Flickr - Go to User's Shots in this Group (Photo + User's Groups list Page)

In the groups list of Photo page or the User's Groups Page, at each group name, Add an icon to go to user's shots posted in this group.

这些是代码更新过的版本。 显示所有版本

  • v1.2 2025-01-19
  • v1.1 2025-01-11


    Add the same function to User's Groups list Page

  • v0.6 2025-01-10

    Re Add a correction for the "Go to Group" button (before it goes to a wrong url (OOOOoop's pages).
    Re add style for button (when it is visited, if you keep your history)

  • v0.5 2025-01-10


    Should fixing the need to - sometime - reload the page to have the script working.

  • v0.4 2025-01-07

    V.4: Add a correction for the "Go to Group" button (before it goes to a wrong url (OOOOoop's pages).

  • v0.1 2024-09-14