Greasy Fork is available in English.
Click on the Play button to watch and listen the FULL OP/END directly on MAL! Click on the OP/END music number to search for the music title on youtube on a new tab.
这些是代码更新过的版本。 显示所有版本
Updated api url.
Updated to use the newer version of the API
Fixed bug that was making the script not work on entries with symbols in their names.
Minor match regex changes.
Fixed bug that was making the script not work when the entry was opened from the mini search bar.
Fixed bug that was making the script run on any entry related pages, instead of running only on the entry main page.
Fixed bug that was making the script run on pages where it has no need to run.
Fixed script icon.
Improved match rules. Now the script also works when the anime/manga link is opened from the history page.
Fixed bug that was making the buttons not show up, thus making the script not work.
Fixed bug that was making the script show the video below the entry stats for non-users of the script "MyAnimeList (MAL) Enhancements", or when the option "[Details tab] Remove top statistics section" of that script was disabled.
Fixed bug that was making the script not add the play buttons for users of the script "MyAnimeList (MAL) Enhancements", when the option "[Details tab] Remove top statistics section" of that was enabled.
The API the script uses changed a few things and it made the script unable to add the play buttons on MAL, this update fixes this bug.
Minor code improvements. Fixed bug that sometimes was making the script not change the op/end text color when hovered, and that wasn't opening YT when they were clicked. Now you can see the video music title when you hover the play button, use this feature to make sure you are watching the video that corresponds to the mal music text title.
Now the script makes sure that API video Openings are only added to MAL Openings and makes sure that API video Endings are only added to MAL Endings. Now in case the API has Alternative or more Videos than what MAL has listed, the script will create a list named "Alternative Themes" with possible Ops/Ends MAL are missing and/or Alternative Videos.
Fixed bug that was making a few animes show the video of other random animes, because the API changed again.
Fixed bug that was making a few animes show the video of other random animes.
Now the script won't add the video to an iframe, the video will be added to an html5 video tag, seems like this improved the video loading times.
Fixed 2 small bugs that prevented the script from showing the "play" button on some anime pages. The script should now work on all anime pages.
Now the script will work just after the page is scrolled down, this helps preventing the API from being needlessly requested and overused.
Now the script can play the opening/ending videos directly on MAL! Just click on the play button and the video will start!
Now the Op/End will have it's text changed to blue when hovered.
Fixed bug that was making the script not work when 1 or more ops/ends didn't have a number: in front of their title.