C.A.S (Chess.com Assistance System)

Chess analysis bot made for educational purposes only (Chrome + Firefox + Edge ...)

目前为 2023-03-01 提交的版本。查看 最新版本

// ==UserScript==
// @name        C.A.S (Chess.com Assistance System)
// @namespace   sayfpack
// @author      sayfpack
// @version     5.0
// @homepageURL https://github.com/sayfpack13/chess-analysis-bot
// @supportURL  https://mmgc.life/
// @match       https://www.chess.com/*
// @grant       GM_getValue
// @grant       GM_setValue
// @grant       GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant       GM_getResourceText
// @grant       GM_registerMenuCommand
// @description Chess analysis bot made for educational purposes only (Chrome + Firefox + Edge ...)
// @require     https://greasyfork.org/scripts/460400-usergui-js/code/userguijs.js?version=1152084
// @resource    jquery.js       https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/jquery@3.6.3/dist/jquery.min.js
// @resource    chessboard.js   https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sayfpack13/chess-analysis-bot/main/tampermonkey%20script/content/chessboard.js
// @resource    chessboard.css  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sayfpack13/chess-analysis-bot/main/tampermonkey%20script/content/chessboard.css
// @resource    lozza.js        https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sayfpack13/chess-analysis-bot/main/tampermonkey%20script/content/lozza.js
// @resource    stockfish.js    https://github.com/exoticorn/stockfish-js/releases/download/sf_5_js/stockfish.js
// @resource    stockfish2.js   https://github.com/lichess-org/stockfish.js/releases/download/ddugovic-250718/stockfish.js
// @run-at      document-start
// @inject-into content
// ==/UserScript==

  e88~-_            e           ,d88~~\
 d888   \          d8b          8888
 8888             /Y88b         `Y88b
 8888            /  Y88b         `Y88b,
 Y888   / d88b  /____Y88b  d88b    8888
  "88_-~  Y88P /      Y88b Y88P \__88P'

const repositoryRawURL = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sayfpack13/chess-analysis-bot/main/tampermonkey%20script';
const LICHESS_API = "https://lichess.org/api/cloud-eval";

const MAX_DEPTH = 20;
const MIN_DEPTH = 1;
const MAX_MOVETIME = 3000;
const MIN_MOVETIME = 50;
const MAX_ELO = 4000;
const DEPTH_MODE = 0;
const MOVETIME_MODE = 1;
const rank = ["Beginner", "Intermediate", "Advanced", "Expert", "Master", "Grand Master", "Cheater"];

let engineMode = 0;                                         // engine mode (0:depth / 1:movetime)
let engineIndex = 0;                                        // engine index (lozza => 0, stockfish => 1...)
let reload_every = 10;                                      // reload engine after x moves
let enableUserLog = true;                                   // enable engine log
let displayMovesOnSite = true;                              // display moves on chess board
let show_opposite_moves = false;                            // show opponent best moves if available
let use_book_moves = false;                                 // use lichess api to get book moves
let node_engine_url = "http://localhost:5000";              // node server api url
let node_engine_name = "stockfish-15.exe"                   // default engine name (node server engine only)

let current_depth = Math.round(MAX_DEPTH / 3);
let current_movetime = Math.round(MAX_MOVETIME / 3);
let node_engine_id = 3;

let Gui;
let closedGui = false;
let reload_count = 1;

let Interface = null;
let LozzaUtils = null;

let initialized = false;
let firstMoveMade = false;

let engine = null;
let engineObjectURL = null;
let lastEngine = engineIndex;

let chessBoardElem = null;
let turn = '-';
let playerColor = null;
let isPlayerTurn = null;
let lastFen = null;

let uiChessBoard = null;

let activeGuiMoveHighlights = [];
let activeSiteMoveHighlights = [];

let engineLogNum = 1;
let userscriptLogNum = 1;
let enemyScore = 0;
let myScore = 0;

function moveResult(from, to, power, clear = true) {
    if (from.length < 2 || to.length < 2) {

    if (clear) {

    if (isPlayerTurn) // my turn
        myScore = myScore + Number(power);
        enemyScore = enemyScore + Number(power);

    Interface.boardUtils.updateBoardPower(myScore, enemyScore);

    if (displayMovesOnSite || (!isPlayerTurn && show_opposite_moves)) {
        markMoveToSite(from, to);

    Interface.boardUtils.markMove(from, to);


function getBookMoves(fen) {
        method: "GET",
        url: LICHESS_API + "?fen=" + fen + "&multiPv=1&variant=fromPosition",
        headers: {
            "Content-Type": "application/json"
        onload: function (response) {
            if (response.response.includes("error")) {


            } else {
                let data = JSON.parse(response.response);
                let nextMove = data.pvs[0].moves.split(' ')[0];
                let score = current_depth;

                moveResult(nextMove.slice(0, 2), nextMove.slice(2, 4), score, true);

        }, onerror: function (error) {



function getNodeBestMoves(fen) {

        method: "GET",
        url: node_engine_url + "/getBestMove?fen=" + fen + "&engine_mode=" + engineMode + "&depth=" + current_depth + "&movetime=" + current_movetime + "&turn=" + turn + "&engine_name=" + node_engine_name,
        headers: {
            "Content-Type": "application/json"
        onload: function (response) {
            if (response.response == "false") {
            let data = JSON.parse(response.response);
            let fen = data.fen;
            let depth = data.depth;
            let movetime = data.movetime;
            let power = data.score;
            let nextMove = data.move;

            if (engineMode == DEPTH_MODE) {
                Interface.updateBestMoveProgress(`Depth: ${depth}`);
            } else {
                Interface.updateBestMoveProgress(`Move time: ${movetime} ms`);

            moveResult(nextMove.slice(0, 2), nextMove.slice(2, 4), power, true);

        }, onerror: function (error) {
            console.log("check node server !!");



function getElo() {
    let elo;
    if (engineMode == DEPTH_MODE) {
        elo = MAX_ELO / MAX_DEPTH;
        elo *= current_depth;
    } else {
        elo = MAX_ELO / MAX_MOVETIME;
        elo *= current_movetime;
    return elo;

function getRank() {
    let part;
    if (engineMode == DEPTH_MODE) {
        part = current_depth / (MAX_DEPTH / rank.length);
    } else {
        part = current_movetime / (MAX_MOVETIME / rank.length);
    part = Math.round(part);

    if (part >= rank.length) {
        part = rank.length - 1;

    return rank[part];

function getEloDescription() {
    let desc = `Elo: ${getElo()}, Rank: ${getRank()}, `;
    if (engineMode == DEPTH_MODE) {
        desc += `Depth: ${current_depth}`;
    } else {
        desc += `Move Time: ${current_movetime} ms`;
    return desc;

function isNotCompatibleBrowser() {
    return navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().includes("firefox")

onload = function () {
    if (isNotCompatibleBrowser()) {
        Gui = new UserGui;


if (!isNotCompatibleBrowser()) {
    Gui = new UserGui;
} else {

Gui.settings.window.title = 'C.A.S';
Gui.settings.window.external = true;
Gui.settings.window.size.width = 500;
Gui.settings.gui.external.popup = false;
Gui.settings.gui.external.style += GM_getResourceText('chessboard.css');
Gui.settings.gui.external.style += `
div[class^='board'] {
    background-color: black;
.best-move-from {
    background-color: #31ff7f;
    transform: scale(0.85);
.best-move-to {
    background-color: #31ff7f;
.negative-best-move-from {
    background-color: #fd0000;
    transform: scale(0.85);
.negative-best-move-to {
    background-color: #fd0000;
body {
    display: block;
    margin-left: auto;
    margin-right: auto;
    width: 360px;
#fen {
    margin-left: 10px;
#engine-log-container {
    max-height: 35vh;
    overflow: auto!important;
#userscript-log-container {
    max-height: 35vh;
    overflow: auto!important;
.sideways-card {
    display: flex;
    align-items: center;
    justify-content: space-between;
.rendered-form .card {
    margin-bottom: 10px;
.hidden {
    display: none;
.main-title-bar {
    display: flex;
    justify-content: space-between;
@keyframes wiggle {
    0% { transform: scale(1); }
   80% { transform: scale(1); }
   85% { transform: scale(1.1); }
   95% { transform: scale(1); }
  100% { transform: scale(1); }

.wiggle {
  display: inline-block;
  animation: wiggle 1s infinite;

function FenUtils() {
    this.board = [
        [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
        [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
        [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
        [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
        [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
        [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
        [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
        [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],

    this.pieceCodeToFen = pieceStr => {
        const [pieceColor, pieceName] = pieceStr.split('');

        return pieceColor == 'w' ? pieceName.toUpperCase() : pieceName.toLowerCase();

    this.getFenCodeFromPieceElem = pieceElem => {
        return this.pieceCodeToFen([...pieceElem.classList].find(x => x.match(/^(b|w)[prnbqk]{1}$/)));

    this.getPieceColor = pieceFenStr => {
        return pieceFenStr == pieceFenStr.toUpperCase() ? 'w' : 'b';

    this.getPieceOppositeColor = pieceFenStr => {
        return this.getPieceColor(pieceFenStr) == 'w' ? 'b' : 'w';

    this.squeezeEmptySquares = fenStr => {
        return fenStr.replace(/11111111/g, '8')
            .replace(/1111111/g, '7')
            .replace(/111111/g, '6')
            .replace(/11111/g, '5')
            .replace(/1111/g, '4')
            .replace(/111/g, '3')
            .replace(/11/g, '2');

    this.posToIndex = pos => {
        const [x, y] = pos.split('');

        return { 'y': 8 - y, 'x': 'abcdefgh'.indexOf(x) };

    this.getBoardPiece = pos => {
        const indexObj = this.posToIndex(pos);

        return this.board[indexObj.y][indexObj.x];

    this.getRights = () => {
        let rights = '';

        // check for white
        const e1 = this.getBoardPiece('e1'),
            h1 = this.getBoardPiece('h1'),
            a1 = this.getBoardPiece('a1');

        if (e1 == 'K' && h1 == 'R') rights += 'K';
        if (e1 == 'K' && a1 == 'R') rights += 'Q';

        //check for black
        const e8 = this.getBoardPiece('e8'),
            h8 = this.getBoardPiece('h8'),
            a8 = this.getBoardPiece('a8');

        if (e8 == 'k' && h8 == 'r') rights += 'k';
        if (e8 == 'k' && a8 == 'r') rights += 'q';

        return rights ? rights : '-';

    this.getBasicFen = () => {
        const pieceElems = [...chessBoardElem.querySelectorAll('.piece')];

        pieceElems.forEach(pieceElem => {
            const pieceFenCode = this.getFenCodeFromPieceElem(pieceElem);
            const [xPos, yPos] = pieceElem.classList.toString().match(/square-(\d)(\d)/).slice(1);

            this.board[8 - yPos][xPos - 1] = pieceFenCode;

        const basicFen = this.squeezeEmptySquares(this.board.map(x => x.join('')).join('/'));

        return basicFen;

    this.getFen = () => {
        const basicFen = this.getBasicFen();
        const rights = this.getRights();

        return `${basicFen} ${turn} ${rights} - 0 1`;

function InterfaceUtils() {
    this.boardUtils = {
        findSquareElem: (squareCode) => {
            if (!Gui?.document) return;

            return Gui.document.querySelector(`.square-${squareCode}`);
        markMove: (fromSquare, toSquare) => {
            if (!Gui?.document) return;

            const [fromElem, toElem] = [this.boardUtils.findSquareElem(fromSquare), this.boardUtils.findSquareElem(toSquare)];

            if (isPlayerTurn) {
            } else {

        removeBestMarkings: () => {
            if (!Gui?.document) return;

            activeGuiMoveHighlights.forEach(elem => {
                elem.classList.remove('best-move-from', 'best-move-to', 'negative-best-move-from', 'negative-best-move-to');

            activeGuiMoveHighlights = [];
        updateBoardFen: fen => {
            if (!Gui?.document) return;

            Gui.document.querySelector('#fen').textContent = currentFen;
        updateBoardPower: (myScore, enemyScore) => {
            if (!Gui?.document) return;

            Gui.document.querySelector('#enemy-score').textContent = enemyScore;
            Gui.document.querySelector('#my-score').textContent = myScore;
        updateBoardOrientation: orientation => {
            if (!Gui?.document) return;

            const orientationElem = Gui?.document?.querySelector('#orientation');

            if (orientationElem) {
                orientationElem.textContent = orientation;

    this.engineLog = str => {
        if (!Gui?.document || enableUserLog == 0) return;

        const logElem = document.createElement('div');

        if (str.includes('info')) logElem.classList.add('list-group-item-info');
        if (str.includes('bestmove')) logElem.classList.add('list-group-item-success');

        logElem.innerText = `#${engineLogNum++} ${str}`;


    this.log = str => {
        if (!Gui?.document || enableUserLog == 0) return;

        const logElem = document.createElement('div');

        if (str.includes('info')) logElem.classList.add('list-group-item-info');
        if (str.includes('bestmove')) logElem.classList.add('list-group-item-success');

        const container = Gui?.document?.querySelector('#userscript-log-container');

        if (container) {
            logElem.innerText = `#${userscriptLogNum++} ${str}`;


    this.getBoardOrientation = () => {
        return document.querySelector('.board.flipped') ? 'b' : 'w';

    this.updateBestMoveProgress = text => {
        if (!Gui?.document) return;

        const progressBarElem = Gui.document.querySelector('#best-move-progress');

        progressBarElem.innerText = text;


    this.stopBestMoveProcessingAnimation = () => {
        if (!Gui?.document) return;

        const progressBarElem = Gui.document.querySelector('#best-move-progress');


    this.hideBestMoveProgress = () => {
        if (!Gui?.document) return;

        const progressBarElem = Gui.document.querySelector('#best-move-progress');

        if (!progressBarElem.classList.contains('hidden')) {

function LozzaUtility() {
    this.separateMoveCodes = moveCode => {
        moveCode = moveCode.trim();

        let move = moveCode.split(' ')[1];

        return [move.slice(0, 2), move.slice(2, 4)];

    this.extractInfo = str => {
        const keys = ['time', 'nps', 'depth'];

        return keys.reduce((acc, key) => {
            const match = str.match(`${key} (\\d+)`);

            if (match) {
                acc[key] = Number(match[1]);

            return acc;
        }, {});

function fenSquareToChessComSquare(fenSquareCode) {
    const [x, y] = fenSquareCode.split('');

    return `square-${['abcdefgh'.indexOf(x) + 1]}${y}`;

function markMoveToSite(fromSquare, toSquare) {
    const highlight = (fenSquareCode, style) => {
        const squareClass = fenSquareToChessComSquare(fenSquareCode);

        const highlightElem = document.createElement('div');
        highlightElem.dataset.testElement = 'highlight';
        highlightElem.style = style;


        const existingHighLight = document.querySelector(`.highlight.${squareClass}`);

        if (existingHighLight) {


    const defaultFromSquareStyle = 'background-color: rgb(120 130 255 / 90%); border: 4px solid rgb(0 0 0 / 50%);';
    const defaultToSquareStyle = 'background-color: rgb(60 140 255 / 90%); border: 4px dashed rgb(0 0 0 / 50%);';
    const negativeFromSquareStyle = 'background-color: rgb(255 0 0 / 30%); border: 4px solid rgb(0 0 0 / 50%);';
    const negativeToSquareStyle = 'background-color: rgb(255 0 0 / 30%); border: 4px dashed rgb(0 0 0 / 50%);';

    highlight(fromSquare, (isPlayerTurn ? defaultFromSquareStyle : negativeFromSquareStyle));
    highlight(toSquare, (isPlayerTurn ? defaultToSquareStyle : negativeToSquareStyle));

function removeSiteMoveMarkings() {
    activeSiteMoveHighlights.forEach(elem => {

    activeSiteMoveHighlights = [];

function updateBestMove(mutationArr) {

    const FenUtil = new FenUtils();

    currentFen = FenUtil.getFen();

    if (currentFen != lastFen || forced == true) {
        lastFen = currentFen;

        if (mutationArr) {
            const attributeMutationArr = mutationArr.filter(m => m.target.classList.contains('piece') && m.attributeName == 'class');

            if (attributeMutationArr?.length) {
                turn = FenUtil.getPieceOppositeColor(FenUtil.getFenCodeFromPieceElem(attributeMutationArr[0].target));
                Interface.log(`Turn updated to ${turn}!`);
        } else {


function sendBestMove() {
    isPlayerTurn = playerColor == null || turn == playerColor;
    if (!isPlayerTurn && !show_opposite_moves) {


function sendBestMoveRequest(fen) {
    reloadChessEngine(false, () => {
        Interface.log('Sending best move request to the engine!');
        if (use_book_moves) {
        } else {

function updateBoard() {

    const FenUtil = new FenUtils();

    currentFen = FenUtil.getFen();




function sleep(ms) {
    return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

function getBestMoves(fen) {
    if (engineIndex != node_engine_id) {
        // local engines
        while (!engine) {
        engine.postMessage(`position fen ${fen}`);

        if (engineMode == DEPTH_MODE) {
            engine.postMessage('go depth ' + current_depth);
        } else {
            engine.postMessage('go movetime ' + current_movetime);

    } else {
        // node server
        console.log("using node server");


function observeNewMoves() {

    const boardObserver = new MutationObserver(mutationArr => {
        const lastPlayerColor = playerColor;


        if (playerColor != lastPlayerColor) {
            Interface.log(`Player color changed from ${lastPlayerColor} to ${playerColor}!`);

        } else {
            updateBestMove( mutationArr);

    boardObserver.observe(chessBoardElem, { childList: true, subtree: true, attributes: true });

function addGuiPages() {
    if (Gui?.document) return;

    Gui.addPage("Main", `
    <div class="rendered-form" id="main-tab">
        <div class="card">
            <div class="card-body" id="chessboard">
                <div class="main-title-bar">
                    <h4 class="card-title">Live Chessboard:</h4>
                    <p id="best-move-progress"></p>

                <div id="board" style="width: 447px"></div>
            <div id="orientation" class="hidden"></div>
            <div class="card-footer card"><input type="button" value="Get Best Move" id="bestmove-btn"></input></div>
            <div class="card-footer sideways-card">FEN :<small class="text-muted"><div id="fen"></div></small></div>
            <div class="card-footer sideways-card">ENEMY SCORE :<div id="enemy-score"></div></div>
            <div class="card-footer sideways-card">MY SCORE : <div id="my-score"></div></div>
        const orientationElem = document.querySelector('#orientation');
        const fenElem = document.querySelector('#fen');

        let board = ChessBoard('board', {
            pieceTheme: '${repositoryRawURL}/content/chesspieces/{piece}.svg',
            position: 'start',
            orientation: '${playerColor == 'b' ? 'black' : 'white'}'

        const orientationObserver = new MutationObserver(() => {
            board = ChessBoard('board', {
                pieceTheme: '${repositoryRawURL}/content/chesspieces/{piece}.svg',
                position: fenElem.textContent,
                orientation: orientationElem.textContent == 'b' ? 'black' : 'white'

        const fenObserver = new MutationObserver(() => {

        orientationObserver.observe(orientationElem, { attributes: true,  childList: true,  characterData: true });
        fenObserver.observe(fenElem, { attributes: true,  childList: true,  characterData: true });

    Gui.addPage('Log', `
    <div class="rendered-form" id="log-tab">
        <div class="card">
            <div class="card-body">
                <h4 class="card-title">Userscript Log:</h4>
                <ul class="list-group" id="userscript-log-container"></ul>
        <div class="card">
            <div class="card-body">
                <h4 class="card-title">Engine Log</h4>
                <ul class="list-group" id="engine-log-container"></ul>

    Gui.addPage('Settings', `
    <div class="rendered-form" id="settings-tab">
        <div class="card">
            <div class="card-body">
                <h4 class="card-title">Engine:</h4>
                <div class="form-group field-select-engine">
                    <select class="form-control" name="select-engine" id="select-engine">
                        <option value="option-lozza" id="select-engine-0">Lozza</option>
                        <option value="option-stockfish" id="select-engine-2">Stockfish 5</option>
                        <option value="option-stockfish2" id="select-engine-3">Stockfish 2018</option>
                        <option value="option-nodeserver" id="select-engine-4">Node Server Engines</option>

				<div id="node-engine-div" style="display:${(engineIndex == node_engine_id) ? 'block' : 'none'};">
                    <label for="engine-url">Engine URL:</label>
                    <input type="text" id="engine-url" value="${node_engine_url}">
					<label for="engine-name">Engine Name:</label>
					<input type="text" id="engine-name" value="${node_engine_name}">

        <div class="card">
            <div class="card-body">
                <h4 class="card-title">Engine Strength:</h4>

			<h7 class="card-title">Engine Mode:</h7>
            <div class="form-group field-select-engine-mode">
                <select class="form-control" name="select-engine-mode" id="select-engine-mode">
                    <option value="option-depth" id="select-engine-mode-0">Depth</option>
                    <option value="option-movetime" id="select-engine-mode-1">Move time</option>
            <h7 class="card-title">Engine Power:</h7>
                <input type="range" class="form-range" min="${MIN_DEPTH}" max="${MAX_DEPTH}" step="1" value="${current_depth}" id="depth-range">
                <input type="number" class="form-range" min="${MIN_DEPTH}" max="${MAX_DEPTH}" value="${current_depth}" id="depth-range-number">
                <input type="range" class="form-range" min="${MIN_MOVETIME}" max="${MAX_MOVETIME}" step="50" value="${current_movetime}" id="movetime-range">
                <input type="number" class="form-range" min="${MIN_MOVETIME}" max="${MAX_MOVETIME}" value="${current_movetime}" id="movetime-range-number">
            <div class="card-footer sideways-card" id="elo">${getEloDescription()}</div>

        <div class="card">
            <div class="card-body">
                <h4 class="card-title">Visual:</h4>
                <input type="checkbox" id="show-opposite-moves" ${show_opposite_moves ? 'checked' : ''}>
                <label for="show-opposite-moves">Show Opponent best moves</label>

                <input type="checkbox" id="display-moves-on-site" ${displayMovesOnSite ? 'checked' : ''}>
                <label for="display-moves-on-site">Display moves on site</label>

        <div class="card">
        <div class="card-body">
            <h4 class="card-title">Other:</h4>

                        <input type="checkbox" id="enable-user-log" ${enableUserLog ? 'checked' : ''}>
                        <label for="enable-user-log">Enable User Scripts Log</label>

                        <input type="checkbox" id="use-book-moves" ${use_book_moves ? 'checked' : ''}>
                        <label for="use-book-moves">Use book moves</label>

                    <div id="reload-count-div" style="display:${node_engine_id == engineIndex ? 'none' : 'block'};">
                        <label for="reload-count">Reload Engine every</label>
                        <input type="number" id="reload-count" value="${reload_every}">
                        <label for="reload-count"> moves</label>


function fixDepthMoveTimeInput(depthRangeElem, depthRangeNumberElem, moveTimeRangeElem, moveTimeRangeNumberElem, eloElem) {
    if (engineMode == DEPTH_MODE) {
        if (isNotCompatibleBrowser()) {
            depthRangeElem.style.display = "none";
            depthRangeNumberElem.style.display = "block";
            moveTimeRangeElem.style.display = "none";
            moveTimeRangeNumberElem.style.display = "none";
        } else {
            depthRangeElem.style.display = "block";
            depthRangeNumberElem.style.display = "none";
            moveTimeRangeElem.style.display = "none";
            moveTimeRangeNumberElem.style.display = "none";
    } else {
        if (isNotCompatibleBrowser()) {
            depthRangeElem.style.display = "none";
            depthRangeNumberElem.style.display = "none";
            moveTimeRangeElem.style.display = "none";
            moveTimeRangeNumberElem.style.display = "block";
        } else {
            depthRangeElem.style.display = "none";
            depthRangeNumberElem.style.display = "none";
            moveTimeRangeElem.style.display = "block";
            moveTimeRangeNumberElem.style.display = "none";

    eloElem.innerText = getEloDescription();


function openGUI() {
    Interface.log(`Opening GUI!`);

    const hide = elem => elem.classList.add('hidden');
    const show = elem => elem.classList.remove('hidden');

    Gui.open(() => {
        const depthRangeElem = Gui.document.querySelector('#depth-range');
        const depthRangeNumberElem = Gui.document.querySelector('#depth-range-number');
        const moveTimeRangeElem = Gui.document.querySelector('#movetime-range');
        const moveTimeRangeNumberElem = Gui.document.querySelector('#movetime-range-number');
        const engineModeElem = Gui.document.querySelector('#select-engine-mode');
        const engineElem = Gui.document.querySelector('#select-engine');
        const engineNameDivElem = Gui.document.querySelector('#node-engine-div');
        const reloadEveryDivElem = Gui.document.querySelector('#reload-count-div');
        const nodeEngineNameElem = Gui.document.querySelector('#engine-name');
        const nodeEngineUrlElem = Gui.document.querySelector('#engine-url');
        const useLocalEngineElem = Gui.document.querySelector('#use-book-moves');
        const showOppositeMovesElem = Gui.document.querySelector('#show-opposite-moves');
        const displayMovesOnSiteElem = Gui.document.querySelector('#display-moves-on-site');
        const openGuiAutomaticallyAdditionalElem = Gui.document.querySelector('#display-moves-on-site-additional');
        const reloadEveryElem = Gui.document.querySelector('#reload-count');
        const enableUserLogElem = Gui.document.querySelector('#enable-user-log');
        const eloElem = Gui.document.querySelector('#elo');
        const getBestMoveElem = Gui.document.querySelector('#bestmove-btn');

        fixDepthMoveTimeInput(depthRangeElem, depthRangeNumberElem, moveTimeRangeElem, moveTimeRangeNumberElem, eloElem);

        engineElem.selectedIndex = engineIndex;
        engineModeElem.selectedIndex = engineMode;

        // compatibility fixed
        if (isNotCompatibleBrowser()) {
            Gui.document.querySelector('#content').style.maxHeight = "500px";
            Gui.document.querySelector('#content').style.overflow = "scroll";
            Gui.document.querySelector('#chessboard').style.display = "none";
            Gui.document.querySelector('#orientation').style.display = "none";
            Gui.document.querySelector('#engine-log-container').style.maxHeight = "100px";
            Gui.document.querySelector('#engine-log-container').style.overflow = "scroll";
            Gui.document.querySelector('#userscript-log-container').style.maxHeight = "100px";
            Gui.document.querySelector('#userscript-log-container').style.overflow = "scroll";

            Gui.document.querySelector('#button-close-gui').addEventListener('click', e => {
                if (closedGui == true) {
                    closedGui = false;
                    Gui.document.querySelector("#content").style.display = "block";
                else {
                    closedGui = true;
                    Gui.document.querySelector("#content").style.display = "none";



        getBestMoveElem.onclick = () => {

        engineModeElem.onchange = () => {
            engineMode = engineModeElem.selectedIndex;

            fixDepthMoveTimeInput(depthRangeElem, depthRangeNumberElem, moveTimeRangeElem, moveTimeRangeNumberElem, eloElem);
        nodeEngineNameElem.onchange = () => {
            node_engine_name = nodeEngineNameElem.value;
        nodeEngineUrlElem.onchange = () => {
            node_engine_url = nodeEngineUrlElem.value;

        enableUserLogElem.onchange = () => {
            const isChecked = enableUserLogElem.checked;

            if (isChecked)
                enableUserLog = true;
                enableUserLog = false;

        reloadEveryElem.onchange = () => {
            reload_every = reloadEveryElem.value;

        engineElem.onchange = () => {
            lastEngine = engineIndex;
            engineIndex = engineElem.selectedIndex;

            if (node_engine_id == engineIndex) {
                reloadEveryDivElem.style.display = "none";
                engineNameDivElem.style.display = "block";

            else {
                reloadEveryDivElem.style.display = "block";
                engineNameDivElem.style.display = "none";

            if (engineObjectURL) {
                engineObjectURL = null;

            reloadChessEngine(true, () => {


                Interface.boardUtils.updateBoardPower(0, 0);


        depthRangeElem.onchange = () => {
            changeEnginePower(depthRangeElem.value, eloElem);

        depthRangeNumberElem.onchange = () => {
            changeEnginePower(depthRangeNumberElem.value, eloElem);

        moveTimeRangeElem.onchange = () => {
            changeEnginePower(moveTimeRangeElem.value, eloElem);

        moveTimeRangeNumberElem.onchange = () => {
            changeEnginePower(moveTimeRangeNumberElem.value, eloElem);

        showOppositeMovesElem.onchange = () => {
            const isChecked = showOppositeMovesElem.checked;

            if (isChecked) {
                show_opposite_moves = true;
            } else {
                show_opposite_moves = false;

        useLocalEngineElem.onchange = () => {
            const isChecked = useLocalEngineElem.checked;

            if (isChecked) {
                use_book_moves = true;
            } else {
                use_book_moves = false;

        displayMovesOnSiteElem.onchange = () => {
            const isChecked = displayMovesOnSiteElem.checked;

            if (isChecked) {
                displayMovesOnSite = true;


            } else {
                displayMovesOnSite = false;


        window.onunload = () => {
            if (Gui.window && !Gui.window.closed) {

        const isWindowClosed = setInterval(() => {
            if (Gui.window.closed) {
                if (engine != null)
        }, 1000);



function changeEnginePower(val, eloElem) {
    if (engineMode == DEPTH_MODE) {
        current_depth = val
    } else {
        current_movetime = val

    eloElem.innerText = getEloDescription();

function reloadChessEngine(forced, callback) {
    // reload only if using local engines
    if (node_engine_id == engineIndex && forced == false)
    else if (reload_count >= reload_every || forced == true) {
        reload_count = 1;
        Interface.log(`Reloading the chess engine!`);

        if (engine)

    else {
        reload_count = reload_count + 1;

function loadChessEngine(callback) {
    if (!engineObjectURL) {
        if (engineIndex == 0)
            engineObjectURL = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([GM_getResourceText('lozza.js')], { type: 'application/javascript' }));
        else if (engineIndex == 1)
            engineObjectURL = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([GM_getResourceText('stockfish.js')], { type: 'application/javascript' }));
        else if (engineIndex == 2)
            engineObjectURL = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([GM_getResourceText('stockfish2.js')], { type: 'application/javascript' }));

    if (engineObjectURL) {
        engine = new Worker(engineObjectURL);

        engine.onmessage = e => {
            if (e.data.includes('bestmove')) {

                let move = e.data.split(' ')[1];
                let move2 = e.data.split(' ')[3];

                moveResult(move.slice(0, 2), move.slice(2, 4), 0, true);


            else if (e.data.includes('info')) {

                const infoObj = LozzaUtils.extractInfo(e.data);

                if (engineMode == DEPTH_MODE) {

                    Interface.updateBestMoveProgress(`Depth: ${infoObj.depth}`);

                } else {

                    Interface.updateBestMoveProgress(`Move time: ${infoObj.time} ms`);




        Interface.log(`Loaded the chess engine!`);


function initializeDatabase() {
    const initValue = (name, value) => {
        if (GM_getValue(name) == undefined) {
            GM_setValue(name, value);

    Interface.log(`Initialized the database!`);

async function updatePlayerColor() {
    const boardOrientation = Interface.getBoardOrientation();

    playerColor = boardOrientation;
    turn = boardOrientation;


async function initialize() {
    Interface = new InterfaceUtils();
    LozzaUtils = new LozzaUtility();

    const boardOrientation = Interface.getBoardOrientation();
    turn = boardOrientation;


    loadChessEngine(() => {





if (typeof GM_registerMenuCommand == 'function') {
    GM_registerMenuCommand("Open C.A.S", e => {
        if (chessBoardElem) {
    }, 's');

const waitForChessBoard = setInterval(() => {
    const boardElem = document.querySelector('chess-board');
    const firstPieceElem = document.querySelector('.piece');

    if (boardElem && firstPieceElem && chessBoardElem != boardElem) {
        chessBoardElem = boardElem;

        if (window.location.href != 'https://www.chess.com/play') {
}, 1000);