WhatsApp links in Google Contact phone numbers

Adding a WhatsApp icon to Google Contacts phone numbers for a quick chat

// ==UserScript==
// @name         WhatsApp links in Google Contact phone numbers
// @namespace    https://github.com/yoonkit/GoogleContactsWhatsApp
// @version      0.6
// @description  Adding a WhatsApp icon to Google Contacts phone numbers for a quick chat
// @author       Yoon-Kit Yong
// @donate       PayPal some love to yoonkit@gmail.com [ https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/yoonkit ]
// @license      GPLv3
// @match        https://contacts.google.com/*
// @icon         https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=google.com
// @grant        none
// @run-at       document-idle
// ==/UserScript==

// var $ = window.jQuery; // 230729 yky Watch out for Apple problems with jQuery
// var debug = -1; //230729 yky Set to -1 for production, 0 for debug

var verbosity = 3
document.verbosity = verbosity

function ykAlert( msg, type )
    /* Messages for debugging with varying degrees of reporting methods
     *     -1 : Boldify
     *      0 : console.log <Default>
     *      1 : light verbose
     *      2 : medium verbose
     *      3 : very verbose
     *     10 : window.alert (very annoying)
     * 230728 yky Created
	 * 230820 yky Modified - verbosity, caller function name, indent
	 * 240502 yky Modified - caller crash on main call
    if (type == null) type = 1
    if (type < 0) console.log( '*** ' + msg + ' ***' )
    else if (type == 10) window.alert( msg )
    else if (type <= document.verbosity)
        let fname = ""
        let caller = null
        if (ykAlert.hasOwnProperty("caller")) caller = ykAlert.caller
        if (caller != null) fname = ' (' + caller.name + ') '
        let spacer = "-".repeat(type*2) + ": "
        console.log( spacer + msg + fname );
    return 0;

ykAlert("WhatsApp links for Google Contacts loading", 2)

// https://icons8.com/icon/ChMMcyjCQnEn/whatsapp
// 230728 yky Small 16x16 icon for Whatsapp encoded inline. Detailed view is defaulted by css at 20x20 tho.
var whatsappICO = "";

function generateWhatsApp( phonetext )
    /* Creates the elements for a WhatsApp icon and url
     *     link (url to wa.me)
     *         icon (inline | alt text)
     *     removes whitespaces and other symbols as wa.me only takes in full numbers
     *     havent done anything for no country codes yet.
     * 230728 yky Created
     *     havent solved the overriding css for the bounding class as it defaults to wxh of 20px
    let phone = phonetext.replaceAll("+","");
    phone = phone.replaceAll(" ","");
    phone = phone.replaceAll("-","");
    phone = phone.replaceAll("x","");

    let ico = document.createElement('img');
    //ico.src = "https://static.whatsapp.net/rsrc.php/v3/yz/r/ujTY9i_Jhs1.png";
    ico.src = whatsappICO;
    ico.alt = "WhatsApp";
    //ico.height = "16px";
    //ico.width = "16px";
    //ico.style = "{ 'padding-left':'8px' }";

    let url = "http://wa.me/"+phone;
    ykAlert(url, 6);

    let link = document.createElement('a');
    link.href = url;
    link.text = "  ";
    return link;

function getPhoneDetails() 
    /* Searches the Contact Details page for telephones to iconize
     *     makes it look standard with the same spans and dots 
     *         span
     *             dot
     *             icon
     *     Gets the icon link from generateWhatsApp
     * 230728 yky Created
     *     setting the class is via setAttribute
     *     if Google changes the classnames this will have to be updated
     *         phone div: "urwqv"
     *         span: "UvDwpb"
     *         dot: "tZ08dd"
     * 230729 yky Fixed for Safari - the jQuery doesnt return all Elements.

    var telsj = document.getElementsByClassName("urwqv"); 
    ykAlert("Phone details found: " + telsj.length, 2 );

    for (let tel of telsj)
        let as = tel.getElementsByTagName('a');
        ykAlert( "as length: " + as.length, 6);

        if (as.length == 1)
            let a = as[0];
            if (a.href.includes('tel:'))
                var span = document.createElement('span');
                span.setAttribute( "class", "YvDwpb");

                var dot = document.createElement('span');
                dot.setAttribute( "class", "tZ08dd");
                dot.setAttribute( "aria-hidden", "true");
                dot.textContent = "•";
                //dot.id = "dot";

                var link = generateWhatsApp( a.text );

    return telsj;

function getPhoneColumn()
    /* Searches the entire Contact list for the Phone Number Column and attaches WhatsApp links
     *     if the phone number length is more than 7
     *     checks if it already has a link, it wont create another one.
     * 230728 yky Created
	 * 240516 yky Modified - class "b62A4e" doesnt exist anymore. Using aria-describedby=phone-column
    // var phones = document.getElementsByClassName("b62A4e"); // 240516 yky this doesnt work anymore
    var arias = document.querySelectorAll("[aria-describedby]"); // 240516 yky looking for phone-column
	phones = []
	for (let aria of arias) 
		descr = aria.getAttribute('aria-describedby')
		if ( descr.indexOf("phone-column") >= 0) phones.push(aria)
	if ((document.URL == 'https://contacts.google.com/') & (phones.length == 0)) ykAlert("No Phone Columns detected", -1 )
    for (let phone of phones)
        let as = phone.getElementsByTagName('a');
        if (as.length > 0) continue; // 230728 yky Link already created

        let phonetext = phone.textContent;
        if (phonetext.length > 7)
            var link = generateWhatsApp( phonetext );

// 230728 yky Using setTimeout instead of waitForKeyElements.
setInterval( function () { getPhoneDetails() }, 2000)
setInterval( function () { getPhoneColumn() }, 2000)
ykAlert("WhatsApp links for Google Contacts Loaded", 0)