Wiktionary Language Prefs

A script for re-ordering the languages on Wiktionary.

< 脚本Wiktionary Language Prefs的反馈

评价:好评 - 脚本运行良好


Thank you for this script. It makes browsing Wiktionary much easier, particularly on mobile where it can take a while to scroll through pages (to get it to load on mobile Wiktionary, I added "*.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/*" and "*.m.wiktionary.org/w/*" to the script as @match statements). One small issue: when I open a Wiktionary page with a language name affixed to the end of the URL (ex: "wiki/review#English"), the page auto-scrolls to where that language's definitions would have appeared before re-ordering instead of where it appears after the script has loaded. This does not occur on the mobile site.


Thank you for the kind words! I've also noticed the issue with the page anchors occasionally but I hadn't bothered to fix it because I didn't know anyone else was using it haha. I'll spend some time on it this week and see if I can get that fixed.

