GMAIL 2012 TO 2016...

Gmail as it was in 2012 to 2016 cone that I used by the way shout out to the original creators I hope they have a good life

/* ==UserStyle==
@name         GMAIL 2012 TO 2016...
@namespace    USO Archive
@author       Daniel O'Connor
@description  Gmail as it was in 2012 to 2016 cone that I used by the way shout out to the original creators I hope they have a good life
@version      10.15
@license      CC-BY-SA-4.0
@preprocessor uso
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("") {
    /* Gmail OLD 1.2*/
    /*By: Daniel O'Connor*/
    /*Edited by DL Laboratories in 2020*/
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/* left sidebar */
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/* emailingicons  IN ORDER*/
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background-image: url(;
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 filter: contrast(10%)
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.bzn .Vj {
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     filter: contrast(10%)
.bzn .ase {
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.bzn .asb {
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.bAm .hB, .b7 .mL, .Un .mL, .HX .mL {
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.btC .og.T-I-J3, .btC .J-N-JX.og.T-I-J3 {
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.amr .ams.bkH::before {
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.gW {
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.bzn .bAO, .brr {
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.G-Ni .T-I-ax7.T-I-JW .T-I-J3{
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.b7 .mI, .Un .mI, .HX .mI {
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.TO:not(.nZ)>.TN.aHS-bnu>.qj {
 background-image: url(;
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  background-image: url(;
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.TO:not(.nZ)>.TN.aHS-bnq>.qj {
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.TO.nZ>.TN.aHS-bu1>.qj {
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/*.nZ>:not(.aHS-bnt)>.qj:not(.aEe), .ol .qj:not(.aEe) {
     opacity: 1; 
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   background-image: url(;
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      opacity: 0.61;  
/*Checkboxes and some tab icons*/
.bzn .G-tF .T-Jo {
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.bzn .G-tF .T-Jo-Jp {
background-image: url(;
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.bzn .G-tF .T-Jo-ayH {       
background-image: url(;
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td.apU>.T-KT.T-KT-Jp::before {
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td.apU>.T-KT.aXw::before {
background-image: url(;
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.xY>.T-Jo {
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.xY>.T-Jo-Jp {
background-image: url(;
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.aAy>.aKe-aLf, .aAy.J-KU-KO>.aKe-aLf {
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      background-size: 26px;
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.aAy>.aJi-aLf, .aAy.J-KU-KO>.aJi-aLf {
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.aAy>.aH2-aLf, .aAy.J-KU-KO>.aH2-aLf {
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.bzn .bjy {
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.aAy>.aHE-aLf, .aAy.J-KU-KO>.aHE-aLf {
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.bzn .asf {
    background-image: url(//;
       background-image: url(;
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    background-size: 20px;
    opacity: 0.71;
.Xr .V3, .aam, .z0, .aic {
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.aAy.J-KU-KO>.aIf-aLf ,.nZ>.TN.aHS-bnt .qj, .nZ>.TN.aHS-bnt .qj::before {
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.gb_Ea:not(.gb_Fa) .gb_Sd {
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.wn, .wo, .w1, .wq, .wp{
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.nH.w-asV ,.nH.w-asV{
  background-color: #fff !important;
  box-shadow: inset 0 -1px 0 #eceff1 !important;
 .TO:not(.nZ)>.TN.aHS-bnt .qj {
    background-image: url(;
    background-position: center;
         opacity: 0.61;
.aAy>.aIf-aLf {
    background-image:   url(;
   background-position: center;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-size: 20px;
        opacity: 0.6;
/* oldtextcolor */
.TK .nZ>.aHS-bnt .bsU{
    color: #d93025;
.TO:not(.nZ)>.TN.aHS-bnw>.qj {
    background-image: url(;
    background-size: 20px;
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        opacity: 0.63;
.TO.nZ>.TN.aHS-bnw>.qj {
background-image: url(;
      opacity: 0.71;
   background-size: 20px;
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.amr .amn>.ams::after {
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.gU .btA .hG, .gU .btA .hG::before {
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.gU .btA .v7.T-I, .gU .btA .v7.T-I::before {
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    /* Buttons */
.gU .btA .v7.T-I, .gU .btA .v7.T-I{
         border-bottom-left-radius: 4px;
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.gU .btA .hG, .gU .btA .hG{
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.aOe {
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/*mail icon*/
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/*sidebar stuff*/
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[aria-label="Keep"] .aT5-aOt-I-JX-Jw {
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[aria-label="Tasks"] .aT5-aOt-I-JX-Jw {
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[aria-label="Contacts"] .aT5-aOt-I-JX-Jw {
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        display: none !important;
    .la-r {
        display: none !important;
    .la-c {
        display: none !important;
/*end of it*/
.Tj.Tj {
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.a8Y>.T-I-ax7::before {
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      background-color: #fff ;
       color: #fff;   
/*New drafts*/
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     border-bottom-left-radius: 0px;
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/* right sidebar */
.bAw .brC-aT5-aOt-Jw {
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/*WhenYouclick on tabs text color*/
.byl .TK .TO.nZ>.aHS-bnt .n0, .byl .TK .nZ.aS3 .nU>.n0, .TK .nZ.aS3 .bsU, .byl .TK .nZ.aS4 .nU>.n0, .TK .nZ.aS4 .bsU, .byl .TK .nZ.aS5 .nU>.n0, .TK .nZ.aS5 .bsU, .byl .TK .nZ.aS6 .nU>.n0, .TK .nZ.aS6 .bsU, .TK .TO.nZ .nU>.n0, .TK .ol.NQ .nU>.n0, .TK .TO.ol .nU>.n0, .TK .nZ .bsU, .TK .ol .bsU {
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