Video Element Rate Controller Re-dux

Add keyboard shortcuts that will increase/decrease the playback rate for video elements.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Video Element Rate Controller Re-dux
// @namespace
// @version      2.4
// @description  Add keyboard shortcuts that will increase/decrease the playback rate for video elements.
// @include      http*://**
// @include      http*://**
// @include      http*://**
// @include*
// @include*/videos/*
// @include*
// @grant        GM_registerMenuCommand

// ==/UserScript==
/* jshint esversion: 6 */
// if you want to extend the functionality of this script to other sites
// besides youtube, add additional @include keys to the metadata block.
// if you want to change the default playback rate from 1x, change the line
// "var currentPlaybackRate = 1;" to equal something other than 1, like 1.3 to
// have all videos start playing at an increased speed, or 0.7 to have all
// videos start playing at a decreased speed.
// if you want change the granularity of the playback rate adjustment, change
// the line "var speedStep = 0.1;" to equal something other than 0.1, like 0.01
// for more granular adjustments, or 0.25 for less granular adjustments.

// These values are the default values for initialization
let speedStep = 0.1;
let displayTimeMilliSec = 1500;

let timeoutID = null;
const infobox = document.createElement('h1');
let showValuesOnVideo = true; // true to show new value on the video
let keyIncreaseSpeed = ']';
let keyReduceSpeed = '[';
let keyResetSpeed = '\\';

function getVal(variable) {
    let value;
    let storage = (localStorage || (sessionStorage ||
        (window.content.localStorage ? window.content.localStorage : null)));
    try {
        switch (variable) {
            case 'speedStep':
                value = storage.getItem('VERCRspeedStep');
                return Number(value);
            case 'displayTimeMilliSec':
                value = storage.getItem('VERCRdisplayTimeMS');
                return Number(value);
            case 'keyIncreaseSpeed':
                return value;
            case 'keyReduceSpeed':
                return value;
            case 'keyResetSpeed':
                return value;
                return null;
    } catch (e) {
        if ( === 'NS_ERROR_FILE_CORRUPTED') {
            storage = sessionStorage || null; // set the new storage if fails
            storage.setItem('VERCRspeedStep', speedStep);
            storage.setItem('VERCRdisplayTimeMS', displayTimeMilliSec);
    //console.log('Variable "' + variable + '" is ' + value);

function setVal(variable, value) {
    let storage = (localStorage || (sessionStorage ||
        (window.content.localStorage ? window.content.localStorage : null)));
    try {
        switch (variable) {
        case 'speedStep':
            storage.setItem('VERCRspeedStep', Number(value));
            //console.log(`Setting "${variable}" to ${value}`);
            return value;
        case 'displayTimeMilliSec':
            storage.setItem('VERCRdisplayTimeMS', Number(value));
            //console.log(`Setting "${variable}" to ${value}`);
            return value;
            return null;
    } catch (e) {
        if ( === 'NS_ERROR_FILE_CORRUPTED') {
            storage = sessionStorage || null; // set the new storage if fails
            storage.setItem('VERCRspeedStep', speedStep);
            storage.setItem('VERCRdisplayTimeMS', displayTimeMilliSec);

function GMsetup() {
    if (GM_registerMenuCommand) {
        GM_registerMenuCommand('Set adjustment rate', () => {
            const curEntry = getVal('speedStep');
            speedStep = prompt('New adjustment rate:\n(e.g., 0.1 = 10% faster)', curEntry);
            if (speedStep !== null) {
                while (isNaN(speedStep)) {
                    speedStep = prompt('Please input a valid number!\n\nNew adjustment rate:\n(e.g., 0.1 = 10% faster)', curEntry);
                setVal('speedStep', speedStep);
        // GM_registerMenuCommand('Video Rate Re-dux: Set keyboard shortcuts', () => {
        //     const curEntry = `${getVal('keyIncreaseSpeed')}, ${getVal('keyReduceSpeed')}, ${getVal('keyResetSpeed')}`;
        //     // W.I.P.
        // });
        GM_registerMenuCommand('Set display timeout', () => {
            const curEntry = getVal('displayTimeMilliSec');
            displayTimeMilliSec = prompt('New display timeout length (in milliseconds):', curEntry);
            if (displayTimeMilliSec !== null) {
                while (isNaN(displayTimeMilliSec)) {
                    displayTimeMilliSec = prompt('Please input a valid number!\n\nNew display timeout length (in milliseconds):', curEntry);
                setVal('displayTimeMilliSec', displayTimeMilliSec);

function init() {
    let VERCRspeedStep = localStorage.getItem('VERCRspeedStep');
    let VERCRdisplayTimeMS = localStorage.getItem('VERCRdisplayTimeMS');
    if (!VERCRspeedStep) {
        VERCRspeedStep = speedStep;
        localStorage.setItem('VERCRspeedStep', Number(VERCRspeedStep));
    if (!VERCRdisplayTimeMS) {
        VERCRdisplayTimeMS = displayTimeMilliSec;
        localStorage.setItem('VERCRdisplayTimeMS', Number(VERCRdisplayTimeMS));

function showInfobox(rate) {
    // update rate indicator.
    infobox.innerHTML = `${rate}x`;
    // show infobox = 'visible';
    // clear out any previous timers and have the infobox hide after the pre-set time period
    timeoutID = window.setTimeout(() => { = 'hidden';
    }, getVal('displayTimeMilliSec'));

function setPlaybackRate(rate, shouldShowInfobox) {
    // grab the video elements and set their playback rate.
    const videoElement = document.getElementsByTagName('video')[0];
    videoElement.playbackRate = rate;
    // add infobox to dom if it doesn't already exist.
    if (videoElement && !document.getElementById('playbackrate-indicator')) {
    if (shouldShowInfobox) {


// mimic vlc keyboard shortcuts
function addKeyListener() {
    window.addEventListener('keydown', (event) => {
        const key = event.key;
        const videoElement = document.getElementsByTagName('video')[0];
        let currentPlaybackRate = videoElement.playbackRate;
        speedStep = getVal('speedStep');
        if (key === keyReduceSpeed) {
            currentPlaybackRate = parseFloat((currentPlaybackRate - speedStep).toFixed(3));
            //console.log(`Raising "currentPlaybackRate" to ${currentPlaybackRate}`);
            setPlaybackRate(currentPlaybackRate, showValuesOnVideo);
        } else if (key === keyIncreaseSpeed) {
            currentPlaybackRate = parseFloat((currentPlaybackRate + speedStep).toFixed(3));
            //console.log(`Lowering "currentPlaybackRate" to ${currentPlaybackRate}`);
            setPlaybackRate(currentPlaybackRate, showValuesOnVideo);
        } else if (key === keyResetSpeed) {
            currentPlaybackRate = 1;
            setPlaybackRate(currentPlaybackRate, showValuesOnVideo);

function onReady() {

function wait(time) {
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
        setTimeout(() => {
        }, time);

function main() {
    infobox.setAttribute('id', 'playbackrate-indicator'); = 'absolute'; = '10%'; = '10%'; = 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 1)'; = '99999'; // ensures that it shows above other elements. = 'hidden'; = '3%';
    if (document.readyState !== 'loading') {
        onReady(); // Or setTimeout(onReady, 0); if you want it consistently async
    } else {
        document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', onReady);
