
可以为任何网站生成TOC网站目录大纲, 默认是不打开的, 需要去插件菜单里为想要打开 toc 的网站开启开关, 插件会记住这个开关, 下回再打开这个网站会自动根据开关来生成 toc 与否. 高级技巧: 单击TOC拖动栏可以自动暗淡 TOC, 双击TOC拖动栏可以关闭 TOC .

< 脚本auto-toc的反馈

评价:好评 - 脚本运行良好


Personally, I liked the collapse version more than the dim version. It feels less intrusively, as it doesn't overlap visually and doesn't block clicking.


yeah, man. I agree with u, so I put the auto collapse logic back ! haha ! Please check the latest version out !

- delete ul border-left & put shouldCollapse logic back
- delete double-click toc-handle logic & delete turning off auto-wrap logic


Hi again, I've tried out the new update. I had actually been using version 1.42, and it continues to be my favorite. That's because 1. the white background makes the headings easier to read than the translucent background, especially if the page also has text under the TOC; 2. I like the functions to toggle headings wrap and 3. to resize the window.

Version 1.42 is basically the perfect TOC userscript as far as my imagination and preferences go.

