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Mutik's DotD Script

Fork of ForTheGoodOfAll DotD script with new look and strongly optimized js code

< 脚本Mutik's DotD Script的反馈

评价:一般 - 脚本能用,但还有一些问题


Looking good but needs a few features

using it on kong and really liking it. It could use a few features though. all coming back to support for the world server. It needs to be able to join world server raids and you need to be able to have different settings for each server. like the filters. I filter out raids i have ap for but that is obviously different on each server


Thank you for your feedback. As you pointed out my script is not yet ready to handle both servers. It's something I like to add in the near future, but it will take considerable amount of time due to massive code changes. Soon I'll recode joining feature so you'll be able to join raids on both servers separately, filtering will go after. Ideally I'd want to make automatic switch of options when player is changing server but it may be impossible, so at least I'll add some kind of sidebar button to change script mode. Stay tuned!


one simple change i would like to see on the filter page is the ability to filter out all raids of a given difficulty in a single click. For instance I would love to be able to say no hard or legendary raids with a single click as opposed to having to click it for each individual raid. i reinstall different os on my computers fairly regularly playing around so have to go through setting up my filters a bit more often than most

