Youtube Logo - Link to subscriptions feed

Change YouTube logo link to user's subscription feed instead of homepage, when logged in, for 2017 and later YouTube layout.

< 脚本Youtube Logo - Link to subscriptions feed的反馈

评价:一般 - 脚本能用,但还有一些问题


Script wasn't working, not even loading, changed the include line.

I was looking for a script like this a while back but could never get it to work, I tried a few different ones and got nothing. I was noticing Tampermonkey wasn't even loading this one at all so went to check the script and see if I could figure it out (I don't know anything about scripting):

This line right here was my problem:

// @include /http|https://.*\.youtube\..*/

Don't know why it would work for everyone else but not me. I looked at some other scripts and changed that line to:

// @include *://*.youtube.*/*

And now it works.

Deleted user 84694

The script owner needs to see this soon.


I've changed to .tld, is this working for you? Volientmonkey didn't support tld until September last year


No, still doing the same thing. I use TamperMonkey on Chrome so I tried installing ViolentMonkey but same issue, doesn't work without me changing that line.

No, still doing the same thing. I use TamperMonkey on Chrome so I tried installing ViolentMonkey but same issue, doesn't work without me changing that line.

The problem I had was *.youtube.*/* was executing on many pages not just youtube websites.

Any luck with *://*.youtube.tld/*

No, still doing the same thing. I use TamperMonkey on Chrome so I tried installing ViolentMonkey but same issue, doesn't work without me changing that line.
The problem I had was *.youtube.*/* was executing on many pages not just youtube websites.

Any luck with *://*.youtube.tld/*

That works

