follower2078 JS (库) - A mouse follower 18 cqi square 50% border radius
block2078 JS (库) - Block screen and scrollbar till clicked
footer2078 JS (库) - Dynamic backgrounf for a footer
video2078 JS (库) - Autoplay a video no loop with sound
overlay2078 JS (库) - Turn the hole screen black till hovermouse
scale2078 JS (库) - Scale you paye by the width
scroll2078 JS (库) - navigation bar behavior based on scroll bar
navbar2078 JS (库) - Navigation Bar behavior
html2078 JS (库) - Html
element-navbar2078 JS (库) - Navigation Bar
element-home2078 JS (库) - home
element-footer2078 JS (库) - footer
element-SVG2078 JS (库) - SVG for Index