'm asking for?

I've filed . I don't think I'm going to move away from select boxes, but I may add an alternate input method.


it's similar (but less intuitive... ) than the collection in the defunct ?

Why no add a dropdown menu in each script page, where we can choose in which "set" we want add it ( i prefer "collection", like in Firefox Addon) ?

After that we can edit the "set" with this complicated form ....

In Script list, and script page, an icon or indicator to remember in which set it's include should be useful too.


Yeah, that's what I plan on doing.




You can now modify a script's inclusion in your sets from that script's page.

You can now also make "Favorite" sets, which will tie in to a rating system soon.


It doesn't work for me. I was able to somehow add one script the rest doesn't show. When i click the arrow to add to the Favorites, it reloads the page and shows the main index ... i'd expect to see my page with the favorites set.
I have to assume you're not done yet.


You're supposed to stay on the script page after adding it to a set.


I add a script to favorites.
I then click my name to go to my page.
I then have to click 'View scripts' to see what's in my 'Favorites'.
The page with my Favorites opens, immediately reloads and now i see the index of all scripts again.
I expect to see my Favorites scripts page.

If i click Edit link, i see my favorites scripts. The Link to 'View scripts' on my page is confusing. As i said, it's next to the word 'Favorites' and i expect to see those scripts not the index of all scripts.


... since i can't add a screenshot when editing:

^ It says: Script Sets ... that's why i expect to see sets (Favorites, in this case) when i click 'View scripts' there.
We already have a link to all scripts in the header.


The link goes to, which for me, opens an index page containing solely the scripts you marked as favorites. If something's immediately reloading it and making you go back to the full list, I would guess that it's one of your installed scripts.


No, it's not. As you see the shot above, i'm testing a clean profile, no scripts. However, it doesn't do it any more. You've changed something 'cause i can see in my main profile that srazzano's table script broke.


This one appears in editing... but not in the view Favorites.

My list so far...

Also... in editing it appears in the order that I had set it for, but in viewing the order changes.
Would like to have the order as I choose, or in Alphabetical Order please.

Gee...that was confusing to set up at first... had to do a lot of clicking around and got it wrong a few times.


1. Because it's deleted.
2. When viewing the scripts in your set, you can use the sort controls on the right. When editing, I think it's the order you added them in.


#1 Oh... deleted. I didn't check. So glad I grabbed it in time.
#2 So what controls Jason? Where are they hiding? Screenshot??? (I never see you posting screenshots... get a good screenshot addon or app to make it easy)


The normal ones on the right on


The rightside panel??
But that means I have to click through that each visit. Not Good.
Alphabetical Order makes most sense as Default.
And if others want to sort through by /Created Date/Updated Date/Fans/... then they can.
None of it's that important though.


I'd like to get some feedback on potential improvements to script sets. Some things I can think of:

1. Ability to choose a default sort order
2. Ability to set a script set as your "default", meaning you will by default only see scripts in that set (but could choose a different or no set with the right side options)
3. More visibility of your script sets for other users.

What would you like to do with script sets?


1. Ability to choose a default sort order
First Choice: Alphabetical order is my choice. It will be easier to find specific script if there are many in the list.
2nd Choice: The order that I place them. And ability to change that order. Drag and Drop in the Editing.
And I am also talking about Favorite Scripts.

2. So next to each ScriptSet Category... is a hide/show Button ?

3. More visibility of your script sets for other users.
You already have that. Just click on the Title Category of the Script Set, and actually instead of opening a new tab, would be easier if the list opens on the same page. A toggle open Close.

● I would like to be able to... like at see who favorited a script.
Right now I only see a count. There is no way to see who favorited it.
Important to me... because...
--- if I favorite a script, I want the Author to be aware that I Favorited it.
--- If I see that a script is Favorited by an Author whom I trust their judgement in determining that the script safe and helpful, then I will be interested in checking the script out
(provided the scripts purpose will be needed by me).


List of favoriters:

I've also added alphabetical sort for scripts, but have not made a default sort for sets.


Thankyou Jason.

So for anyone that wants to number their Script Sets.

@namespace url(;
@-moz-document url-prefix("") {

/*DECIMAL NUMBERS 1. 2. 3.*/
#browse-script-list li:before,
table A[href^="/scripts/"]:before
{content: counter(pageNum) ". "!important;
counter-increment: pageNum!important;
font-weight: bold!important;
color: #cc0000 !important;
margin-left: -17px !important;
position: absolute !important;
margin-top:7px !important;}
{counter-reset: pageNum!important;
margin-left:12px !important;} }

To make a set, you need to be logged in. From your user page, choose "New script set", then play around with the super complicated form.

Super complicated is kind of right. Is there some sort of tutorial or FAQ for those of us who might not understand how to create a script set when presented with such a form? Some kind of instruction perhaps? It isn't friendly for the more casual type user. I'd personally would like to make a set that eliminates Kingdom of Camelot, Facebook, Tumblr, and Twitter, but I'm not sure what to type in what boxes. Do I type those words in the excluded scripts box? Or do I put in the url of those sites? Or is it supposed to go into the excluded sets box?

I'd like to get some feedback on potential improvements to script sets. Some things I can think of:

3. More visibility of your script sets for other users.

More visibility would be good, as it is I do not even know how to go about looking for sets. I can always hit the button to find scripts as soon as I come to the site, but there is no such button for search script sets. A noticeable button that says something like 'Peruse Script Sets' on the main/opening page would be nice.

Sorry for all the nitpicks by the way.


To answer your immediate question, to eliminate specific sites, you would

1. Under Automatic script sets, include all scripts
2. Under Automatic script sets, exclude scripts for site ""
3. Repeat #2 for everything you want out

I think there needs to be more text on the page on what each section does, and perhaps a wiki page for some common configurations.


I just discovered now that favoriting scripts is assigned to individuals...
and it is displayed on the feedback page
Thankyou for that Jason !


I'm a new guy in these forums: not a script developer; just a script enjoyer.

Thanks a whole bunch for creating this wonderful site; AND giving members the opportunity to highlight our favorite scripts.

I have a double-combined request, which I haven't seen written in this thread...

-- ability to include scripts from other websites: particularly--but not exclusively--

e.g. I quite like Printer Friendly Redirect -

It's not (yet?) on GF. And it's one of those scripts that still works nicely, although it does needs some updating/improving (some of which I've done).

-- ability to exclude scripts from other websites; e.g. any script (e.g. on with 'FoxySpeed' in the Title.

Of course, this option would only make sense if the 'include' option is implemented.

