Twitch - Mute ads and optionally hide them

Automatically mutes the Twitch player when an advertisement started and unmute it once finished. You can also hide ads by setting disableDisplay to true.

过滤:最近 30 日 最近 365 日 所有时间





日期 安装次数 更新检查总次数
2025-01-03 3 653
2025-01-04 3 658
2025-01-05 2 682
2025-01-06 3 669
2025-01-07 4 643
2025-01-08 5 671
2025-01-09 2 649
2025-01-10 1 657
2025-01-11 6 631
2025-01-12 1 651
2025-01-13 2 660
2025-01-14 3 643
2025-01-15 4 661
2025-01-16 3 637
2025-01-17 6 654
2025-01-18 4 602
2025-01-19 4 646
2025-01-20 1 670
2025-01-21 8 659
2025-01-22 8 632
2025-01-23 7 652
2025-01-24 6 654
2025-01-25 4 629
2025-01-26 3 655
2025-01-27 4 642
2025-01-28 2 664
2025-01-29 2 638
2025-01-30 1 617
2025-01-31 2 626
2025-02-01 3 572
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