Greasy Fork is available in English. Helper

Learns the wordlist each round and outputs possible words in chat.

提问、发表评价,或者 举报这个脚本

Tobi O 2020-10-23
最新:Tobi O 2020-10-23
差评 nice script
Deleted user 541483 2020-04-27
最新:n0thing作者 2020-04-28
it won't activate when i click alt it won't activate when i click alt
Loaf 2020-04-05
最新:n0thing作者 2020-04-05
alt key doesnt work alt key doesnt work
Quvvy 2019-01-26
最新:n0thing作者 2019-01-29
when i click alt nothing happens ?????
Joey7651 2019-01-16
最新:n0thing作者 2019-01-17
差评 didn't work the script didn't work


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